[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 1284 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
H. RES. 1284

Expressing gratitude and appreciation for the bravery and valor of the 
  Allied forces who participated in the Normandy landings on the 80th 
                   anniversary of Operation Overlord.



                              June 7, 2024

    Mrs. Miller-Meeks (for herself and Ms. Sherrill) submitted the 
  following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Armed 
 Services, and in addition to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs, and 
  Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the 
  Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall 
           within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned



Expressing gratitude and appreciation for the bravery and valor of the 
  Allied forces who participated in the Normandy landings on the 80th 
                   anniversary of Operation Overlord.

Whereas June 6, 2024, marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the first day of the 
        Normandy landings conducted by Allied forces during World War II;
Whereas, on June 6, 1944, Operation Overlord began, which initiated the Normandy 
Whereas, to prepare for the Normandy landing, Allied forces engaged in 
        intelligence, reconnaissance, surveillance, and military deception 
        operations and developed new technologies;
Whereas the Normandy landings are the largest seaborne invasion and amphibious 
        assault in naval history, with approximately 156,000 Allied troops 
        having landed, 11,500 aircraft having supported landings, and 6,900 
        naval vessels having participated;
Whereas, during the operation, Allied troops landed on Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, 
        Gold Beach, Juno Beach, and Sword Beach, all of which were in France;
Whereas the naval invasion fleet encompassed approximately 6,900 vessels, 4,100 
        various landing crafts, 1,200 warships, 860 merchant vessels, and 715 
        ancillary craft;
Whereas Allied military personnel persevered despite poor weather conditions 
        that delayed the operations by 24 hours;
Whereas the Normandy landings ended on August 30, 1944, resulting in an Allied 
        victory that led to the beginning of the liberation of France and 
        established the foundation for Allied victory on the Western Front;
Whereas, during the landings, Allied forces landed over 2,000,000 troops in 
        northern France suffering more than 225,000 casualties, 153,000 of whom 
        were wounded and 72,900 of whom were killed or missing; and
Whereas, today, the Normandy American Cemetery is home to the final resting 
        place of over 9,300 Americans who lost their lives in service during the 
        Normandy landings and in the establishment of the beachhead: Now, 
        therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
            (1) recognizes the 80th anniversary of the Normandy 
        landings on D-Day and calls on all citizens of the United 
        States to observe the anniversary with appropriate 
        commemorative ceremonies;
            (2) honors the Allied troops who served during the Normandy 
        landings and lost their lives;
            (3) acknowledges that the rapidly aging population of World 
        War II veterans currently alive is swiftly diminishing, leading 
        to the growing disappearance of first-hand accounts of such 
        wartime experience, making it vital to expand educational 
        activities that teach about the historical importance of the 
        Normandy landings; and
            (4) expresses sincere gratitude to the Greatest Generation 
        who selflessly, courageously, and fearlessly fought for the 
        freedoms that all Americans benefit from today, at great 
        personal cost.