[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4394 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  2d Session
                                S. 4394

   To support National Science Foundation education and professional 
            development relating to artificial intelligence.



                              May 22, 2024

Ms. Cantwell (for herself and Mr. Moran) introduced the following bill; 
    which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, 
                      Science, and Transportation


                                 A BILL

   To support National Science Foundation education and professional 
            development relating to artificial intelligence.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``NSF AI Education Act of 2024''.


    In this Act:
            (1) Artificial intelligence; ai.--The term ``artificial 
        intelligence'' or ``AI'' has the meaning given such term in 
        section 5002 of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National 
        Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (15 U.S.C. 
            (2) Community college.--The term ``community college'' has 
        the meaning given the term ``junior or community college'' in 
        section 312(f) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 
            (3) Director.--The term ``Director'' means the Director of 
        the National Science Foundation.
            (4) Emerging research institution.--The term ``emerging 
        research institution'' has the meaning given the term in 
        section 10002 of the Research and Development, Competition, and 
        Innovation Act (42 U.S.C. 18901).
            (5) EPSCoR institution.--The term ``EPSCoR institution'' 
        means an institution of higher education, nonprofit 
        organization, or other institution located in a jurisdiction 
        eligible to participate in the Established Program to Stimulate 
        Competitive Research under section 113 of the National Science 
        Foundation Authorization Act of 1988 (42 U.S.C. 1862g).
            (6) High school.--The term ``high school'' has the meaning 
        given that term in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary 
        Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
            (7) Historically black college and university.--The term 
        ``historically Black college and university'' has the meaning 
        given the term ``part B institution'' in section 322 of the 
        Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1061).
            (8) Institution of higher education.--The term 
        ``institution of higher education'' has the meaning given the 
        term in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 
        U.S.C. 1001(a)).
            (9) Key emerging technologies.--The term ``key emerging 
        technologies'' means the technologies included in the initial 
        list of key technology focus areas set forth by section 
        10387(c) of the Research and Development, Competition, and 
        Innovation Act (42 U.S.C. 19107(c)), photonics, and 
            (10) Labor organization.--The term ``labor organization'' 
        has the meaning given the term in section 2(5) of the National 
        Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 152(5)), except that such term 
        shall also include--
                    (A) any organization composed of labor 
                organizations, such as a labor union federation or a 
                State or municipal labor body; and
                    (B) any organization that would be included in the 
                definition for such term under such section 2(5) but 
                for the fact that the organization represents--
                            (i) individuals employed by the United 
                        States, any wholly owned Government 
                        corporation, any Federal Reserve Bank, or any 
                        State or political subdivision thereof;
                            (ii) individuals employed by persons 
                        subject to the Railway Labor Act (45 U.S.C. 151 
                        et seq.); or
                            (iii) individuals employed as agricultural 
            (11) Minority-serving institution.--The term ``minority-
        serving institution'' has the meaning given the term in section 
        10002 of the Research and Development, Competition, and 
        Innovation Act (42 U.S.C. 18901).
            (12) National laboratory.--The term ``National Laboratory'' 
        has the meaning given that term in section 2 of the Energy 
        Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 15801).
            (13) Nonprofit organization.--The term ``nonprofit 
        organization'' means an organization which is described in 
        section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and 
        exempt from tax under section 501(a) of such Code.
            (14) Quantum hybrid computing.--The term ``quantum hybrid 
        computing'' means the use of quantum computing in conjunction 
        with classical computing.
            (15) Quantum information science.--The term ``quantum 
        information science'' means the use of the laws of quantum 
        physics for the storage, transmission, manipulation, computing, 
        or measurement of information.
            (16) Rural-located institution of higher education.--The 
        term ``rural-located institution of higher education'' means an 
        institution of higher education that is located in or near 
        areas that are not classified as urban by the Census Bureau.
            (17) Rural-serving institution of higher education.--The 
        term ``rural-serving institution of higher education'' means an 
        institution of higher education that--
                    (A) primarily serves areas that are not classified 
                as urban by the Census Bureau; and
                    (B) offers degrees that are unique and helpful to 
                rural regions that are not classified as urban by the 
                Census Bureau.
            (18) STEM.--The term ``STEM'' means science, technology, 
        engineering, and mathematics, including computer science.
            (19) Tribal college or university.--The term ``Tribal 
        College or University'' has the meaning given the term in 
        section 316(b) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 


    (a) Scholarships Related to AI or Quantum Hybrid Computing.--
            (1) In general.--The Director shall award merit- or need-
        based scholarships to undergraduate students at institutions of 
        higher education in order to enable such students to study--
                    (A) the development, deployment, integration, or 
                application of artificial intelligence; or
                    (B) quantum hybrid computing.
            (2) Scholarships.--Scholarships awarded under paragraph (1) 
        shall be in the form of annual grant awards for a 4-year period 
        in amounts that cover the cost of tuition, education-related 
        fees, and a stipend. Such scholarships shall be paid directly 
        to the institution of higher education in which the student is 
    (b) Scholarships Related to AI and Agriculture.--
            (1) In general.--The Director shall award merit- or need-
        based scholarships to undergraduate students at institutions of 
        higher education in order to enable such students to study--
                    (A) artificial intelligence and agriculture; or
                    (B) the integration of artificial intelligence into 
                agricultural operations, prediction, and decision 
            (2) Priority.--In awarding scholarships under this 
        subsection, the Director shall give preference to students who 
        are attending rural-located institutions of higher education, 
        rural-serving institutions of higher education, or Tribal 
        Colleges or Universities.
            (3) Scholarships.--Scholarships awarded under paragraph (1) 
        shall be in the form of annual grant awards for a 4-year period 
        in amounts that cover the cost of tuition, education-related 
        fees, and a stipend. Such scholarships shall be paid directly 
        to the institution of higher education in which the student is 
    (c) Scholarships Related to AI and Education.--
            (1) In general.--The Director shall award merit- or need-
        based scholarships to undergraduate students at institutions of 
        higher education in order to enable such students to study the 
        teaching of artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence 
        skills at elementary schools, secondary schools, career and 
        technical education schools, institutions of higher education, 
        or through other higher education and professional education 
            (2) Scholarships.--Scholarships awarded under paragraph (1) 
        shall be in the form of annual grant awards for a 4-year period 
        that cover the cost of tuition, education-related fees, and a 
        stipend. Such scholarships shall be paid directly to the 
        institution of higher education in which the student is 
    (d) Scholarships Related to AI and Advanced Manufacturing.--
            (1) In general.--The Director shall award merit- or need-
        based scholarships to undergraduate students at institutions of 
        higher education in order to enable such students to study--
                    (A) artificial intelligence and advanced 
                manufacturing; or
                    (B) the integration of artificial intelligence into 
                advanced manufacturing operations.
            (2) Scholarships.--Scholarships awarded under paragraph (1) 
        shall be in the form of annual grant awards for a 4-year period 
        that cover the cost of tuition, education-related fees, and a 
        stipend. Such scholarships shall be paid directly to the 
        institution of higher education in which the student is 
    (e) Method.--The Director may carry out this section by making 
awards through new or existing programs.


    (a) Graduate Scholarships Related to AI or Quantum Hybrid 
Computing.--The Director shall award merit- or need-based scholarships 
to graduate students at institutions of higher education in order to 
enable such students to study--
            (1) the development, deployment, integration, or 
        application of artificial intelligence; or
            (2) quantum hybrid computing.
    (b) Scholarships Related to AI and Agriculture.--
            (1) In general.--The Director shall award merit- or need-
        based scholarships to graduate students at institutions of 
        higher education in order to enable such students to study--
                    (A) artificial intelligence and agriculture; or
                    (B) the integration of artificial intelligence into 
                agricultural operations, prediction, and 
            (2) Priority.--In awarding scholarships under this 
        subsection, the Director shall give preference to students who 
        are attending rural-located institutions of higher education, 
        rural-serving institutions of higher education, or Tribal 
        Colleges or Universities.
    (c) Graduate Scholarships Related to AI and Education.--The 
Director shall award merit- or need-based scholarships to graduate 
students at institutions of higher education in order to enable such 
students to study the teaching of artificial intelligence and 
artificial intelligence skills at elementary schools, secondary 
schools, career and technical education schools, institutions of higher 
education, or through other higher education and professional education 
    (d) Graduate Scholarships Related to AI and Advanced 
Manufacturing.--The Director shall award merit- or need-based 
scholarships to graduate students at institutions of higher education 
in order to enable such students to study--
            (1) artificial intelligence and advanced manufacturing; or
            (2) the integration of artificial intelligence into 
        advanced manufacturing operations.
    (e) Scholarships.--Scholarships awarded under this section shall be 
in the form of annual grant awards for a 3-year period that cover the 
cost of tuition, education-related fees, and a stipend. Such 
scholarships shall be paid directly to the institution of higher 
education in which the student is enrolled.
    (f) Method.--The Director may carry out this section by making 
awards through new or existing programs.


    (a) In General.--The Director shall establish a program to promote 
the exchange of ideas and encourage collaborations between institutions 
of higher education and industry partners in the fields of artificial 
intelligence and key emerging technologies, including through 
fellowships for students and industry professionals.
    (b) Fellowships.--
            (1) In general.--The Director shall award merit-based 
        fellowships for professionals for professional development 
        programs in STEM fields or the field of education that are 
        administered by or affiliated with institutions of higher 
        education, in order to enable fellowship recipients to attain 
        skills or training on--
                    (A) the development, deployment, integration, or 
                application of artificial intelligence;
                    (B) prompt engineering; or
                    (C) quantum hybrid computing.
            (2) Fellowship awards.--Awards under this subsection shall 
        be in the form of one annual award that covers the cost of 
        tuition, education-related fees, and a stipend. Such awards 
        shall be paid directly to the institution of higher education 
        that administers, or that is affiliated with, the program in 
        which the fellowship recipient is participating.


    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Agriculture, acting through the 
Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, in 
collaboration with the Director of the National Science Foundation, 
shall award grants to land-grant colleges and universities (as defined 
in section 1404 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and 
Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3103)) for artificial 
intelligence in agriculture.
    (b) Use of Funds.--A grant awarded under this section may be used 
            (1) research and development on the use of artificial 
        intelligence in agriculture or the integration of artificial 
        intelligence into agricultural operations, predictions, and 
        decision making;
            (2) the dissemination of educational resources for 
        artificial intelligence in rural areas; and
            (3) artificial intelligence tools for agriculture.


    (a) In General.--The Director may establish or use existing 
programs to support fellowships and scholarships for students at 
institutions of higher education for the purpose of--
            (1) increasing quantum information science, engineering, 
        and technology exposure for undergraduate and graduate STEM 
        students; and
            (2) increasing post-graduation employment opportunities for 
        STEM students who demonstrate potential to pursue careers in 
        quantum information science, engineering, and technology, or 
        fields that support the quantum industry.
    (b) Requirements.--Eligible participants in the fellowship and 
scholarship program shall--
            (1) be enrolled in or have graduated from a STEM degree 
        program at a domestic institution of higher education; and
            (2) have taken at least one quantum-science or quantum-
        relevant course as part of their degree programs.
    (c) Considerations.--Eligible fellowships and scholarships may 
include temporary quantum-related positions at State or Federal 
agencies, National Laboratories, private sector entities, institutions 
of higher education, or other quantum-relevant entities, as determined 
appropriate by the Director.
    (d) Competitive Awards.--Fellowships and scholarships shall be 
competitively awarded through a merit-review process. The Director may 
prioritize fellowships that include an industry partner that provides 
financial assistance to the applicant for direct or indirect costs.


    (a) In General.--The Director shall carry out a nationwide outreach 
campaign to students at elementary schools, secondary schools, career 
and technical education schools, institutions of higher education, or 
through other higher education and professional education programs to 
increase awareness about AI or quantum education opportunities at the 
National Science Foundation.
    (b) Priority.--In carrying out such campaign, the Director shall 
prioritize outreach to underserved and rural areas.


    (a) Definitions.--In this section:
            (1) Area career and technical education school.--The term 
        ``area career and technical education school'' has the meaning 
        given the term in section 3 of the Carl D. Perkins Career and 
        Technical Education Act of 2006 (20 U.S.C. 2302).
            (2) Eligible applicant.--The term ``eligible applicant'' 
        means a community college, vocational school, or area career 
        and technical education school, in partnership with 1 or more 
        of the following:
                    (A) A Federal, State, local, or Tribal government 
                    (B) An institution of higher education.
                    (C) An entity in private industry.
                    (D) An economic development organization or venture 
                development organization.
                    (E) A labor organization.
                    (F) A nonprofit organization.
            (3) Venture development organization.--The term ``venture 
        development organization'' has the meaning given the term in 
        section 27(a) of the Stevenson-Wydler Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 
            (4) Vocational school.--The term ``vocational school'' has 
        the meaning given the term ``postsecondary vocational 
        institution'' in section 102(c) of the Higher Education Act of 
        1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002(c)).
    (b) Establishment of Centers of AI Excellence.--The Director, in 
coordination with the Regional Technology Hubs program at the 
Department of Commerce and the Regional Innovation Engines program at 
the National Science Foundation, shall choo