[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. Res. 709 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  2d Session
S. RES. 709

 Expressing support for the designation of May 2024 as ``Mental Health 
                           Awareness Month''.



                              May 23, 2024

Mr. Lujan submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the 
          Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions



 Expressing support for the designation of May 2024 as ``Mental Health 
                           Awareness Month''.

Whereas millions of people in the United States face mental health challenges 
        and have unmet mental health needs;
Whereas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mental 
        health disorders are chronic conditions, and, without proper diagnosis 
        and treatment, children can face problems at home and in school, which 
        can interfere with the future development of those children;
Whereas more resources should be dedicated in schools to the prevention, early 
        detection, and treatment of mental health disorders in children;
Whereas childhood depression is more likely to persist into adulthood if it is 
        left untreated;
Whereas it is important that the United States provides the necessary funding 
        and resources to reach children and youth early on in life;
Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the use of digital technologies, such 
        as social media;
Whereas there has been a great concern about the impact of social media on the 
        mental health of children and youth;
Whereas social media exposes children to bullying, depression, anxiety, and 
Whereas there is a strong need to further understand and deter any negative 
        impact of social media on children and youth;
Whereas disparities remain in access to mental health treatment for communities 
        of color, with Asian, Native American, Hispanic, and Black individuals 
        less likely to receive mental health care than their counterparts;
Whereas suicide is a significant public health issue that can have an enduring 
        impact on individuals and their communities;
Whereas additional resources should be dedicated to the prevention of suicide in 
        the United States;
Whereas veterans are more likely to experience mental health challenges than 
Whereas it is important that the United States provides additional funding and 
        resources to support veterans with mental health needs; and
Whereas it would be appropriate to observe May 2024 as ``Mental Health Awareness 
        Month'': Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the Senate--
            (1) supports the designation of May 2024 as ``Mental Health 
        Awareness Month'' to remove the stigma associated with mental 
        illness and place emphasis on scientific findings regarding 
        mental health recovery;
            (2) declares mental health a national priority;
            (3) supports increasing access to mental health services;
            (4) recognizes that mental well-being is equally as 
        important as physical well-being for the citizens, communities, 
        schools, businesses, and economy of the United States;
            (5) applauds the coalescing of national, State, local, 
        medical, and faith-based organizations in--
                    (A) working to promote public awareness of mental 
                health; and
                    (B) providing critical information and support to 
                individuals and families affected by mental illness; 
            (6) encourages all individuals to draw on ``Mental Health 
        Awareness Month'' as an opportunity to promote mental well-
        being and awareness, ensure access to appropriate coverage and 
        services, and support overall quality of life for those living 
        with mental illness.