[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4414 Reported in Senate (RS)]


                                                       Calendar No. 408
  2d Session
                                S. 4414

  To improve the State Trade Expansion Program of the Small Business 



                              May 23, 2024

        Mrs. Shaheen, from the Committee on Small Business and 
Entrepreneurship, reported the following original bill; which was read 
                    twice and placed on the calendar


                                 A BILL

  To improve the State Trade Expansion Program of the Small Business 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``State Trade Expansion Program 
Modernization Act of 2024''.


    Congress finds the following:
            (1) The State Trade Expansion Program established under 
        section 22(l) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 649(l)) (in 
        this section referred to as ``STEP'') was created by Congress 
        in 2010 to grow the number of small business concerns (as 
        defined under section 3 of such Act (15 U.S.C. 632) and in this 
        section referred to as a ``small business concern'') that 
        export, increase the value of goods exported by the small 
        business sector, and help businesses identify new markets.
            (2) Helping small firms in the United States begin to 
        export or build upon their existing export capacity generates 
        investment in local economies and spurs employment.
            (3) Despite 95 percent of global consumers living outside 
        of the United States, less than 4 percent of small business 
        concerns in the United States export their products or 
            (4) Many small business concerns in the United States that 
        could grow by exporting lack the dedicated staff, required 
        technical skills, and necessary budgetary resources for 
        international expansion.
            (5) STEP provides vital assistance to small business 
        concerns, particularly to those that have never had the 
        opportunity to sell their products or services abroad.
            (6) According to data of the Bureau of the Census, there 
        were approximately 5,900,000 employer firms in the United 
        States as of 2021, of which more than 1,200,000, or 
        approximately 22 percent, were women-owned. However, according 
        to the data, of the 128,460 exporting small firms, only 21,626, 
        or 17 percent, were women-owned firms, meaning that, of small 
        firms, 5 times as many male-owned firms export as women-owned 
        firms. The data show that the overall disparity in business 
        ownership between men and women is even greater among exporting 
            (7) According to research conducted by the Small Business 
        Administration, smaller firms tend to produce fewer outputs and 
        are less likely to export than larger firms. Data of the Bureau 
        of the Census show that women-owned firms employ 33 percent 
        fewer workers on average than male-owned firms and are less 
        likely to enjoy the benefits of international trade.
            (8) Exporting is a highly effective way for businesses to 
        expand their markets and increase their productivity. As States 
        expand export-enhancing activities through STEP, additional 
        small firms will benefit from the higher demand for their goods 
        and services and increased profits associated with 
        international trade.
            (9) During the first 10 years of operation, STEP enabled 
        more than 12,000 small business concerns to explore export 
        opportunities, helping them reach markets in 141 countries.
            (10) Congress recognizes that STEP can be improved to 
        reduce the administrative burden for grantees, streamline 
        reporting and compliance requirements, give grantees more 
        flexibility, make grant awards more transparent and consistent, 
        and set more predictable application deadlines.
            (11) Congress also recognizes that making awards under STEP 
        more consistent and transparent will simplify the program and 
        incentivize more States to participate so that small business 
        concerns are supported in all States.


    (a) Requirement for Funding Information To Be Kept Current.--
Section 22(l)(3) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 649(l)(3)) is 
amended by adding at the end the following:
                    ``(E) Requirement for funding information to be 
                kept current.--The Associate Administrator shall--
                            ``(i) maintain on the website of the 
                        Administration a publicly accessible list of 
                        links to documents containing the most up-to-
                        date information about program requirements and 
                        application procedures, including the latest 
                        notice of funding opportunity, all active 
                        Director's Memos, and any determination made 
                        related to eligible expenditures or the 
                        classification of expenditures as direct or 
                        indirect; and
                            ``(ii) update the list described in clause 
                        (i) before any new clarification, instruction, 
                        directive, requirement, determination, or 
                        classification relating to the program takes 
    (b) Timing of Funding Information Release.--Section 22(l)(3)(D) of 
the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 649(l)(3)(D)) is amended by adding at 
the end the following:
                            ``(iii) Timing.--The Associate 
                        Administrator shall--
                                    ``(I) publish information on how to 
                                apply for a grant under this 
                                subsection, including specific 
                                calculations and other determinations 
                                used to award such a grant, not later 
                                than March 31 of each year;
                                    ``(II) establish a deadline for the 
                                submission of applications that is--
                                            ``(aa) not earlier than 60 
                                        days after the date on which 
                                        the information is published 
                                        under subclause (I); and
                                            ``(bb) not later than--

                                                    ``(AA) May 31 of 
                                                each year; or

                                                    ``(BB) in the event 
                                                that full-year 
                                                appropriations for the 
                                                program for a fiscal 
                                                year have not been 
                                                enacted as of February 
                                                1 of such fiscal year, 
                                                120 days after full-
                                                year appropriations are 
                                                enacted; and

                                    ``(III) announce grant recipients 
                                not later than--
                                            ``(aa) September 30 of each 
                                        year; or
                                            ``(bb) in the event that 
                                        full-year appropriations for 
                                        the program for a fiscal year 
                                        have not been enacted as of 
                                        February 1 of such fiscal year, 
                                        210 days after full-year 
                                        appropriations are enacted.''.
    (c) Application Streamlining.--Section 22(l)(3)(D) of the Small 
Business Act (15 U.S.C. 649(l)(3)(D)), as amended by subsection (b) of 
this section, is amended by adding at the end the following:
                            ``(iv) Application streamlining.--
                                    ``(I) In general.--The Associate 
                                Administrator shall establish a concise 
                                application for grants under the 
                                program that shall encompass all 
                                necessary information, including--
                                            ``(aa) the proposal of the 
                                        State, territory, or 
                                        commonwealth to manage the 
                                            ``(bb) an overview of the 
                                        trade office and staff of the 
                                        State, territory, or 
                                            ``(cc) a description of the 
                                        key mission and objective, key 
                                        activities planned, and 
                                        estimated key performance 
                                            ``(dd) a detailed budget, 
                                        which, for a State, shall 
                                        include a description of the 
                                        cash, indirect costs, and in-
                                        kind contributions the State 
                                        has committed to provide for 
                                        the non-Federal share of the 
                                        cost of the trade expansion 
                                        program of the State to be 
                                        carried out using a grant under 
                                        the program; and
                                            ``(ee) for a State, whether 
                                        the State is requesting to 
                                        receive additional funds 
                                        allocated under paragraph 
                                        (5)(F), if applicable.
                                    ``(II) Scope.--The application 
                                established under subclause (I) shall--
                                            ``(aa) include all the 
                                        information required for the 
                                        technical proposal;
                                            ``(bb) eliminate any 
                                        unnecessary or duplicative 
                                        materials, except to the extent 
                                        the duplication is due to the 
                                        use of standard forms or 
                                        documents that are not specific 
                                        to the Administration and are 
                                        used by other Federal grant 
                                        programs; and
                                            ``(cc) to the extent 
                                        feasible, use forms common to 
                                        other Federal trade and export 
    (d) Ability to Review Applications After Award.--Section 22(l)(3) 
of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 649(l)(3)), as amended by 
subsection (a) of this section, is amended by adding at the end the 
                    ``(F) Application information.--The Associate 
                Administrator shall clearly communicate to applicants 
                and grant recipients information about award decisions 
                under this subsection, including--
                            ``(i) for each unsuccessful applicant for a 
                        grant awarded under this subsection, providing 
                        recommendations to improve a subsequent 
                        application for such a grant;
                            ``(ii) for each successful applicant for 
                        such a grant, providing an explanation for the 
                        amount awarded, if different from the amount 
                        requested in the application; and
                            ``(iii) upon request, offering to have the 
                        program manager who reviewed the application 
                        discuss with the applicant how to improve a 
                        subsequent application for such a grant.''.
    (e) Budget Plan Submission and Revisions.--Section 22(l)(3) of the 
Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 649(l)(3)), as amended by subsection (d) 
of this section, is amended--
            (1) in subparagraph (D)(i), by inserting ``, including a 
        budget plan for use of funds awarded under this subsection'' 
        before the period at the end; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following:
                    ``(G) Budget plan revisions.--
                            ``(i) In general.--A State, territory, or 
                        commonwealth receiving a grant under this 
                        subsection may revise the budget plan of the 
                        State, territory, or commonwealth submitted 
                        under subparagraph (D) after the disbursal of 
                        grant funds if--
                                    ``(I) the revision complies with 
                                allowable uses of grant funds under 
                                this subsection; and
                                    ``(II) such State, territory, or 
                                commonwealth submits notification of 
                                the revision to the Associate 
                            ``(ii) Exception.--If a revision under 
                        clause (i) reallocates 10 percent or more of 
                        the amounts described in the budget plan of the 
                        State, territory, or commonwealth submitted 
                        under subparagraph (D), the State, territory, 
                        or commonwealth may not implement the revised 
                        budget plan without the approval of the 
                        Associate Administrator, unless the Associate 
                        Administrator fails to approve or deny the 
                        revised plan within 20 days after receipt of 
                        such revised plan.''.
    (f) Reporting by Recipients; Processing of Reimbursements.--Section 
22(l)(7) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 649(l)(7)) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
                    ``(C) Reporting by recipients; processing of 
                            ``(i) In general.--The Associate 
                        Administrator shall establish for recipients of 
                        grants under the program a streamlined 
                        reporting process, template, or spreadsheet 
                        format to report information regarding the 
                        program and key performance indicators required 
                        by an Act of Congress that--
                                    ``(I) a State, territory, or 
                                commonwealth may use to upload required 
                                compliance reports relating to the 
                                    ``(II) minimizes the manual entry 
                                of specific data regarding eligible 
                                small business concerns, including 
                                performance data;
                                    ``(III) eliminates any duplicative 
                                or unnecessary reporting requirements 
                                that are not required for the Associate 
                                Administrator to--
                                            ``(aa) report the 
                                        information specified in 
                                        subparagraph (B);
                                            ``(bb) make allocations 
                                        under paragraph (5)(B); or
                                            ``(cc) conduct necessary 
                                        oversight of the program;
                                    ``(IV) to the extent feasible, 
                                accommodates the use and uploading of 
                                spreadsheets or templates generated 
                                from customer relationship management 
                                or spreadsheet software; and
                                    ``(V) may not require a State, 
                                territory, or commonwealth to submit 
                                information more frequently than twice 
                                per year.
                            ``(ii) Processing of reimbursement 
                        requests.--The Associate Administrator shall--
                                    ``(I) process information submitted 
                                by a State, territory, or commonwealth 
                                for purposes of obtaining reimbursement 
                                for eligible activities in a timely 
                                manner, without regard to whether the 
                                information is submitted semiannually, 
                                as described in clause (i)(V), or 
                                quarterly, if the State, territory, or 
                                commonwealth elects to submit 
                                information quarterly;
                                    ``(II) notify a State, territory, 
                                or commonwealth if such information is 
                                not processed on or before the date 
                                that is 21 days after the date such 
                                information is submitted; and
                                    ``(III) provide an estimated 
                                completion timeline with any 