[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8706 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8706

To ensure equal protection of the law, to prevent racism in the Federal 
                  Government, and for other purposes.



                             June 12, 2024

    Mr. Cloud (for himself, Mr. Nehls, Ms. Tenney, Mrs. Lesko, Mrs. 
Harshbarger, Mr. Moore of Alabama, Mr. Ogles, Mrs. Miller of Illinois, 
  Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Self, Mr. Mooney, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Higgins of 
 Louisiana, Mr. Yakym, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Luna, and Mr. Bishop of North 
  Carolina) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the 
   Committee on Oversight and Accountability, and in addition to the 
    Committees on the Judiciary, Education and the Workforce, Armed 
  Services, Foreign Affairs, Financial Services, Energy and Commerce, 
Transportation and Infrastructure, and Intelligence (Permanent Select), 
for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case 
for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of 
                        the committee concerned


                                 A BILL

To ensure equal protection of the law, to prevent racism in the Federal 
                  Government, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Dismantle DEI Act of 2024''.


    The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title.
Sec. 2. Table of contents.
Sec. 3. Prohibited diversity, equity, or inclusion practice defined.

Sec. 101. Executive orders and memoranda rescinded.
Sec. 102. Office of Personnel Management.
Sec. 103. Office of Management and Budget.
Sec. 104. Prohibited use of funds.
Sec. 105. DEI offices closed.
Sec. 106. Prohibited personnel practices.
                       TITLE II--FEDERAL TRAINING

Sec. 201. Government-wide training.
Sec. 202. Use of funds.

Sec. 301. Required contract terms.
Sec. 302. Prohibition on discrimination.
Sec. 303. Prohibited use of funds.

Sec. 401. Required grant agreement terms.
Sec. 402. Required cooperative agreement terms.

Sec. 501. Prohibited diversity, equity, and inclusion practices.
Sec. 502. Administrator responsibilities.
Sec. 503. Agency head responsibilities.
                          TITLE VI--EDUCATION

Sec. 601. Standards for accreditation of accrediting agencies and 
Sec. 602. Prohibited use of funds by the Secretary of Education.
                        TITLE VII--OTHER MATTERS

Sec. 701. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Federal Home Loan Banks, and Federal 
                            Housing Finance Agency.
Sec. 702. Capital markets regulation; corporate boards; self-regulatory 
Sec. 703. Health and Human Services.
Sec. 704. Repeal of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs of 
                            Department of Defense.
Sec. 705. Department of Homeland Security and Coast Guard.
Sec. 706. Director of National Intelligence.

Sec. 801. Enforcement; private cause of action.
Sec. 802. Severability.


    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000a et seq.) is amended 
by adding at the end the following:



    ``For purposes of references to this section, the term `prohibited 
diversity, equity, or inclusion practice' means--
            ``(1) discriminating for or against any person on the basis 
        of race, color, ethnicity, religion, biological sex, or 
        national origin;
            ``(2) requiring as a condition of employment, as a 
        condition for promotion or advancement, or as a condition for 
        speaking, making a presentation, or submitting written 
        materials, that an employee undergo training, education, or 
        coursework, or other pedagogy, that asserts that a particular 
        race, color, ethnicity, religion, biological sex, or national 
        origin is inherently or systemically superior or inferior, 
        oppressive or oppressed, or privileged or unprivileged; or
            ``(3) requiring as a condition of employment, as a 
        condition for promotion or advancement, or as a condition for 
        speaking, making a presentation, or submitting written 
        materials, the signing of or assent to a statement, code of 
        conduct, work program, or plan, or similar device that requires 
        assent by the employee that a particular race, color, 
        ethnicity, religion, biological sex, or national origin is 
        inherently or systemically superior or inferior, oppressive or 
        oppressed, or privileged or unprivileged.''.



    (a) Rescinded Executive Orders and Memoranda.--
            (1) In general.--With respect to an Executive order or 
        memoranda described in paragraph (2)--
                    (A) the Executive order or memoranda--
                            (i) shall not have any legal effect; and
                            (ii) is revoked in its entirety; and
                    (B) no funds appropriated or otherwise made 
                available by law shall be used to--
                            (i) implement or comply with the Executive 
                        order or memoranda; or
                            (ii) further any of the provisions or 
                        purposes of the Executive order or memoranda.
            (2) Executive orders and memoranda described.--The 
        Executive orders and memoranda described in this paragraph are 
        the following:
                    (A) Executive Order 13985 (5 U.S.C. 601 note; 
                relating to advancing racial equity and support for 
                underserved communities through the Federal 
                    (B) Executive Order 13988 (42 U.S.C. 2000e note; 
                relating to preventing and combating discrimination on 
                the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation).
                    (C) Executive Order 14020, (42 U.S.C. 2000e note; 
                relating to the establishment of the White House Gender 
                Policy Council).
                    (D) Executive Order 14031 (42 U.S.C. 3501 note; 
                relating to advancing equity, justice, and opportunity 
                for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific 
                    (E) Executive Order 14035 (42 U.S.C. 2000e note; 
                relating to diversity, equity, inclusion, and 
                accessibility in the Federal workforce).
                    (F) Executive Order 14091 (5 U.S.C. 601 note; 
                relating to further advancing racial equity and support 
                for underserved communities through the Federal 
                    (G) The National Security Memorandum on 
                ``Revitalizing America's Foreign Policy and National 
                Security Workforce, Institutions, and Partnerships 
                (NSM-03)'', dated February 4, 2021.
                    (H) The National Security Memorandum on Advancing 
                the ``Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, 
                Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons Around the 
                World (NSM-04)'', dated February 4, 2021.
    (b) Carrying Out Rescinded Executive Orders and Memoranda.--The 
head of an executive agency, as defined in section 105 of title 5, 
United States Code, may not carry out an Executive order or memorandum 
described in subsection (a)(2).
    (c) Programs and Office.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of 
        enactment of this Act, the head of a Federal agency under which 
        any program or office carries out an Executive order or 
        memorandum described in subsection (a)(2) between the date of 
        enactment of this Act and 90 days after the date of enactment 
        of this Act shall close, terminate, and wind up the program or 
            (2) No reassignment.--The head of a Federal agency that 
        closes, terminates, and winds up a program or office under 
        paragraph (1)--
                    (A) shall undertake an appropriate reduction in 
                force; and
                    (B) may not transfer, reassign, or redesignate any 
                employee or contractor with a position or function that 
                is eliminated by operation of this subsection.


    (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Personnel 
Management shall--
            (1) revise all regulations, policies, procedures, manuals, 
        circulars, courses, training, and guidance of the Office such 
        that all such material is in compliance with and consistent 
        with this Act and the amendments made by this Act;
            (2) revise so as to effectively rescind all regulations, 
        policies, procedures, manuals, circulars, courses, training, 
        and guidance of the Office that were promulgated, adopted, or 
        implemented to comply with the Executive orders and memoranda 
        described in section 101(a)(2);
            (3) terminate, close, and wind up the Office of Diversity, 
        Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility of the Office of Personnel 
        Management (referred to in this paragraph as ``ODEIA'') and 
        undertake an appropriate reduction in force with respect to, 
        and not transfer, reassign, or redesignate any, employees or 
        contractors of ODEIA, the positions or functions of whom are 
        eliminated by operation of this Act or the amendments made by 
        this Act; and
            (4) terminate, close, and wind up the Chief Diversity 
        Officers Executive Council and undertake an appropriate 
        reduction in force with respect to, and not transfer, reassign, 
        or redesignate any, employees or contractors of that Council, 
        the positions or functions of whom are eliminated by operation 
        of this Act or the amendments made by this Act.
    (b) Chief Diversity Officers Executive Council Charter.--Effective 
on the date of enactment of this Act, the charter of the Chief 
Diversity Officers Executive Council is revoked.
    (c) Prohibition on Racism in Government.--Section 1104 of title 5, 
United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
    ``(d)(1) In this subsection, the term `prohibited diversity, 
equity, or inclusion practice' has the meaning given the term in 
section 1201 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
    ``(2) Racist behavior and racist training in the Government are 
prohibited, including any of the following:
            ``(A) Discriminating for or against any person on the basis 
        of race, color, ethnicity, religion, biological sex, or 
        national origin.
            ``(B) Training, education, coursework, or use of other 
        pedagogy, that asserts that a particular race, color, 
        ethnicity, religion, biological sex, or national origin is 
        inherently or systemically superior or inferior, oppressive or 
        oppressed, or privileged or unprivileged.
            ``(C) Maintaining an office, bureau, division, or other 
        organization to further promote or enforce a prohibited 
        diversity, equity, or inclusion practice.
            ``(D) Retaining or employing a consultant or advisor to 
        further promote or enforce a prohibited diversity, equity, or 
        inclusion practice.
            ``(E) Maintaining a rule, a regulation, a policy, guidance, 
        a guideline, management control, a practice, a requirement, 
        training, education, coursework, or a similar device to further 
        promote or enforce a prohibited diversity, equity, or inclusion 
            ``(F) Requiring as a condition of employment, as a 
        condition for promotion or advancement, or as a condition for 
        speaking, making a presentation, or submitting written 
        materials, the signing of or assent to a statement, code of 
        conduct, work program, or plan, or similar device that requires 
        assent by the employee that a particular race, color, 
        ethnicity, religion, biological sex, or national origin is 
        inherently or systemically superior or inferior, oppressive or 
        oppressed, or privileged or unprivileged.
    ``(3) The Office shall establish standards that shall--
            ``(A) apply to the activities of the Office or any other 
        agency under authority delegated under subsection (a);
            ``(B) prohibit racist behavior and racist training in the 
        Government, as described in paragraph (2) of this subsection;
            ``(C) ensure compliance with this subsection;
            ``(D) ensure compliance with section 717 of the Civil 
        Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e-16); and
            ``(E) be in accordance with the merit system principles 
        under section 2301.
    ``(4) The Office shall establish and maintain an oversight program 
to ensure that activities under any authority delegated under 
subsection (a)--
            ``(A) prohibit racist behavior and racist training in the 
        Government, as described in paragraph (2) of this subsection;
            ``(B) ensure compliance with this subsection;
            ``(C) ensure compliance with section 717 of the Civil 
        Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e-16); and
            ``(D) are in accordance with the merit system principles 
        under section 2301.''.


    Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, 
the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall--
            (1) revise all regulations, policies, procedures, manuals, 
        circulars, courses, training, and guidance of the Office of 
        Management and Budget to ensure those regulations, policies, 
        procedures, manuals, circulars, courses, training, and guidance 
        are in compliance and consistent with this Act and the 
        amendments made by this Act;
            (2) rescind all regulations, policies, procedures, manuals, 
        circulars, courses, training, and guidance of the Office of 
        Management and Budget that were promulgated, adopted, or 
        implemented to comply with the Executive orders and memoranda 
        described in section 101(a)(2);
            (3) rescind the version of Circular A-4 of the Office of 
        Management and Budget adopted on November 9, 2023; and
            (4) replace the circular described in paragraph (3) with a 
        version of the circular that--
                    (A) is identical to or substantially similar to the 
                version of the circular as in effect on November 8, 
                2023; or
                    (B)(i) is--
                            (I) consistent in all respects with this 
                            (II) eliminates all references to 
                        diversity, equity and inclusion, racial 
                        diversity, racial equity, or racial inclusion 
                        unless such references are clearly consistent 
                                    (aa) equal opportunity principles;
                                    (bb) the principles of the Civil 
                                Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000a et 
                                seq.); or
                                    (cc) equal protection of the law 
                                principles; and
                    (ii) does not engage in or permit prohibited 
                diversity, equity, or inclusion practices.


    (a) Agency Defined.--In this chapter, the term ``agency'' has the 
meaning given the term in section 3502 of title 44.
    (b) Stopping Racism in the Federal Government.--
            (1) In general.--No Federal funds appropriated or otherwise 
        made available by law shall be used for the purpose of 
        maintaining in any agency an--
                    (A) office relating to diversity, equity, 
                inclusion, or accessibility; or
                    (B) a substantially similar office.
            (2) Prohibition.--No Federal funds appropriated or 
        otherwise made available by law shall be used for the purposes 
                    (A) maintaining in any agency the Chief Diversity 
                Officers Executive Council or a substantially similar 
                    (B) maintaining or employing in any agency a chief 
                diversity officer or a substantially similar officer;
                    (C) subject to paragraph (3), developing, 
                implementing, distributing, or publishing in any 
                            (i) plans, strategic plan, reports, or 
                        surveys relating to diversity, equity, 
                        inclusion, and accessibility;
                            (ii) action plans, reports, or surveys 
                        relating to equity or substantially similar 
                        plans, reports, or surveys;
                    (D) developing, implementing, or maintaining in any 
                agency an employee resource group or an affinity group 
                based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, national 
                origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity;
                    (E) developing, implementing, or maintaining in any 
                agency an agency equity team or a substantially similar 
                    (F) maintaining the White House Environmental 
                Justice Interagency Council or a substantially similar 
                    (G) maintaining the Equitable Data Working Group or 
                substantially similar group;
                    (H) developing, implementing, distributing, 
                publishing, establishing, or purchasing in any agency--
                            (i) a training course relating to--
                                    (I) diversity;
                                    (II) equity;
                                    (III) inclusion;
                                    (IV) a critical theory relating to 
                                race, gender, or otherwise; or
                                    (V) intersectionality; or
                            (ii) a training course substantiality 
                        similar to a training course described in 
                        clause (i)