[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8572 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8572

To direct the Federal Election Commission to establish a program under 
  which participating States shall provide individuals with vouchers 
which may be used to make contributions to candidates for election for 
 the office of Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner 
to, the Congress, to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to 
 establish a program to provide small dollar financing for candidates 
   for election for the office of Representative in, or Delegate or 
    Resident Commissioner to, the Congress, and for other purposes.



                              May 24, 2024

Mr. Sarbanes (for himself, Mr. Neguse, Ms. Clarke of New York, and Ms. 
   Pingree) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the 
Committee on House Administration, and in addition to the Committees on 
  the Judiciary, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently 
   determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such 
 provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned


                                 A BILL

To direct the Federal Election Commission to establish a program under 
  which participating States shall provide individuals with vouchers 
which may be used to make contributions to candidates for election for 
 the office of Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner 
to, the Congress, to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to 
 establish a program to provide small dollar financing for candidates 
   for election for the office of Representative in, or Delegate or 
    Resident Commissioner to, the Congress, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Government by the 
People Act''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents of this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

Sec. 101. Establishment of pilot program.
Sec. 102. Voucher program described.
Sec. 103. Reports.
Sec. 104. Definitions.

Sec. 201. Benefits and eligibility requirements for candidates.

                         ``Subtitle A--Benefits

        ``Sec. 501. Benefits for participating candidates.
        ``Sec. 502. Procedures for making payments.
        ``Sec. 503. Use of funds.
        ``Sec. 504. Qualified small dollar contributions described.
              ``Subtitle B--Eligibility and Certification

        ``Sec. 511. Eligibility.
        ``Sec. 512. Qualifying requirements.
        ``Sec. 513. Certification.
 ``Subtitle C--Requirements for Candidates Certified as Participating 

        ``Sec. 521. Contribution and expenditure requirements.
        ``Sec. 522. Administration of campaign.
        ``Sec. 523. Preventing unnecessary spending of public funds.
        ``Sec. 524. Remitting unspent funds after election.
                  ``Subtitle D--Enhanced Match Support

        ``Sec. 531. Enhanced support for general election.
        ``Sec. 532. Eligibility.
        ``Sec. 533. Amount.
        ``Sec. 534. Waiver of authority to retain portion of unspent 
                            funds after election.
                ``Subtitle E--Administrative Provisions

        ``Sec. 541. Freedom From Influence Fund.
        ``Sec. 542. Reviews and reports by Government Accountability 
        ``Sec. 543. Administration by Commission.
        ``Sec. 544. Violations and penalties.
        ``Sec. 545. Appeals process.
        ``Sec. 546. Indexing of amounts.
        ``Sec. 547. Election cycle defined.
Sec. 202. Contributions and expenditures by multicandidate and 
                            political party committees on behalf of 
                            participating candidates.
Sec. 203. Prohibiting use of contributions by participating candidates 
                            for purposes other than campaign for 
Sec. 204. Assessments against fines and penalties.
Sec. 205. Study and report on small dollar financing program.
Sec. 206. Effective date.



    (a) Establishment.--The Federal Election Commission (hereafter in 
this part referred to as the ``Commission'') shall establish a pilot 
program under which the Commission shall select 3 eligible States to 
operate a voucher pilot program which is described in section 102 
during the program operation period.
    (b) Eligibility of States.--A State is eligible to be selected to 
operate a voucher pilot program under this part if, not later than 180 
days after the beginning of the program application period, the State 
submits to the Commission an application containing--
            (1) information and assurances that the State will operate 
        a voucher program which contains the elements described in 
        section 102(a);
            (2) information and assurances that the State will 
        establish fraud prevention mechanisms described in section 
            (3) information and assurances that the State will 
        establish a commission to oversee and implement the program as 
        described in section 102(c);
            (4) information and assurances that the State will carry 
        out a public information campaign as described in section 
            (5) information and assurances that the State will submit 
        reports as required under section 103; and
            (6) such other information and assurances as the Commission 
        may require.
    (c) Selection of Participating States.--
            (1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the beginning 
        of the program application period, the Commission shall select 
        the 3 States which will operate voucher pilot programs under 
        this part.
            (2) Criteria.--In selecting States for the operation of the 
        voucher pilot programs under this part, the Commission shall 
        apply such criteria and metrics as the Commission considers 
        appropriate to determine the ability of a State to operate the 
        program successfully, and shall attempt to select States in a 
        variety of geographic regions and with a variety of political 
        party preferences.
            (3) No supermajority required for selection.--The selection 
        of States by the Commission under this subsection shall require 
        the approval of only half of the Members of the Commission.
    (d) Duties of States During Program Preparation Period.--During the 
program preparation period, each State selected to operate a voucher 
pilot program under this part shall take such actions as may be 
necessary to ensure that the State will be ready to operate the program 
during the program operation period, and shall complete such actions 
not later than 90 days before the beginning of the program operation 
    (e) Termination.--Each voucher pilot program under this part shall 
terminate as of the first day after the program operation period.
    (f) Reimbursement of Costs.--
            (1) Reimbursement.--Upon receiving the report submitted by 
        a State under section 103(a) with respect to an election cycle, 
        the Commission shall transmit a payment to the State in an 
        amount equal to the reasonable costs incurred by the State in 
        operating the voucher pilot program under this part during the 
            (2) Source of funds.--Payments to States under the program 
        shall be made using amounts in the Freedom From Influence Fund 
        under section 541 of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 
        (as added by section 201), hereafter referred to as the 
            (3) Mandatory reduction of payments in case of insufficient 
        amounts in freedom from influence fund.--
                    (A) Advance audits by commission.--Not later than 
                90 days before the first day of each program operation 
                period, the Commission shall--
                            (i) audit the Fund to determine whether, 
                        after first making payments to participating 
                        candidates under title V of the Federal 
                        Election Campaign Act of 1971 (as added by 
                        section 201), the amounts remaining in the Fund 
                        will be sufficient to make payments to States 
                        under this part in the amounts provided under 
                        this subsection; and
                            (ii) submit a report to Congress describing 
                        the results of the audit.
                    (B) Reductions in amount of payments.--
                            (i) Automatic reduction on pro rata 
                        basis.--If, on the basis of the audit described 
                        in subparagraph (A), the Commission determines 
                        that the amount anticipated to be available in 
                        the Fund with respect to an election cycle 
                        involved is not, or may not be, sufficient to 
                        make payments to States under this part in the 
                        full amount provided under this subsection, the 
                        Commission shall reduce each amount which would 
                        otherwise be paid to a State under this 
                        subsection by such pro rata amount as may be 
                        necessary to ensure that the aggregate amount 
                        of payments anticipated to be made with respect 
                        to the cycle will not exceed the amount 
                        anticipated to be available for such payments 
                        in the Fund with respect to such cycle.
                            (ii) Restoration of reductions in case of 
                        availability of sufficient funds during 
                        election cycle.--If, after reducing the amounts 
                        paid to States with respect to an election 
                        cycle under clause (i), the Commission 
                        determines that there are sufficient amounts in 
                        the Fund to restore the amount by which such 
                        payments were reduced (or any portion thereof), 
                        to the extent that such amounts are available, 
                        the Commission may make a payment on a pro rata 
                        basis to each such State with respect to the 
                        cycle in the amount by which such State's 
                        payments were reduced under clause (i) (or any 
                        portion thereof, as the case may be).
                            (iii) No use of amounts from other 
                        sources.--In any case in which the Commission 
                        determines that there are insufficient moneys 
                        in the Fund to make payments to States under 
                        this part, moneys shall not be made available 
                        from any other source for the purpose of making 
                        such payments.
            (4) Cap on amount of payment.--The aggregate amount of 
        payments made to any State with respect to any program 
        operation period may not exceed $10,000,000. If the State 
        determines that the maximum payment amount under this paragraph 
        with respect to the program operation period involved is not, 
        or may not be, sufficient to cover the reasonable costs 
        incurred by the State in operating the program under this part 
        for such period, the State shall reduce the amount of the 
        voucher provided to each qualified individual by such pro rata 
        amount as may be necessary to ensure that the reasonable costs 
        incurred by the State in operating the program will not exceed 
        the amount paid to the State with respect to such period.


    (a) General Elements of Program.--
            (1) Elements described.--The elements of a voucher pilot 
        program operated by a State under this part are as follows:
                    (A) The State shall provide each qualified 
                individual upon the individual's request with a voucher 
                worth $25 to be known as a ``My Voice Voucher'' during 
                the election cycle which will be assigned a routing 
                number and which at the option of the individual will 
                be provided in either paper or electronic form.
                    (B) Using the routing number assigned to the My 
                Voice Voucher, the individual may submit the My Voice 
                Voucher in either electronic or paper form to qualified 
                candidates for election for the office of 
                Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner 
                to, the Congress and allocate such portion of the value 
                of the My Voice Voucher in increments of $5 as the 
                individual may select to any such candidate.
                    (C) If the candidate transmits the My Voice Voucher 
                to the Commission, the Commission shall pay the 
                candidate the portion of the value of the My Voice 
                Voucher that the individual allocated to the candidate, 
                which shall be considered a contribution by the 
                individual to the candidate for purposes of the Federal 
                Election Campaign Act of 1971.
            (2) Designation of qualified individuals.--For purposes of 
        paragraph (1)(A), a ``qualified individual'' with respect to a 
        State means an individual--
                    (A) who is a resident of the State;
                    (B) who will be of voting age as of the date of the 
                election for the candidate to whom the individual 
                submits a My Voice Voucher; and
                    (C) who is not prohibited under Federal law from 
                making contributions to candidates for election for 
                Federal office.
            (3) Treatment as contribution to candidate.--For purposes 
        of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, the submission of 
        a My Voice Voucher to a candidate by an individual shall be 
        treated as a contribution to the candidate by the individual in 
        the amount of the portion of the value of the Voucher that the 
        individual allocated to the candidate.
    (b) Fraud Prevention Mechanism.--In addition to the elements 
described in subsection (a), a State operating a voucher pilot program 
under this part shall permit an individual to revoke a My Voice Voucher 
not later than 2 days after submitting the My Voice Voucher to a 
    (c) Oversight Commission.--In addition to the elements described in 
subsection (a), a State operating a voucher pilot program under this 
part shall establish a commission or designate an existing entity to 
oversee and implement the program in the State, except that no such 
commission or entity may be comprised of elected officials.
    (d) Public Information Campaign.--In addition to the elements 
described in subsection (a), a State operating a voucher pilot program 
under this part shall carry out a public information campaign to 
disseminate awareness of the program among qualified individuals.


    (a) Preliminary Report.--Not later than 6 months after the first 
election cycle of the program operation period, a State which operates 
a voucher pilot program under this part shall submit a report to the 
Commission analyzing the operation and effectiveness of the program 
during the cycle and including such other information as the Commission 
may require.
    (b) Final Report.--Not later than 6 months after the end of the 
program operation period, the State shall submit a final report to the 
Commission analyzing the operation and effectiveness of the program and 
including such other information as the Commission may require.
    (c) Study and Report on Impact and Effectiveness of Voucher 
            (1) Study.--The Federal Election Commission shall conduct a 
        study on the efficacy of political voucher programs, including 
        the program under this part and other similar programs, in 
        expanding and diversifying the pool of individuals who 
        participate in the electoral process, including those who 
        participate as donors and those who participate as candidates.
            (2) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the 
        enactment of this Act, the Commission shall publish and submit 
        to Congress a report on the study conducted under subsection 
        (a), and shall include in the report such recommendations as 
        the Commission considers appropriate which would enable 
        political voucher programs to be implemented on a national 


    (a) Election Cycle.--In this part, the term ``election cycle'' 
means the period beginning on the day after the date of the most recent 
regularly scheduled general election for Federal office and ending on 
the date of the next regularly scheduled general election for Federal 
    (b) Definitions Relating to Periods.--In this part, the following 
definitions apply:
            (1) Program application period.--The term ``program 
        application period'' means the first election cycle which 
        begins after the date of the enactment of this Act.
            (2) Program preparation period.--The term ``program 
        preparation period'' means the first election cycle which 
        begins after the program application period.
            (3) Program operation period.--The term ``program operation 
        period'' means the first 2 election cycles which begin after 
        the program preparation period.



    The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (52 U.S.C. 30101 et seq.) 
is amended by adding at the end the following:


                         ``Subtitle A--Benefits


    ``(a) In General.--If a candidate for election to the office of 
Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the 
Congress is certified as a participating candidate under this title 
with respect to an election for such office, the candidate shall be 
entitled to payments as provided under this title.
    ``(b) Amount of Payment.--The amount of a payment made under this 
title shall be equal to 600 percent of the amount of qualified small