[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 1247 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
H. RES. 1247

     Recognizing the importance of ``National Safe Boating Week''.



                              May 21, 2024

Mrs. Luna (for herself, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Fry, Mr. Van Drew, Mr. 
  Smith of New Jersey, and Mr. Davis of North Carolina) submitted the 
     following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on 
                   Transportation and Infrastructure



     Recognizing the importance of ``National Safe Boating Week''.

Whereas for over 100,000,000 Americans boating continues to be a popular 
        recreational activity;
Whereas from coast to coast, and everywhere in between, people are taking to the 
        water and enjoying time together boating, sailing, paddling, and 
Whereas, during ``National Safe Boating Week'', the U.S. Coast Guard, the Coast 
        Guard Auxiliary and Federal, State, and local safe boating partners 
        encourage all boaters to explore and enjoy America's beautiful waters 
Whereas safe boating begins with preparation;
Whereas the Coast Guard estimates that human error accounts for most boating 
        accidents and that life jackets could prevent nearly 83 percent of 
        boating fatalities;
Whereas through basic boating safety procedures, carrying lifesaving emergency 
        distress and communications equipment, wearing life jackets, attending 
        safe boating courses, participating in free boat safety checks, and 
        staying sober when navigating, we can help ensure boaters on America's 
        coastal, inland, and offshore waters stay safe throughout the season;
Whereas ``National Safe Boating Week'' is observed to bring attention to 
        important life-saving tips for recreational boaters so that they can 
        have a safer, more fun experience out on the water throughout the year;
Whereas, on average, 650 people die each year in boating-related accidents in 
        the United States;
Whereas 75 percent of these are fatalities caused by drowning;
Whereas, in fiscal year 2022, the Department of Public Safety's Boating Safety 
        Section responded to a total of 38 distressed vessels and one capsized 
Whereas, in fiscal year 2022, the Department of Public Safety's Boating Section 
        responded to a total of 4 overdue swimmers, fishermen, and divers, and 2 
        stranded swimmers;
Whereas, in fiscal year 2022, the Northern Mariana Islands had a total of 3 
        near-drowning cases and 1 drowning case resulting in death;
Whereas the vast majority of these accidents are caused by human error or poor 
        judgment and not by the boat, equipment, or environmental factors; and
Whereas a significant number of boaters who lose their lives by drowning each 
        year would be alive today had they worn their life jackets: Now, 
        therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
            (1) recognizes the importance of ``National Safe Boating 
            (2) supports the important procedures and trainings that 
        have saved the lives of millions of boaters;
            (3) encourages Americans to explore America's waters 
        safely; and
            (4) calls on Federal, State, and local partners to continue 
        to observe ``National Safe Boating Week'' with appropriate 
        programs and activities.