[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8503 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8503

 To provide States with support to establish integrated care programs 
for individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, and 
                          for other purposes.



                              May 22, 2024

  Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania (for himself and Mr. Bera) introduced the 
   following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and 
  Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a 
 period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for 
consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the 
                          committee concerned


                                 A BILL

 To provide States with support to establish integrated care programs 
for individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, and 
                          for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Delivering Unified 
Access to Lifesaving Services Act of 2024'' or the ``DUALS Act of 
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

Sec. 101. State implementation.

        ``Sec. 2201. Definitions.
        ``Sec. 2202. State selection of program models, development, 
                            and implementation.
        ``Sec. 2203. Enrollment in integrated care plans.
        ``Sec. 2204. Plan requirements and payments.
        ``Sec. 2205. Data collection and reporting.
        ``Sec. 2206. State ombudsman.
        ``Sec. 2207. Funding.
        ``Sec. 2208. Federal administration through the Federal 
                            Coordinated Health Care Office.
Sec. 102. Providing Federal Coordinated Health Care Office authority 
                            over dual snps.
Sec. 103. Additional conforming amendments.

Sec. 201. Identifying opportunities for State coordination with respect 
                            to eligibility determinations.
Sec. 202. Alignment of bidding, reporting, and other dates and 
                            deadlines for integrated care plans.
Sec. 203. Grants to State and local community organizations for 
                            outreach and enrollment.
Sec. 204. Application of model standards to information requirements 
                            for integrated care plans.
Sec. 205. Enrollment through independent brokers.
Sec. 206. Reducing threshold for look-alike D-SNP plans under Medicare 
Sec. 207. Requiring regular update of provider directories.
Sec. 208. Review of hospital quality star rating system.
Sec. 209. Requirement for FCHCO and State Medicaid agencies to develop 
                            maximum staffing ratios for care 
Sec. 210. CMMI testing of coverage of partial benefit dual eligible 
                            individuals through State Integrated Care 
                       TITLE III--ADMINISTRATION

Sec. 301. Alignment of billing codes under titles XVIII, XIX, and XXII.
                             TITLE IV--PACE

Sec. 401. Requiring States to offer PACE program services to eligible 
Sec. 402. Enrollment of PACE beneficiaries at any time.
Sec. 403. Extending eligibility for PACE to medicare-eligible 
                            individuals under the age of 55.
Sec. 404. Removal of quarterly restrictions for submission of a new 
                            PACE organization application, and removal 
                            of quarterly restrictions for applications 
                            in a new service area.
Sec. 405. Ensuring Medicare-only PACE program enrollees have a choice 
                            of prescription drug plans under Medicare 
                            part D.



    The Social Security Act is amended by adding at the end the 
following new title:



    ``In this title:
            ``(1) Director.--The term `Director' means the Director of 
        the Federal Coordinated Health Care Office of the Centers for 
        Medicare & Medicaid Services.
            ``(2) Dual eligible individual.--The term `dual eligible 
        individual' means an individual who is entitled to, or enrolled 
        for, benefits under part A of title XVIII, or enrolled for 
        benefits under part B of title XVIII, and is eligible for 
        medical assistance for full benefits under title XIX under 
        section 1902(a)(10)(A) or 1902(a)(10)(C), by reason of section 
        1902(f), or under any other category of eligibility for medical 
        assistance for full benefits under such title, as determined by 
        the Secretary.
            ``(3) Integrated care plan.--The term `integrated care 
        plan' means an entity or organization that is selected by a 
        State under section 2202(a) to provide fully integrated care 
        for a dual eligible individual in accordance with the 
        requirements of this title and related Federal and State 
        regulations. Such term shall not include a PACE program (as 
        defined in sections 1894(a)(2) and 1934(a)(2)).


    ``(a) State Selection of Program Models.--Not later than 1 year 
after the date on which the Director first publishes the range of 
program models for providing integrated care for dual eligible 
individuals required by section 2208(b)(1), each State shall select 
from such published models, and shall work with the Director to 
implement such models in the State in accordance with the requirements 
of this title a program model to provide comprehensive, fully 
integrated care for dual eligible individuals.
    ``(b) Timing.--Each State shall work with the Director to implement 
the models selected by the State under subsection (a) so that, to the 
extent practicable, the State may begin to enroll dual eligible 
individuals in the program models selected during the fourth year that 
occurs after the year in which the State makes such selection and, by 
the end of such fourth year, the models are fully implemented and 
operated in accordance with the requirements of this title and related 
Federal and State regulations. Nothing in this subsection shall 
prohibit a State from enrolling dual eligible individuals in such 
program models earlier than the end of such fourth year if the models 
are fully implemented and operated in accordance with the requirements 
of this title and related Federal and State regulations.
    ``(c) Adjustment Authority.--The Director may modify the timing 
required by subsections (a) and (b) as appropriate to account for the 
particular needs or circumstances of a State.
    ``(d) Implementation Council.--
            ``(1) In general.--A State shall establish an 
        implementation council in accordance with such requirements as 
        the Secretary shall establish. The members of the council shall 
        include representatives of a wide range of stakeholders 
        relevant to the provision of integrated care for dual eligible 
            ``(2) Duties.--The implementation council shall provide 
        advice and counsel to the State with respect to the 
        implementation of the models selected by the State under 
        subsection (a).


    ``(a) Passive Enrollment; Opt-Out Permitted.--
            ``(1) Passive enrollment and notice requirements.--A State 
        shall automatically enroll a dual eligible individual with an 
        integrated care plan under a contract with the State provided 
        that the State notifies the individual that the individual will 
        be enrolled with such plan at least 60 days (90 days, in the 
        case of the first time the individual is provided such notice) 
        prior to the effective date of such enrollment. Notice provided 
        to a dual eligible individual under this paragraph shall 
        include the following:
                    ``(A) The name and contact information for the 
                integrated care plan.
                    ``(B) The date on which the enrollment takes effect 
                and, if applicable, whether the State has elected the 
                option for a 12-month continuous eligibility period 
                under paragraph (4).
                    ``(C) A summary of the benefits to be provided by 
                the plan.
                    ``(D) Information regarding the provider network of 
                the plan.
                    ``(E) Information regarding how the dual eligible 
                individual may elect to opt-out of enrollment with the 
                plan within 60 days (90 days, in the case of the first 
                time the individual is provided such notice).
            ``(2) Enrollment in plan with in-network, participating 
        primary care provider required.--A State shall not passively 
        enroll a dual eligible individual in an integrated care plan 
        unless the individual's primary care physician is an in-
        network, participating provider for the plan.
            ``(3) Voluntary enrollment.--A State shall offer a dual 
        eligible individual the option to enroll in an integrated care 
        plan without regard to meeting the requirement of paragraph 
            ``(4) State option for continuous eligibility and 
        enrollment.--A State may elect for a dual eligible individual 
        who is determined to be eligible for medical assistance under 
        the State plan under title XIX or under a waiver of such plan 
        and who is enrolled with an integrated care plan under a 
        contract with the State to remain eligible for medical 
        assistance and enrolled with such plan until the earlier of--
                    ``(A) the end of the 12-month period beginning on 
                the date of such determination; or
                    ``(B) the date that such individual ceases to be a 
                resident of such State.
    ``(b) Change of Enrollment.--A State shall permit a dual eligible 
individual to change enrollment in an integrated care plan--
            ``(1) on a monthly basis if the individual is electing to 
        enroll in another integrated care plan;
            ``(2) during the general enrollment period applicable under 
        section 1837, if the individual is electing to disenroll from 
        an integrated care plan and not enroll in another integrated 
        care plan; and
            ``(3) during the 60-day period beginning on the date the 
        individual receives notice from the State that the individual 
        has been determined to no longer be eligible for treatment as a 
        dual eligible individual, if the individual is no longer 
        eligible to enroll in an integrated care plan.
    ``(c) Contact by Plan Care Coordinator Permitted Prior to Effective 
Date of Enrollment.--A care coordinator for an integrated care plan may 
contact a dual eligible individual who has been passively enrolled in 
the plan prior to the effective date of the enrollment.


    ``(a) In General.--A contract between a State, an offeror of an 
integrated care plan, and the Director shall not be considered to meet 
the requirements of this title unless--
            ``(1) in the case of a dual eligible individual enrolled 
        with the plan who changes enrollment to another integrated care 
        plan for which the individual's primary care provider is not a 
        participating, in-network provider, or who disenrolls from the 
        plan and does not enroll in another integrated care plan, the 
        offeror of the plan will, during the 30-day period that begins 
        on the date on which the individual's disenrollment from the 
        plan takes effect--
                    ``(A) allow the individual to continue to be 
                treated by the individual's primary care provider; and
                    ``(B) cover any treatment provided to the 
                individual by such provider as if the individual were 
                still enrolled with the plan;
            ``(2) the offeror of the plan administers a health risk 
        assessment to each dual eligible individual enrolled with the 
        plan within 90 days of the effective date of the individual's 
        enrollment in accordance with the requirements of subsection 
        (c) and shall affirm that there are no changes in the 
        information provided at least every 12 months thereafter;
            ``(3) the offeror of the plan provides benefits for a dual 
        eligible individual under a comprehensive care plan in 
        accordance with the requirements of subsections (d) and (f);
            ``(4) the offeror of the plan assigns a care coordinator to 
        each dual eligible individual enrolled with the plan in 
        accordance with the requirements of subsection (e) and notifies 
        such individual in a timely and accessible manner when a new 
        care coordinator is assigned; and
            ``(5) the contract provides for payment to the offeror for 
        benefits provided to dual eligible individuals enrolled with 
        the plan using a financing structure that satisfies the 
        requirements of section 2208(c).
    ``(b) Disregard of Certain Disenrollment Data for Ratings 
Purposes.--The disenrollment of a dual eligible individual from an 
integrated care plan who was passively enrolled in the plan under 
section 2203 shall be disregarded for purposes of any data used for 
rating of the plan for such plan year.
    ``(c) Health Risk Assessment.--An offeror of an integrated care 
plan shall administer a health risk assessment to each dual eligible 
individual enrolled with the plan using the standardized health risk 
assessment questionnaire developed by the Director under section 
2208(b)(3) and in accordance with such additional requirements as the 
State may establish. An integrated care plan may rely on the results of 
a previously administered health risk assessment of a dual eligible 
individual if such results are accessible to the plan and the dual 
eligible individual affirms that there are no changes in the 
information previously provided.
    ``(d) Benefits.--
            ``(1) In general.--An integrated care plan shall provide 
        benefits under the plan in accordance with requirements 
        established by the Director and the State, and which shall 
        include the following:
                    ``(A) Clinical health services.
                    ``(B) Behavioral health services.
                    ``(C) Long-term services and supports.
            ``(2) Carve-out exceptions.--The Director may permit a 
        State and integrated care plan to separately contract for the 
        provision of services or supports required under paragraph (1) 
        but only if the State demonstrates to the Director that--
                    ``(A) the level of care provided for a dual 
                eligible individual under the separate contract with 
                respect to such services or supports is not less than 
                the level of care that would be provided without the 
                exception; and
                    ``(B) the dual eligible individual will not be 
                subject to any unreasonable administrative requirements 
                to access the services or supports, as determined by 
                the Secretary.
            ``(3) Supplemental benefits.--An integrated care plan may 
        provide customized, supplemental benefits to a dual eligible 
        individual enrolled with the plan, including supplemental 
        health care benefits described in section 1852(a)(3), other 
        primarily health-related benefits offered by Medicare Advantage 
        plans and benefits permitted by the Secretary to be offered as 
        Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI), 
        without regard to whether the dual eligible individual has a 
        requisite condition or diagnosis, so long as the plan 
        demonstrates to the Director and the State that the offering of 
        such benefits has a positive impact on patient health.
    ``(e) Care Coordinator Requirements.--A care coordinator assigned 
to a dual eligible individual enrolled in an integrated care plan 
            ``(1) serve as the single point of contact between the 
        individual and the plan;
            ``(2) be responsible for helping the individual and the 
        individual's caregivers and family make benefit and service 
            ``(3) design a beneficiary-focused comprehensive care plan 
        for the individual that meets the requirements of subsection 
        (f); and
            ``(4) connect and coordinate acute, subacute, social, 
        primary, and specialty care for the individual and the 
        provision of long-term services and supports for the 
    ``(f) Comprehensive Care Plan Requirements.--The comprehensive care 
plan for a dual eligible individual enrolled in an integrated care plan 
shall be--
            ``(1) designed to address the totality of the individual's 
        medical, functional, behavioral, social, and caregiving needs 
        and goals, and to the extent practicable, to apply to multiple 
            ``(2) be based on the health risk assessment of the 
        individual required by subsection (c);
            ``(3) be implemented by an interdisciplinary care team that 
        includes relevant specialists to ensure access to all aspects 
        of care that are required for the individual;
            ``(4) be approved by the individual (or by an authorized 
        caregiver or guardian) prior to implementation; and
            ``(5) be reviewed at least annually and within 30 days of a 
        major health event, such as hospitalization or an emergency 
        room visit.
    ``(g) Continuity of Care Requirement.--An integrated care plan 
shall provide a dual eligible individual enrolled in the plan with a 
minimum 90-day transition period for any active course of treatment 
when the individual has enrolled in an integrated care plan after 
starting a course of treatment, even if the service is furnished by an 
out-of-network provider. This includes enrollees new to a plan and 
enrollees new to Medicare. The integrated care plan must not disrupt or 
require reauthorization fo