[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 1254 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
H. RES. 1254

Recognizing the strategic importance of Kenya to the United States and 
 celebrating the 60-year anniversary of United States-Kenya relations.



                              May 23, 2024

   Mrs. Cherfilus-McCormick (for herself, Mr. James, Mr. Meeks, Ms. 
    Jacobs, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Jackson of Illinois, and Mrs. Kim of 
 California) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to 
                    the Committee on Foreign Affairs



Recognizing the strategic importance of Kenya to the United States and 
 celebrating the 60-year anniversary of United States-Kenya relations.

Whereas the United States and Kenya established diplomatic relations on May 23, 
        1964, after Kenya gained independence in 1963, and have since developed 
        a strong and enduring bilateral partnership;
Whereas bilateral engagement between the United States and Kenya expanded after 
        Kenya's historic 2002 general elections, when a coalition of opposition 
        parties won the elections, ending decades of one-party dominance;
Whereas Kenya took steps to bolster its democratic institutions in 2010 in the 
        wake of the devastating 2007-2008 postelection violence by adopting a 
        transformative new constitution with a bill of rights and new checks and 
        balances, including a more deliberate separation of government powers 
        and the devolution of certain authorities to new county governments;
Whereas Kenya has become one of sub-Saharan Africa's largest economies, a 
        regional hub for transportation and finance, and a cornerstone of 
        stability and prosperity in East Africa;
Whereas, in August 2018, the United States and Kenya formally elevated their 
        relationship to a strategic partnership and established a corresponding 
        bilateral strategic dialogue, prioritizing 5 pillars of engagement, 

    (1) economic prosperity, trade, and investment;

    (2) defense cooperation;

    (3) democracy, governance, and civilian security;

    (4) multilateral and regional issues; and

    (5) public health cooperation;

Whereas the United States is a major trading partner for Kenya, which is a 
        leading beneficiary of preferential trade benefits under the African 
        Growth and Opportunity Act and a participant in the Prosper Africa 
Whereas the United States and Kenya entered bilateral negotiations on a future 
        free trade agreement on July 8, 2020;
Whereas, on July 14, 2022, the United States and Kenya launched Strategic Trade 
        and Investment Partnership negotiations to increase bilateral trade and 
        investment cooperation;
Whereas Kenya's dynamic and growing market-based economy offers increased 
        economic opportunities for public and private partnerships that advance 
        United States strategic and economic interests;
Whereas Kenya is at the forefront of improving environmental resilience and is a 
        top tourism destination known for its biodiversity and conservation 
Whereas, on September 25, 2023, the United States and Kenya signed a 5-year 
        Framework for Defense Cooperation to guide mutual defense cooperation, 
        enhance interoperability, and advance shared security interests;
Whereas military-to-military ties between the United States and Kenya have 
        deepened through coordinating and participating in bilateral and 
        multilateral military exercises, and Kenya hosting United States forces 
        at Manda Bay;
Whereas the United States and Kenya have worked together to address shared 
        security and counterterrorism concerns in Kenya and the broader region, 
        including in Somalia, where Kenya has contributed forces for over a 
        decade to counter al-Shabaab and support Somalia through the African 
        Union mission;
Whereas Kenya is a key strategic partner in responding to Iranian-backed Houthi 
        attacks against vessels in the Red Sea through its participation in 
        Operation Prosperity Guardian;
Whereas, in 2011, Kenya reestablished the Kenya National Commission on Human 
        Rights as an autonomous institution to monitor government compliance 
        with internationally-recognized human rights and investigate alleged 
        human rights violations;
Whereas Kenya has a flourishing civil society that is supported through 
        constitutional guarantees and a new, more predictable regulatory 
        environment under the Public Benefits Organization Act, which came into 
        effect on May 11, 2024;
Whereas Kenya plays a critical role in supporting a strong force for regional 
        cooperation and integration as a key member of the East African 
Whereas Kenya has volunteered to mediate multiple regional conflicts;
Whereas Kenya has been a leading African voice in multilateral forums, including 
        during its 2021-2022 term on the United Nations Security Council, 
        against Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine, reaffirming its respect 
        for Ukraine's territorial integrity and standing in defense of 
Whereas the United States and Kenya have a long history of partnering to address 
        critical public health crises, including through the President's 
        Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief;
Whereas the United States and Kenya have developed strong people-to-people ties 
        as the foundation for deeper cooperation, with over 200 Kenyans 
        participating in United States Government-sponsored exchange programs 
        annually and over 250,000 Americans visiting Kenya on average annually; 
Whereas the diverse Kenyan-American community has made critical contributions to 
        the culture and economy of the United States and forms one of the 
        strongest bonds linking these two countries together: Now, therefore, be 
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
            (1) celebrates 60 years of diplomatic relations between the 
        United States and Kenya;
            (2) reaffirms the strong partnership between the United 
        States and Kenya, rooted in a shared commitment to upholding 
        peace, security, and prosperity;
            (3) recognizes Kenya's role in regional security, including 
        maritime security, and its efforts to foster stability in the 
        Horn of Africa and East Africa;
            (4) calls for continued cooperation between the United 
        States and Kenya in promoting, strengthening, and defending 
        shared democratic values and respect for human rights;
            (5) encourages the United States and Kenya to continue to 
        expand trade and economic cooperation;
            (6) encourages Kenya's efforts to improve its business 
        environment, domestic economic reforms, anticorruption 
        measures, and counter money laundering efforts;
            (7) commits to strengthening and deepening diplomatic, 
        economic, commercial, security, and people-to-people ties 
        between the United States and Kenya;
            (8) encourages the Department of State to look at all 
        available tools to help address Kenya's debt crisis and counter 
        China's economic coercion;
            (9) appreciates the contributions of the Kenyan diaspora 
        community to the United States; and
            (10) acknowledges the potential of the bilateral 
        relationship to bring significant benefit to the citizens of 
        both countries and to addressing security, economic, and 
        environmental challenges across the region and beyond.