[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8536 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8536

 To establish the Office of the Ombudsperson for Immigrant Children in 
              Immigration Custody, and for other purposes.



                              May 23, 2024

Ms. Jayapal (for herself, Mr. Nadler, Ms. Norton, Ms. Omar, Mr. Goldman 
    of New York, Mr. Jackson of Illinois, Mr. Castro of Texas, Mrs. 
 Ramirez, Ms. Barragan, Mr. McGovern, Mrs. Hayes, Ms. Jackson Lee, Ms. 
Lee of California, Ms. Balint, Ms. Lofgren, Ms. Scanlon, and Ms. Tlaib) 
 introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on 
 the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Homeland Security, 
for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case 
for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of 
                        the committee concerned


                                 A BILL

 To establish the Office of the Ombudsperson for Immigrant Children in 
              Immigration Custody, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Protection of Kids in Immigrant 
Detention Act'' or ``PROKID Act''.


    In this Act:
            (1) Committee.--The term ``Committee'' means the expert 
        advisory committee established under section 5(a).
            (2) Director.--The term ``Director'' means the Director of 
        the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
            (3) Facility.--The term ``facility''--
                    (A) means a location at which 1 or more immigrant 
                children are detained by the Government or held in 
                immigration custody; and
                    (B) includes--
                            (i) an Office of Refugee Resettlement 
                        facility; and
                            (ii) a Department of Homeland Security 
                        facility, including--
                                    (I) a U.S. Customs and Border 
                                Protection temporary holding facility 
                                and transportation contractor;
                                    (II) a U.S. Immigration and Customs 
                                Enforcement family detention facility;
                                    (III) a U.S. Immigration and 
                                Customs Enforcement juvenile facility;
                                    (IV) a location operated by a 
                                private entity, including a hotel room; 
                                    (V) any other location at which the 
                                Department of Homeland Security or the 
                                Department of Health and Human Services 
                                detains or holds in custody an 
                                immigrant child.
            (4) Immigration custody.--The term ``immigration custody'' 
        means the physical custody of the Secretary of Health and Human 
        Services or the Secretary of Homeland Security (or the head of 
        any successor agency of the Department of Health and Human 
        Services or the Department of Homeland Security).
            (5) Influx facility.--The term ``influx facility'' means 
        any facility established to provide temporary emergency shelter 
        and services for unaccompanied immigrant children during an 
        influx or emergency.
            (6) Flores settlement agreement.--The term ``Flores 
        settlement agreement'' means the stipulated settlement 
        agreement filed in the United States District Court for the 
        Central District of California on January 17, 1997 (CV 85-4544-
            (7) Immigrant child.--The term ``immigrant child'' means an 
        alien (as defined in section 101(a) of the Immigration and 
        Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a))) under the age of 18 years.
            (8) In-network facility.--The term ``in-network facility'' 
        means a facility operated by an Office of Refugee Resettlement 
        grantee, subgrantee, contractor, or subcontractor.
            (9) Office of refugee resettlement facility.--The term 
        ``Office of Refugee Resettlement facility''--
                    (A) means--
                            (i) a shelter operated by an Office of 
                        Refugee Resettlement grantee, subgrantee, 
                        contractor, or subcontractor to hold immigrant 
                            (ii) staff secure, secure care, or 
                        transitional foster care housing or long term 
                        foster care so operated; or
                            (iii) any other location operated by the 
                        Office of Refugee Resettlement to hold 
                        immigrant children; and
                    (B) includes an in-network facility and an out-of-
                network facility.
            (10) Office of the ombudsperson.--The term ``Office of the 
        Ombudsperson'' means the Office of the Ombudsperson for 
        Immigrant Children in Government Custody established by section 
            (11) Ombudsperson.--The term ``Ombudsperson'' means the 
        ombudsperson appointed under section 3(c).
            (12) Out-of-network facility.--The term ``out-of-network 
        facility'' means a facility at which an immigrant child is 
        placed as a result of an Office of Refugee Resettlement 
        determination that there is no care provider available among 
        in-network facilities to provide specialized services required 
        by the immigrant child, such as medical or mental health 
            (13) Unobstructed access.--The term ``unobstructed access'' 
                    (A) with respect to a facility, the ability to 
                enter the facility, including unannounced, to tour and 
                physically visit all areas of the facility; and
                    (B) with respect to information, the ability to 
                obtain requested information in a timely manner with 
                the full cooperation of the Director, the Secretary of 
                Homeland Security, or the Secretary of Health and Human 
                Services, as applicable.
            (14) Working group.--The term ``Working Group'' means the 
        interagency working group established under section 6(b).


    (a) Establishment.--There is established, within the Department of 
Health and Human Services, an Office of the Ombudsperson for Immigrant 
Children in Immigration Custody--
            (1) to endorse and support the principle that family 
        separation and detention are generally not in a child's best 
        interest; and
            (2) in cases in which detention or immigration custody is 
                    (A) to ensure that immigrant children are only 
                detained or held in immigration custody in the least 
                restrictive setting;
                    (B) to advocate for the quick, safe, and efficient 
                release of immigrant children from detention or 
                immigration custody whenever possible; and
                    (C) in any case in which an immigrant child is held 
                in Department of Homeland Security custody together 
                with his or her family unit, to advocate for the 
                release of the child and concurrent release of the 
                parent or legal guardian of the child not later than 72 
                hours after the time at which such child and parent or 
                legal guardian were apprehended.
    (b) Independence.--The Office of the Ombudsperson shall be an 
impartial, confidential resource fully independent of--
            (1) the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the Department of 
        Health and Human Services; and
            (2) the Department of Homeland Security.
    (c) Ombudsperson.--
            (1) In general.--The Office of the Ombudsperson shall be 
        headed by an Ombudsperson, who shall be appointed by, and 
        report directly to, the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
            (2) Qualifications.--The individual appointed as 
        Ombudsperson shall have demonstrated experience in--
                    (A) immigration law; and
                    (B) child advocacy or child welfare.
            (3) Duties and authorities.--
                    (A) Monitoring.--
                            (i) In general.--The Ombudsperson shall 
                        monitor, including by making frequent site 
                        visits, for compliance with all applicable 
                        Federal and State laws, regulations, and 
                        standards relating to immigrant children in 
                        immigration custody.
                            (ii) Inclusions.--The laws, regulations, 
                        and standards referred to in clause (i) 
                                    (I) the Flores settlement 
                                    (II) section 235 of the William 
                                Wilberforce Trafficking Victims 
                                Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 
                                (8 U.S.C. 1232);
                                    (III) the applicable provisions of 
                                the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 
                                (34 U.S.C. 30301 et seq.);
                                    (IV) the standards of U.S. Customs 
                                and Border Protection entitled 
                                ``National Standards on Transport, 
                                Escort, Detention, and Search'' issued 
                                in October 2015; and
                                    (V) internal Office of Refugee 
                                Resettlement policy guidance, including 
                                the guidance entitled ``ORR Policy 
                                Guide: Children Entering the United 
                                States Unaccompanied'' issued on 
                                January 30, 2015.
                            (iii) Onsite visits for influx facilities 
                        and unlicensed facilities.--
                                    (I) In general.--Not less 
                                frequently than monthly during the 
                                period in which an influx facility or 
                                an unlicensed facility is in operation, 
                                the Ombudsperson shall conduct a 
                                comprehensive onsite visit at such 
                                facility to monitor for compliance with 
                                applicable Federal and State law 
                                (including regulations), including--
                                            (aa) the Flores settlement 
                                        agreement; and
                                            (bb) section 235 of the 
                                        William Wilberforce Trafficking 
                                        Victims Protection 
                                        Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 
                                        U.S.C. 1232).
                                    (II) Certain unlicensed 
                                facilities.--The onsite visits required 
                                by subclause (I) shall include visits 
                                to any unlicensed facility.
                    (B) Investigations.--
                            (i) In general.--The Ombudsperson shall 
                        investigate issues including--
                                    (I) claims or reports of abuse, 
                                neglect, or mistreatment of immigrant 
                                children, by the Government or any 
                                other entity, while in immigration 
                                    (II) complaints against foster care 
                                providers, including foster care 
                                providers under State oversight;
                                    (III) a lack of timely, 
                                confidential access to professionals 
                                such as legal counsel, legal services 
                                providers, child advocates, and medical 
                                professionals; and
                                    (IV) complaints with respect to--
                                            (aa) the conditions of 
                                        custody or length of time in 
                                        custody in any facility; and
                                            (bb) sexual abuse or sexual 
                                        harassment, including potential 
                                        violations of part 411 of title 
                                        45, Code of Federal Regulations 
                                        (relating to standards to 
                                        prevent, detect, and respond to 
                                        sexual abuse and sexual 
                                        harassment involving 
                                        unaccompanied children).
                            (ii) State licensing violations.--If in the 
                        course of an investigation under clause (i) the 
                        Ombudsperson discovers a State licensing 
                        violation, the Ombudsperson shall report the 
                        violation to the child welfare licensing agency 
                        of the applicable State.
                            (iii) Violations in unlicensed 
                                    (I) In general.--The Ombudsperson 
                                shall investigate any potential 
                                violation of law, regulation, or 
                                standard in an influx facility or 
                                unlicensed facility, including any such 
                                facility the license of which has been 
                                revoked by a State.
                                    (II) Report.--If in the course of 
                                an investigation under subclause (I), 
                                the Ombudsperson determines that a 
                                violation of law, regulation, or 
                                standard has occurred, not later than 
                                30 days after making such 
                                determination, the Ombudsperson shall 
                                report the violation the Secretary of 
                                Health and Human Services for further 
                    (C) Placement review panels.--
                            (i) In general.--The Ombudsperson shall 
                        provide oversight of placement review panels 
                        (or successor review bodies or processes), 
                        convened by the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
                            (ii) Cooperation of director.--The Director 
                                    (I) not later than 5 days before a 
                                placement review panel (or successor 
                                review body or process), is convened by 
                                the Office of Refugee Resettlement, 
                                provide the Ombudsperson with notice of 
                                the convening, including the location 
                                of the immigrant child concerned;
                                    (II) allow the Ombudsperson to 
                                attend the convening of such a panel 
                                (or successor review body or process), 
                                if the immigrant child concerned or the 
                                legal counsel or child advocate of such 
                                child requests the presence of the 
                                Ombudsperson; and
                                    (III) notify the Ombudsperson of 
                                the decision of each such panel (or 
                                successor review body or process).
                            (iii) Civil action not precluded.--Any 
                        review conducted by the Ombudsperson under this 
                        subparagraph of a decision by a placement 
                        review panel or equivalent review body shall 
                        not preclude an immigrant child, or the legal 
                        counsel, child advocate, parent, or prospective 
                        sponsor of the immigrant child, from commencing 
                        a civil action in any appropriate district 
                        court of the United States.
                    (D) Stakeholder meetings.--Not less frequently than 
                quarterly, the Ombudsperson shall invite community 
                stakeholders, Flores settlement agreement class 
                counsel, and the Flores settlement agreement court-
                appointed monitor to participate in a meeting--
                            (i) to ensure that the Ombudsperson is 
                        aware of stakeholder concerns and priorities; 
                            (ii) to provide feedback on stakeholder 
                    (E) Regional offices.--The Ombudsperson shall 
                establish regional offices of the Office of the 
                            (i) to ensure the inclusion of pertinent 
                        local and regional issues, trends, and 
                        challenges for consideration by the 
                            (ii) to strengthen State oversight;
                            (iii) to coordinate with State licensing 
                        entities; and
                            (iv) to identify and address differences 
                        among State child protection laws.
                    (F) Individual case assistance.--
                            (i) In general.--With respect to an 
                        immigration child in immigration custody, after 
                        consultation with the child's attorney or legal 
                        service provider contracted to provide legal