[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8603 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8603

 To direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish a pilot program 
   for a Federal and State multi-entity pass accepted by one or more 
Federal land management agencies and one or more State land management 
                   agencies, and for other purposes.



                              June 4, 2024

 Mr. Collins introduced the following bill; which was referred to the 
                     Committee on Natural Resources


                                 A BILL

 To direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish a pilot program 
   for a Federal and State multi-entity pass accepted by one or more 
Federal land management agencies and one or more State land management 
                   agencies, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Recreation and Outdoor Access 
Membership Act'' or the ``ROAM Act''.


    (a) In General.--Not later than 2 years after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall begin implementing a pilot 
program to issue a pass for a specified period not to exceed 12 months 
that allows entry into parks and other outdoor recreation areas under 
the jurisdiction of one or more Federal land management agencies and 
one or more State land management agencies in States located in the 
National Park Service Southeastern Region.
    (b) Partnership Agreements.--
            (1) In general.--Before including entry into a State park 
        and other outdoor recreation area as part of a multi-entity 
        pass, the Secretary shall enter into a partnership agreement, 
        with the appropriate State land management agencies, that 
        includes the following regarding the multi-entity pass:
                    (A) Consent of the required State entities.
                    (B) The price of the multi-entity pass.
                    (C) The distribution of revenues between the 
                Federal and State agencies.
                    (D) The sharing of costs between the Federal and 
                State agencies.
                    (E) The benefits provided by the multi-entity pass.
                    (F) Marketing and design of the multi-entity pass.
                    (G) The terms of issuance of the multi-entity pass, 
                including to volunteers, veterans, and other groups 
                that or individuals who may receive a free or 
                discounted multi-entity pass.
            (2) No net revenue loss.--The Secretary--
                    (A) shall take into consideration all relevant 
                visitor and sales data available when entering into an 
                agreement under this section; and
                    (B) shall not enter into an agreement that would 
                result in the Secretary or the relevant States 
                collecting less net revenue for multi-entity passes 
                under this section than the Secretary or the relevant 
                States, respectively, would collect from non-multi-
                entity passes for entry into the same parks and outdoor 
                recreation areas.
    (c) Sunset.--
            (1) Authority.--The authority of the Secretary under this 
        section shall expire 4 years after the effective date of the 
        first partnership agreement entered into by the Secretary under 
        subsection (b).
            (2) Multi-entity passes.--The Secretary shall not issue a 
        multi-entity pass under the program required under subsection 
        (a) after the date that is 3 years after that program is 


    Not later than 5 years after the effective date of the first 
partnership agreement entered into by the Secretary under section 2(b), 
the Secretary shall submit a report to Congress that includes--
            (1) the outcome of the pilot program; and
            (2) a recommendation regarding whether or not to implement 
        the pilot program permanently nationwide.


    In this Act, the following apply:
            (1) Multi-entity pass.--The term ``multi-entity pass'' 
        means a pass for entry into parks and other outdoor recreation 
        areas under the jurisdiction of one or more Federal land 
        management agencies and one or more State land management 
        agencies issued under the pilot program established pursuant to 
        section 2(a).
            (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
        of the Interior.