[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 1250 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
H. RES. 1250

Commemorating the 60th anniversary of President Lyndon Baines Johnson's 
                             Great Society.



                              May 22, 2024

 Mr. Allred (for himself, Mr. Doggett, Mr. Tonko, Ms. Garcia of Texas, 
Mrs. Fletcher, and Mr. Costa) submitted the following resolution; which 
     was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability



Commemorating the 60th anniversary of President Lyndon Baines Johnson's 
                             Great Society.

Whereas former President Lyndon Baines Johnson served as a Member of Congress 
        from the 10th Congressional District of Texas from 1937 to 1949;
Whereas President Johnson served as majority leader of the United States Senate 
        from 1953 to 1960;
Whereas President Johnson served as Vice President from 1961 to 1963 and 
        President of the United States from 1963 to 1969;
Whereas President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society set forth a domestic policy 
        agenda for the 89th Congress to eliminate poverty and inequality in the 
        United States;
Whereas President Johnson's Great Society proposal led to the passage of 60 
        pieces of landmark legislation and 181 measures total;
Whereas the first piece of legislation signed into law by President Johnson on 
        July 2, 1964, was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits 
        discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, and national 
Whereas, on August 20, 1964, President Johnson signed the Economic Opportunity 
        Act, created a Job Corps similar to the New Deal Civilian Conservation 
        Corps, a domestic peace corps, a system for vocational training, and 
        Head Start;
Whereas the Voting Rights Act was signed into law by President Johnson on August 
        6, 1965, which strengthened voting rights for millions of Americans and 
        sought to prohibit racial discrimination in voting;
Whereas the National Endowment for the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965 was 
        signed into law by President Johnson on September 29, 1965, which 
        established independent agencies to further scholarly and cultural 
        pursuits through support by the Federal Government;
Whereas the High-Speed Ground Transportation Act was signed into law by 
        President Johnson on September 30, 1965, and authorized research and 
        development of United States high-speed rail which led to the 
        establishment of the Metroliner between New York City and Washington, 
Whereas the Elementary and Secondary Education Act was signed into law on April 
        11, 1965, and authorized Federal aid to strengthen and improve 
        educational quality and educational opportunities in the Nation's 
        elementary and secondary schools;
Whereas the Higher Education Act of 1965 was signed into law by President 
        Johnson on November 8, 1965, and authorized Federal financial assistance 
        for postsecondary education to expand access to higher education for all 
        Americans, regardless of income;
Whereas the Medicare and Medicaid Act was signed into law by President Johnson 
        on July 30, 1965, which created the Medicare Program to provide health 
        insurance for people aged 65 and older and the Medicaid program to 
        provide health insurance for people with low incomes;
Whereas the Housing and Urban Development Act was signed by President Johnson on 
        August 10, 1965, and established the Department of Housing and Urban 
        Development which expanded funding for public housing;
Whereas the Endangered Species Preservation Act was signed into law by President 
        Johnson on October 15, 1966, and was the first Federal piece of 
        legislation to protect native species; and
Whereas, on May 22, 1964, President Johnson announced the Great Society: Now, 
        therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
            (1) celebrates the 60th Anniversary of President Lyndon 
        Baines Johnson's Great Society;
            (2) recognizes the monumental and landmark legislation from 
        President Johnson's Great Society proposal; and
            (3) honors and commemorates the public service of a great 
        Texan, and former President, Lyndon Baines Johnson.