[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4430 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  2d Session
                                S. 4430

  To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to establish a Health 
 Engagement Hub demonstration program to increase access to treatment 
  for opiate use disorder and other drug use treatment, and for other 



                              May 23, 2024

  Ms. Cantwell (for herself and Mr. Cassidy) introduced the following 
  bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance


                                 A BILL

  To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to establish a Health 
 Engagement Hub demonstration program to increase access to treatment 
  for opiate use disorder and other drug use treatment, and for other 

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Fatal Overdose Reduction Act of 


    Section 1903 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396b) is 
amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
    ``(cc) Health Engagement Hub Demonstration Program.--
            ``(1) Authority.--The Secretary shall conduct a 
        demonstration program (referred to in this subsection as the 
        `demonstration program') for the purpose of increasing access 
        to treatment for opiate use disorder and other drug use 
        treatment through the establishment of Health Engagement Hubs 
        that meet the criteria published by the Secretary under 
        paragraph (2)(A).
            ``(2) Publication of guidance.--Not later than 6 months 
        after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary 
        shall publish the following:
                    ``(A) Certification criteria.--The criteria 
                described in paragraph (3) for an organization to be 
                certified by a State as a Health Engagement Hub for 
                purposes of participating in the demonstration program.
                    ``(B) Prospective payment system.--Guidance for 
                States selected to participate in the demonstration 
                program to use to establish a prospective payment 
                system for services permitted under paragraph (3)(B) 
                that are provided by a certified Health Engagement Hub 
                participating in the demonstration program.
            ``(3) Criteria for certification of health engagement 
                    ``(A) General requirements.--In order to be 
                certified as a Health Engagement Hub, an organization 
                            ``(i) demonstrate that the organization is 
                        able to serve as an all-in-one location where 
                        individuals who are eligible for medical 
                        assistance under a State plan under this title 
                        or under a waiver of such plan who seek 
                        treatment for opiate use disorder or other drug 
                        use may access a range of social and medical 
                        services, in a drop-in manner and without prior 
                        appointment or proof of payment;
                            ``(ii) provide the services specified in 
                        subparagraph (B) (in a manner reflecting 
                        person-centered care) which, if not available 
                        directly through the organization, shall be 
                        provided through formal relationships with 
                        other providers;
                            ``(iii) demonstrate that in selecting the 
                        location for the Health Engagement Hub, the 
                        organization prioritized placement in 
                        communities disproportionately impacted by 
                        overdose, health issues, and other harms 
                        related to drug use, as well as areas that are 
                        medically underserved, rural, geographically 
                        isolated areas, tribal areas, or urban centers 
                        with under-resourced behavioral health 
                        infrastructure, including disadvantaged 
                        communities based on race, individuals 
                        experiencing homelessness, and communities 
                        negatively impacted by the criminal-legal 
                            ``(iv) give priority to establishing or 
                        adopting evidence-based models to increase 
                        engagement or improve outcomes for individuals 
                        with active, ongoing substance use, such as 
                        social work empowerment models approved by the 
                        Secretary, motivational interviewing models 
                        approved by the Secretary, or shared decision 
                        making models approved by the Secretary; and
                            ``(v) meet--
                                    ``(I) the minimum staffing 
                                requirements described in subparagraph 
                                    ``(II) the experience requirement 
                                described in subparagraph (D); and
                                    ``(III) the community advisory 
                                board requirement described in 
                                subparagraph (E).
                    ``(B) Scope of services.--The services specified in 
                this subparagraph are the following:
                            ``(i) Required services.--
                                    ``(I) Harm reduction services and 
                                supplies provided directly by the 
                                organization or under an arrangement 
                                with an organization that offers harm 
                                reduction services (which may include a 
                                syringe service program, a Federally-
                                qualified health center, a community 
                                health center, a Tribal health program, 
                                or an opioid treatment program that 
                                offers such services), that include--
                                            ``(aa) overdose education 
                                        and naloxone distribution;
                                            ``(bb) safer drug use 
                                        education and supplies;
                                            ``(cc) safer-sex supplies;
                                            ``(dd) emotional support 
                                        and counseling services to 
                                        reduce harms associated with 
                                        substance use, including 
                                        trauma-informed care; and
                                            ``(ee) access or referral 
                                        to medications and drugs 
                                        approved by the Food and Drug 
                                        Administration for treatment of 
                                        opioid use disorder with a 
                                        strong evidence base of 
                                        significantly reducing 
                                        mortality (such as methadone 
                                        and buprenorphine) and other 
                                        substances, including 
                                        stimulants, within 4 hours.
                                    ``(II) Substance use disorder 
                                screening and brief intervention.
                                    ``(III) Patient-centered and 
                                patient-driven physical and behavioral 
                                health care that has walk-in 
                                availability, is offered during non-
                                traditional hours, including evenings 
                                and weekends, and includes--
                                            ``(aa) shared decision 
                                        making for patients and 
                                        providers for opioid use 
                                        disorder, stimulant use 
                                        disorder, or both, under which 
                                        a patient and provider discuss 
                                        the patient's diagnosis and 
                                        condition together and evaluate 
                                        treatment options together;
                                            ``(bb) primary mental 
                                        health and substance use 
                                        disorder services, including 
                                        screening, assessment, and 
                                        referrals to higher levels of 
                                            ``(cc) wound care;
                                            ``(dd) infectious disease 
                                        vaccination, screening, 
                                        testing, and, to the extent 
                                        practicable, treatment 
                                        (including for HIV, sexually 
                                        transmitted infections, and 
                                        hepatitis testing and 
                                            ``(ee) access or referral 
                                        to sexual and reproductive 
                                        health services;
                                            ``(ff) assessment and 
                                        linkage or referrals to 
                                        psychiatric services and other 
                                        specialty care; and
                                            ``(gg) secure medication 
                                        storage and inventory policies 
                                        and procedures for patients 
                                        experiencing homelessness or 
                                        housing insecurity.
                                    ``(IV) Care coordination, complex 
                                case management, and other case 
                                management, care navigation, and care 
                                coordination services that may 
                                            ``(aa) education and 
                                        assistance with obtaining 
                                        housing, transportation, and 
                                        other public assistance 
                                        benefits, including enrollment 
                                        in the State plan under this 
                                        title or under a waiver of such 
                                            ``(bb) identification 
                                        services (such as assistance 
                                        with obtaining a government-
                                        recognized form of 
                                            ``(cc) employment 
                                            ``(dd) recovery support 
                                            ``(ee) family reunification 
                                        services; and
                                            ``(ff) criminal-legal 
                                    ``(V) All services that may be 
                                provided under the Outreach Site/Street 
                                Place of Service code (POS Code 27 as 
                                of October 1, 2023) (or a successor 
                                place of service code).
                                    ``(VI) Community health outreach 
                                and navigation services to engage with 
                                and conduct outreach to community 
                                members that is provided by outreach 
                                and engagement staff described in 
                                subparagraph (C)(i)(IV).
                            ``(ii) Optional services.--
                                    ``(I) Services and supplies to meet 
                                basic needs, including food, clothing, 
                                and hygiene supplies.
                                    ``(II) Evidence-based and 
                                culturally appropriate behavioral 
                                health services.
                                    ``(III) Medication management for 
                                physical and mental health conditions.
                    ``(C) Minimum staffing requirements.--
                            ``(i) In general.--The minimum staffing 
                        requirements specified in this subparagraph are 
                        the following:
                                    ``(I) At least 1 part-time or full-
                                time health care provider who is 
                                licensed to practice in the State and 
                                is licensed, registered, or otherwise 
                                permitted, by the United States to 
                                prescribe controlled substances (as 
                                defined in section 102 of the 
                                Controlled Substances Act) in the 
                                course of professional practice.
                                    ``(II) At least 1 part-time or 
                                full-time registered professional nurse 
                                or licensed practical nurse who can 
                                provide medication management, medical 
                                case management, care coordination, 
                                wound care, vaccine administration, and 
                                community-based outreach.
                                    ``(III) At least 1 part-time or 
                                full-time licensed behavioral health 
                                staff who is qualified to assess and 
                                provide counseling and treatment 
                                recommendations for substance use and 
                                mental health diagnoses.
                                    ``(IV) Full-time outreach, 
                                engagement, and ongoing care navigation 
                                staff, including peer counselors, 
                                community health workers, and recovery 
                                coaches. At least 50 percent of such 
                                staff shall be individuals with a 
                                personal history of drug use.
                            ``(ii) Staffing through arrangements with 
                        partner agencies.--An organization may enter 
                        into an arrangement with a partner agency, such 
                        as a Federally-qualified health center, to 
                        satisfy the minimum staffing requirements 
                        specified in clause (i).
                    ``(D) Experience.--An organization shall have a 
                demonstrated history of at least 12 months of service 
                provision to individuals who use drugs, including those 
                who continue with substance use while receiving health 
                and social services.
                    ``(E) Community advisory board.--An organization 
                shall have a community advisory board composed of 
                individuals with a history of substance use, or who 
                continue with substance use, that meets, at a minimum, 
                            ``(i) a monthly basis, to review program 
                        utilization data and provide feedback to the 
                        organization; and
                            ``(ii) on a quarterly basis, with the 
                        executives or board of directors of the 
                        organization to provide input on service 
                        delivery and receive feedback on actions taken 
                        based on previous feedback provided by the 
                        community advisory board.
            ``(4) Planning grants.--
                    ``(A) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the 
                date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary 
                shall award planning grants to States for the purpose 
                of developing proposals to participate in the 
                demonstration program.
                    ``(B) Amount of grant.--The amount of a grant 
                awarded to a State under this paragraph shall be 
                sufficient to pay 100 percent of the actual costs 
                expended by a State to carry out the activities 
                required under subparagraph (C).
                    ``(C) Use of funds.--A State awarded a planning 
                grant under this paragraph shall solicit input on the 
                development of a proposal to participate in the 
                demonstration program from patients, providers, harm 
                reduction service providers, social service providers, 
                and other stakeholders, with respect to--
                            ``(i) identifying and certifying 
                        organizations as Health Engagement Hubs for 
                        purposes of participating in the demonstration 
                        program; and
                            ``(ii) establishing a prospective payment 
                        system for services provided by a certified 
                        Health Engagement Hub participating in the 
                        demonstration program, in accordance with the 
                        guidance issued under paragraph (2)(B).
                    ``(D) Funding.--Out of any funds in the Treasury 
                not otherwise appropriated, there are appropriated to 
                the Secre