[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 1272 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
H. RES. 1272

 Calling on the Biden Administration to pursue censure of Iran at the 
   International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), refer the issue to the 
United Nations Security Council, and reaffirm that all measures will be 
  taken to prevent the regime in Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.



                              June 3, 2024

  Mr. Lawler (for himself, Mr. Moskowitz, Mr. James, Ms. Tenney, Mr. 
     Ciscomani, Mrs. Kim of California, Mr. Nunn of Iowa, and Mr. 
 Gottheimer) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to 
                    the Committee on Foreign Affairs



 Calling on the Biden Administration to pursue censure of Iran at the 
   International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), refer the issue to the 
United Nations Security Council, and reaffirm that all measures will be 
  taken to prevent the regime in Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Whereas the Government of Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism, 
        supporting proxies that undermine peace in the Middle East, seek the 
        destruction of the State of Israel, target United States Armed Forces in 
        the region, and threaten the freedom of navigation, including in the Red 
Whereas Iran's nuclear activities, including its enrichment of near weapons-
        grade uranium and installation of advanced centrifuges, and expanding 
        missile and drone program pose a significant threat to international 
Whereas the Government of Iran has amassed large stockpiles of enriched uranium, 
        including uranium enriched to 60 percent purity, and has developed 
        advanced centrifuge technology, significantly reducing the time required 
        to produce weapons-grade uranium;
Whereas, according to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy 
        Agency (IAEA), Iran's nuclear enrichment activities have accelerated to 
        the point where the regime can now produce enough weapons-grade uranium 
        for multiple nuclear weapons within days;
Whereas missiles developed through the regime's expanding missile program, 
        including the development of long-range ballistic missiles, could serve 
        as delivery vehicles for nuclear weapons, thereby increasing the threat 
        posed by the nuclear capabilities of the regime;
Whereas the Government of Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons would have 
        catastrophic consequences for regional and global security and undermine 
        the integrity of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 
        done at Washington, London, and Moscow July 1, 1968 (commonly referred 
        to as the ``Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty'' or the ``NPT'') ;
Whereas the Government of Iran ratified the NPT in 1970 and continues to be a 
        state party to the treaty;
Whereas Article III of the NPT states, ``Each Non-nuclear-weapon State Party to 
        the Treaty undertakes to accept safeguards, as set forth in an agreement 
        to be negotiated and concluded with the International Atomic Energy 
Whereas the IAEA has repeatedly reported on the non-compliance of the Government 
        of Iran with its NPT-required safeguards agreement, including the 
        discovery of undeclared nuclear materials and activities at various 
        sites and a recent violation of modified code 3.1 by beginning 
        construction of a new reactor known as IR-360;
Whereas the regime in Iran has barred IAEA inspectors from fully monitoring its 
        nuclear activities and continues to refuse to cooperate with 
        investigations into its undeclared nuclear materials and activities; and
Whereas the United States has a responsibility to use its voice and vote at 
        international fora to advance global efforts to hold the Government of 
        Iran accountable for its violations of international non-proliferation 
        agreements including the NPT; Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
            (1) reaffirms that the United States Government will take 
        all necessary measures to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear 
            (2) calls on the Biden Administration to pursue a 
        resolution at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 
        Board of Governors, formally censuring the Government of Iran 
        for its noncompliance with its Comprehensive Safeguard 
        Agreement as required by the NPT, and to refer the issue to the 
        United Nations Security Council;
            (3) urges the Biden Administration to work with partners 
        and allies of the United States to pursue punitive actions in 
        response to violations by the Government of Iran, including but 
        not limited to working with the coalition of France, the United 
        Kingdom, and Germany (known as the ``E3'') to prevent nuclear 
        related restrictions under United Nations Security Council 
        Resolution 2231 (2015) from lapsing, to re-impose sanctions 
        that remain lifted by such resolution, and other measures to 
        enforce compliance with non-proliferation obligations;
            (4) condemns Iran's continued obstruction of basic 
        monitoring and verification activities by the IAEA, as well as 
        its refusal to provide technically credible explanations for 
        the presence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities at 
        sites across Iran;
            (5) acknowledges the critical role of the IAEA in 
        monitoring and verifying nuclear non-proliferation and calls 
        for continued support for the IAEA to ensure robust oversight 
        of Iran's nuclear activities;
            (6) acknowledges the important foundation the NPT provides 
        for the global non-proliferation regime and that any effort to 
        normalize violations of the NPT by the Government of Iran will 
        only serve to further erode global non-proliferation standards;
            (7) supports the imposition of robust sanctions on the 
        Government of Iran for it nuclear and missile programs and on 
        entities and individuals involved in these programs to deter 
        further proliferation efforts; and
            (8) emphasizes the need for a coordinated international 
        response to address the threat posed by Iran's nuclear program 
        and calls on all nations to join the United States in taking 
        decisive action to ensure Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons 
        and to uphold nuclear non-proliferation standards in the Middle 
        East and beyond.