[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. Res. 713 Agreed to Senate (ATS)]


  2d Session
S. RES. 713

            Designating May 2024 as ``ALS Awareness Month''.



                              May 23, 2024

   Mr. Coons (for himself, Mr. Braun, Mr. Durbin, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. 
 Merkley, Mr. Whitehouse, Ms. Murkowski, and Mr. Cotton) submitted the 
   following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the 

                             June 11, 2024

             Committee discharged; considered and agreed to



            Designating May 2024 as ``ALS Awareness Month''.

Whereas amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (referred to in this preamble as ``ALS'') 
        is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in 
        the brain and the spinal cord;
Whereas the life expectancy for an individual with ALS is between 2 and 5 years 
        after the date on which the individual receives an ALS diagnosis;
Whereas ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic, gender, or 
        socioeconomic boundaries;
Whereas ALS may affect any individual in any location;
Whereas the cause of ALS is unknown in up to 90 percent of cases;
Whereas approximately 10 percent of ALS cases have a strong known genetic 
Whereas, on average, the period between the date on which an individual first 
        experiences symptoms of ALS and the date on which the individual is 
        diagnosed with ALS is more than 1 year;
Whereas the onset of ALS often involves muscle weakness or stiffness, and the 
        progression of ALS results in the further weakening, wasting, and 
        paralysis of--

    (1) the muscles of the limbs and trunk; and

    (2) the muscles that control vital functions, such as speech, 
swallowing, and breathing;

Whereas ALS can strike individuals of any age, but it predominantly strikes 
Whereas it is estimated that tens of thousands of individuals in the United 
        States have ALS at any given time;
Whereas, based on studies of the population of the United States, more than 
        5,000 individuals in the United States are diagnosed with ALS each year, 
        and approximately 15 individuals in the United States are diagnosed with 
        ALS each day;
Whereas every 90 minutes someone dies from ALS in the United States;
Whereas the majority of individuals with ALS die of respiratory failure;
Whereas, in the United States, military veterans are more likely to be diagnosed 
        with ALS than individuals with no history of military service;
Whereas, as of the date of introduction of this resolution, there is no cure for 
Whereas the spouses, children, and family members of individuals living with ALS 
        provide support to those individuals with love, day-to-day care, and 
        more; and
Whereas an individual with ALS, and the caregivers of such individual, can be 
        required to bear significant costs for medical care, equipment, and home 
        care services for the individual as the disease progresses: Now, 
        therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the Senate--
            (1) designates May 2024 as ``ALS Awareness Month'';
            (2) affirms the dedication of the Senate to--
                    (A) ensuring individuals with amyotrophic lateral 
                sclerosis (referred to in this resolution as ``ALS'') 
                have access to effective treatments as soon as 
                    (B) identifying risk factors and causes of ALS to 
                prevent new cases;
                    (C) empowering individuals with ALS to engage with 
                the world in the way they want;
                    (D) acknowledging the physical, emotional, and 
                financial burdens of living with ALS; and
                    (E) ensuring all individuals with ALS and their 
                caregivers receive high-quality services and supports 
                that benefit them; and
            (3) commends the dedication of the family members, friends, 
        organizations, volunteers, researchers, and caregivers across 
        the United States who are working to improve the quality and 
        length of life of ALS patients and develop treatments and cures 
        that reach patients as soon as possible.