[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. Res. 707 Agreed to Senate (ATS)]


  2d Session
S. RES. 707

  Recognizing the significance of Jewish American Heritage Month as a 
time to celebrate the contributions of Jewish Americans to the society 
                   and culture of the United States.



                              May 23, 2024

 Mr. Scott of Florida (for himself, Ms. Rosen, Mr. Schumer, Mr. Rubio, 
Mrs. Gillibrand, Mr. Grassley, Mr. Menendez, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Kaine, Mr. 
Hagerty, Mr. Warnock, Mr. Lankford, Ms. Cortez Masto, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. 
 Padilla, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Fetterman, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Wyden, Mr. Risch, 
Mr. Hickenlooper, Mr. Graham, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Van Hollen, 
 Mr. Hoeven, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. 
 Cardin, Ms. Duckworth, Mr. Casey, Mr. Ossoff, and Mr. Reed) submitted 
      the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to



  Recognizing the significance of Jewish American Heritage Month as a 
time to celebrate the contributions of Jewish Americans to the society 
                   and culture of the United States.

Whereas the Senate and the House of Representatives have recognized many 
        heritage months that celebrate the various communities that form the 
        mosaic of the United States;
Whereas, through recognizing and celebrating heritage months, we learn about one 
        another, honor the richness of the diversity of the United States, and 
        strengthen the fabric of society in the United States;
Whereas Jewish American Heritage Month has its origins in 1980, when Congress 
        enacted a joint resolution entitled ``Joint Resolution to authorize and 
        request the President to issue a proclamation designating April 21 
        through April 28, 1980, as `Jewish Heritage Week''', approved April 24, 
        1980 (Public Law 96-237; 94 Stat. 338);
Whereas, on April 24, 1980, President Carter issued the proclamation for Jewish 
        Heritage Week, and in that proclamation, President Carter spoke about 
        the bountiful contributions made by the Jewish people to the culture and 
        history of the United States;
Whereas Congress has played a central role in recognizing Jewish American 
        Heritage Month since the Senate and the House of Representatives passed 
        resolutions in 2006 and 2005, respectively, urging the President to 
        proclaim the national observation of a month recognizing the Jewish-
        American community;
Whereas, since 2006, Presidents Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden have all issued 
        proclamations for Jewish American Heritage Month, which celebrates 
        Jewish Americans and encourages all people of the United States to learn 
        more about Jewish heritage and the contributions of Jewish people 
        throughout the history of the United States;
Whereas the people of the United States celebrate the rich history of Jewish 
        people in the United States and the more than 350-year history of Jewish 
        contributions to society in the United States;
Whereas the United States has long served as a haven for Jewish people escaping 
        from oppression in search of liberty, justice, and tolerance;
Whereas the Jewish-American community dates back to 1654, when a group of 23 
        Jewish people, fleeing persecution at the hands of the Portuguese 
        Inquisition, fled Brazil and found refuge in what is now New York City;
Whereas Jewish Americans have established deep roots in communities across the 
        United States and served their neighbors and the United States as loyal 
        and patriotic citizens, always grateful for the safe harbor that the 
        United States has provided for them;
Whereas the Jewish-American community has since grown to over 6,000,000 people, 
        representing approximately 2 percent of the population of the United 
        States in 2024;
Whereas Jewish Americans have served in government and the military, won Nobel 
        prizes, led universities and corporations, advanced medicine and 
        philanthropy, created and performed in enduring works of performing and 
        visual art, written great novels, become emblems of justice as members 
        of the Supreme Court of the United States, and so much more;
Whereas Jewish Americans have been subjected to a recent surge in antisemitism 
        as the Anti-Defamation League has documented;
Whereas the rise in antisemitism is being felt by ordinary people in the United 
        States, as the American Jewish Committee's State of Antisemitism in 
        America 2023 Report revealed that--

    (1) almost \2/3\ of American Jews feel less secure in the United States 
than they did a year ago, which is more than a 20 percentage point increase 
in just 1 year; and

    (2) nearly \1/2\ of American Jews say they altered their behavior out 
of fear of antisemitism;

Whereas, over the course of the past decade, Holocaust distortion and denial 
        have grown in intensity;
Whereas a 2020 survey of all 50 States on Holocaust knowledge among millennials 
        and individuals in generation Z, conducted by the Conference on Jewish 
        Material Claims Against Germany, found a clear lack of awareness of key 
        historical facts, including that--

    (1) 63 percent of respondents did not know that 6,000,000 Jews were 
murdered during the Holocaust; and

    (2) 36 percent of respondents thought that ``2 million or fewer Jews'' 
were killed;

Whereas the Federal Bureau of Investigation has aggregated 2022 hate crime data 
        showing that Jewish people remain the single most targeted religious 
        minority in the United States;
Whereas the use of antisemitic language, conspiracy theories, and hatred has 
        increased on multiple social media platforms, including--

    (1) tropes about Jewish control; and

    (2) messages praising Adolf Hitler and demonizing all Jewish people;

Whereas antisemitism had been increasing before October 7, 2023, and since 
        October 7, 2023, it has dramatically escalated around the country, in 
        particular at institutions of higher education;
Whereas the most effective ways to counter the increase in antisemitic actions 
        are through education, awareness, and the uplifting of Jewish voices, 
        while highlighting the contributions that Jewish Americans have made to 
        the United States; and
Whereas, as the strength of a society can be measured by how that society 
        protects its minority populations and celebrates their contributions, it 
        is altogether fitting for the United States to once again mark the month 
        of May as ``Jewish American Heritage Month'': Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the Senate--
            (1) recognizes the significance of Jewish American Heritage 
        Month as a time to celebrate the contributions of Jewish 
        Americans to the society and culture of the United States;
            (2) recognizes that Jewish-American culture and heritage 
        strengthen and enrich the diversity of the United States; and
            (3) calls on elected officials, faith leaders, and civil 
        society leaders to condemn and combat any and all acts of 