[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8574 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8574

To amend the Public Health Service Act to reform the 340B drug pricing 
                    program, and for other purposes.



                              May 28, 2024

Mr. Bucshon (for himself, Mr. Carter of Georgia, and Mrs. Harshbarger) 
 introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on 
   Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and 
 Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in 
   each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the 
                jurisdiction of the committee concerned


                                 A BILL

To amend the Public Health Service Act to reform the 340B drug pricing 
                    program, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``340B Affording 
Care for Communities and Ensuring a Strong Safety-net Act'' or the 
``340B ACCESS Act''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Definitions.
Sec. 3. Prevention of Medicaid duplicate discounts; oversight of 
                            covered entities.
Sec. 4. Hospital child site requirements.
Sec. 5. Contract pharmacies.
Sec. 6. Ensuring patient affordability of drugs purchased under section 
Sec. 7. Requirements for nonhospital covered entities and subgrantees.
Sec. 8. Claims modifiers; covered entity data submission.
Sec. 9. Covered entity reporting on scope of grant, contract, and 
Sec. 10. Ensuring covered entity transparency.
Sec. 11. Revisions to existing 340B hospital eligibility requirements.
Sec. 12. Additional requirements for 340B hospitals.
Sec. 13. 340B program.
Sec. 14. Audits of private nonhospital contracts with State and local 
Sec. 15. Ensuring covered entity compliance with transparency 
Sec. 16. 340B claims data clearinghouse.
Sec. 17. Limitation on administrator service fees and contract pharmacy 
Sec. 18. Clarification.
Sec. 19. Ensuring the equitable treatment of 340B covered entities and 
                            pharmacies participating in the 340B drug 
                            discount program.
Sec. 20. Effective date.


    (a) Definition of Patient.--Section 340B(b) of the Public Health 
Service Act (42 U.S.C. 256b(b)) is amended by adding at the end the 
            ``(3) Patient.--
                    ``(A) In general.--In this section, the term 
                `patient' means, with respect to a covered entity 
                described in subsection (a)(4), an individual who, on a 
                prescription-by-prescription or order-by-order basis--
                            ``(i) is dispensed or administered a 
                        covered outpatient drug that is--
                                    ``(I) directly related to the 
                                service described in clause (iii);
                                    ``(II) ordered or prescribed by a 
                                covered entity provider described in 
                                clause (ii) as a result of the service 
                                described in clause (iii); and
                                    ``(III) dispensed or administered 
                                on site at a covered entity location, a 
                                child site (as defined in subsection 
                                (a)(5)(E)), or an entity pharmacy (as 
                                defined in subsection (a)(5)(F)) listed 
                                in the identification system described 
                                in subsection (d)(2)(B)(iv), or on site 
                                at a contract pharmacy in accordance 
                                with subsection (a)(5)(F) or dispensed 
                                through a mail order pharmacy in 
                                accordance with subsection (a)(5)(F);
                            ``(ii) receives the health care service 
                        described in clause (iii) from a `covered 
                        entity provider', meaning a health care 
                        professional who either--
                                    ``(I) is an employee or independent 
                                contractor of the covered entity, such 
                                that the covered entity bills for 
                                services furnished by the health care 
                                professional and is responsible for the 
                                care furnished by such professional; or
                                    ``(II) furnishes health care 
                                services under an ongoing contractual 
                                obligation to the covered entity such 
                                that responsibility for the care 
                                provided remains with the covered 
                                entity and meets the other requirements 
                                in this paragraph, in the event State 
                                law prohibits or otherwise 
                                substantially limits the ability of the 
                                covered entity to bill for services of 
                                the health care professional;
                            ``(iii) receives a covered outpatient drug 
                        in connection with a health care service 
                        furnished at the covered entity (including a 
                        child site) and such drug and service are paid 
                        by the insurer or third-party payor as 
                        outpatient items and services (or where third-
                        party reimbursement is not made, such items and 
                        services are deemed outpatient if less than 24 
                        hours have elapsed between such individual's 
                        hospital registration and discharge);
                            ``(iv) is described in a category of 
                        individuals within the scope of, and receives a 
                        health care service at the covered entity 
                        (including a child site) that is within the 
                        scope of--
                                    ``(I) the Federal grant, project, 
                                or Federal grant-authorizing statute, 
                                as applicable, that qualifies such 
                                entity for participation in the program 
                                under this section, if the covered 
                                entity is described in one of 
                                subparagraphs (A) through (K) of 
                                subsection (a)(4); or
                                    ``(II) the contract as required in 
                                paragraphs (4)(L)(i) and (11) of 
                                subsection (a), if the covered entity 
                                is a private nonprofit hospital which 
                                has, as the basis for participating in 
                                the program under this section, a 
                                contract with a State or local 
                                government to provide health care 
                                services to specified individuals, 
                                provided that clause (iv) shall not 
                                apply with respect to a covered entity 
                                described in subsection (a)(4)(N) or a 
                                sole community hospital described in 
                                subsection (a)(4)(O); and
                            ``(v) has an ongoing relationship with the 
                        covered entity such that the covered entity 
                        creates and maintains auditable health care 
                        records which demonstrate compliance with this 
                        paragraph and that the covered entity--
                                    ``(I) has a provider-to-patient 
                                relationship with the individual;
                                    ``(II) is responsible for the 
                                individual's health care service that 
                                resulted in the prescription or order 
                                for the drug; and
                                    ``(III)(aa) has provided a health 
                                care service to the individual through 
                                an in-person visit within the past 12 
                                months, if the covered entity is a 
                                hospital described in subparagraph (L) 
                                or subparagraph (M) of subsection 
                                (a)(4) or is a rural referral center 
                                described in subparagraph (O) of such 
                                subsection; or
                                    ``(bb) has provided a health care 
                                service to the individual through an 
                                in-person visit within the past 24 
                                months, if the covered entity is 
                                described in one of subparagraphs (A) 
                                through (K) of subsection (a)(4), 
                                subparagraph (N) of such subsection, or 
                                is a sole community hospital described 
                                in subparagraph (O) of such subsection.
                    ``(B) Telehealth and telemedicine.--
                            ``(i) In general.--A prescription for a 
                        covered outpatient drug resulting from a health 
                        care service furnished to an individual through 
                        telehealth, telemedicine, or other remote 
                        health care service arrangements shall not 
                        qualify for pricing described in subsection 
                        (a)(1) unless--
                                    ``(I) the covered entity (including 
                                child site, as applicable) at which 
                                such service is furnished is a covered 
                                entity (or a child site of a covered 
                                entity, as applicable) described in one 
                                of subparagraphs (A) through (K) of 
                                subsection (a)(4), subparagraph (N) of 
                                such subsection, or is a sole community 
                                hospital described in subparagraph (O) 
                                of such subsection; and
                                    ``(II) subject to the exception in 
                                clause (ii), a covered entity provider 
                                has conducted an in-person examination 
                                of the individual within the 6-month 
                                time period immediately preceding the 
                                health care service resulting in the 
                                prescription or order for the drug.
                            ``(ii) Exception.--The requirement in 
                        clause (i)(II) shall not apply with respect to 
                        an individual for whom the covered entity 
                        maintains auditable records sufficient to 
                        demonstrate that such entity verified such 
                        individual is determined eligible for benefits 
                        under either title II of the Social Security 
                        Act or title XVI of such Act in accordance with 
                        the provisions of such applicable title.
                    ``(C) Prescriptions from non-covered entity 
                providers ineligible.--
                            ``(i) In general.--Subject to the exception 
                        for a qualifying referral described in clause 
                        (ii), a covered outpatient drug prescribed or 
                        ordered for an individual by a health care 
                        professional who is not a covered entity 
                        provider shall not qualify for pricing 
                        described in subsection (a)(1).
                            ``(ii) Exception for qualifying 
                        referrals.--In the case of a `qualifying 
                        referral', all requirements in subparagraph (A) 
                        shall apply, except for clauses (i)(I), 
                        (i)(II), (ii), (iii), and (v)(II) of such 
                        subparagraph. For purposes of this paragraph, a 
                        `qualifying referral' shall refer to the 
                        sequence of occurrences described in this 
                        clause for which a covered entity maintains 
                        documentation sufficient to demonstrate that--
                                    ``(I) a covered entity provider 
                                evaluates and recommends to the 
                                individual, during an encounter at the 
                                covered entity (including child site, 
                                as applicable), that such individual 
                                receive a specified type of specialty 
                                health care not available at the 
                                covered entity and such recommendation 
                                is contemporaneously documented, at the 
                                time of such encounter, in the medical 
                                record the covered entity creates and 
                                maintains for such individual;
                                    ``(II) within one year of the date 
                                of the encounter and recommendation 
                                described in subclause (I), the 
                                individual receives a health care 
                                service from a medical specialist of 
                                the type described in such 
                                    ``(III) within the time period 
                                specified in subclause (II), the 
                                covered entity provider making the 
                                recommendation receives, directly from 
                                the medical specialist that furnishes 
                                the health care service described in 
                                subclause (II), written documentation 
                                specifying the service or services 
                                furnished to such individual and the 
                                diagnoses made in connection with such 
                                service or services; and
                                    ``(IV) the covered entity retains 
                                overall responsibility for the care of 
                                the individual.
                            ``(iii) Covered entity eligibility for 
                        qualifying referrals.--Notwithstanding any 
                        other provision in this section, a covered 
                        entity shall not qualify for pricing described 
                        in subsection (a)(1) with respect to a 
                        prescription or order for a covered outpatient 
                        drug resulting from a qualifying referral 
                        unless such covered entity--
                                    ``(I) is described in subparagraph 
                                (N) of subsection (a)(4);
                                    ``(II) is a sole community hospital 
                                described in subparagraph (O) of such 
                                subsection; or
                                    ``(III) is described in one of 
                                subparagraphs (A) through (K) of such 
                                subsection, is not a specified 
                                nonhospital covered entity (as defined 
                                in subsection (b)(4)), and has a 
                                Federal grant that requires such entity 
                                to contract or refer for the health 
                                care service or services furnished to 
                                the individual by the medical 
                                specialist described in clause (ii).
                    ``(D) Health care service required.--For purposes 
                of this section, an individual shall not be considered 
                a patient of the covered entity described in subsection 
                (a)(4) if the individual receives from the covered 
                entity only the administration or infusion of a drug or 
                drugs, or the dispensing of a drug or drugs for 
                subsequent self-administration or administration in the 
                home setting, without a covered entity provider-to-
                patient encounter involving the provision of a health 
                care service.''.
    (b) Definition of Specified Nonhospital Covered Entity.--Section 
340B(b) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 256b(b)) is further 
amended by adding at the end the following:
            ``(4) Specified nonhospital covered entity.--In this 
        section, the term `specified nonhospital covered entity' means 
        a covered entity that--
                    ``(A) is described in one of subparagraphs (B) 
                through (K) of subsection (a)(4), other than a covered 
                entity described in subparagraph (G) of such 
                subsection, and--
                            ``(i) has average annual operating revenues 
                        exceeding $1,000,000,000 calculated over the 
                        most recent three-year period for which data 
                        are available, which revenue threshold shall be 
                        adjusted for inflation annually to reflect rate 
                        of change in the Consumer Price Index for All 
                        Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of 
                        Labor Statistics; or
                            ``(ii) is an affiliate of a hospital; or
                    ``(B) is described in subsection (a)(4)(A) and 
                becomes affiliated with a hospit