[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4367 Reported in Senate (RS)]


                                                       Calendar No. 401
  2d Session
                                S. 4367

  To provide for improvements to the rivers and harbors of the United 
 States, to provide for the conservation and development of water and 
               related resources, and for other purposes.



                              May 20, 2024

   Mr. Carper (for himself, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Kelly, and Mr. Cramer) 
introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the 
               Committee on Environment and Public Works

                              May 22, 2024

               Reported by Mr. Carper, with an amendment
 [Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed 
                               in italic]


                                 A BILL

  To provide for improvements to the rivers and harbors of the United 
 States, to provide for the conservation and development of water and 
               related resources, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


<DELETED>    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Water 
Resources Development Act of 2024''.</DELETED>
<DELETED>    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act 
is as follows:</DELETED>

<DELETED>Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
<DELETED>Sec. 2. Definition of Secretary.
<DELETED>Sec. 3. Effective date.

<DELETED>Sec. 101. Notice to Congress regarding WRDA implementation.
<DELETED>Sec. 102. Prior guidance.
<DELETED>Sec. 103. Ability to pay.
<DELETED>Sec. 104. Federal interest determinations.
<DELETED>Sec. 105. Annual report to Congress.
<DELETED>Sec. 106. Processing timelines.
<DELETED>Sec. 107. Services of volunteers.
<DELETED>Sec. 108. Support of Army civil works missions.
<DELETED>Sec. 109. Inland waterway projects.
<DELETED>Sec. 110. Leveraging Federal infrastructure for increased 
                            water supply.
<DELETED>Sec. 111. Outreach and access.
<DELETED>Sec. 112. Model development.
<DELETED>Sec. 113. Planning assistance for States.
<DELETED>Sec. 114. Corps of Engineers Levee Owners Advisory Board.
<DELETED>Sec. 115. Silver Jackets program.
<DELETED>Sec. 116. Tribal partnership program.
<DELETED>Sec. 117. Tribal project implementation pilot program.
<DELETED>Sec. 118. Eligibility for inter-Tribal consortiums.
<DELETED>Sec. 119. Sense of Congress relating to the management of 
                            recreation facilities.

<DELETED>Sec. 201. Authorization of proposed feasibility studies.
<DELETED>Sec. 202. Vertical integration and acceleration of studies.
<DELETED>Sec. 203. Expedited completion.
<DELETED>Sec. 204. Expedited completion of other feasibility studies.
<DELETED>Sec. 205. Alexandria to the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana, 
                            feasibility study.
<DELETED>Sec. 206. Craig Harbor, Alaska.
<DELETED>Sec. 207. Sussex County, Delaware.
<DELETED>Sec. 208. Forecast-informed reservoir operations in the 
                            Colorado River Basin.
<DELETED>Sec. 209. Beaver Lake, Arkansas, reallocation study.
<DELETED>Sec. 210. Gathright Dam, Virginia, study.
<DELETED>Sec. 211. Delaware Inland Bays Watershed Study.
<DELETED>Sec. 212. Upper Susquehanna River Basin comprehensive flood 
                            damage reduction feasibility study.
<DELETED>Sec. 213. Kanawha River Basin.
<DELETED>Sec. 214. Authorization of feasibility studies for projects 
                            from CAP authorities.
<DELETED>Sec. 215. Port Fourchon Belle Pass channel, Louisiana.
<DELETED>Sec. 216. Studies for modification of project purposes in the 
                            Colorado River Basin in Arizona.
<DELETED>Sec. 217. Non-Federal interest preparation of water 
                            reallocation studies, North Dakota.
<DELETED>Sec. 218. Technical correction, Walla Walla River.
<DELETED>Sec. 219. Watershed and river basin assessments.
<DELETED>Sec. 220. Independent peer review.
<DELETED>Sec. 221. Ice jam prevention and mitigation.
<DELETED>Sec. 222. Report on hurricane and storm damage risk reduction 
                            design guidelines.
<DELETED>Sec. 223. Briefing on status of certain activities on the 
                            Missouri River.
<DELETED>Sec. 224. Report on material contaminated by a hazardous 
                            substance and the civil works program.
<DELETED>Sec. 225. Report on efforts to monitor, control, and eradicate 
                            invasive species.
<DELETED>Sec. 226. J. Strom Thurmond Lake, Georgia.
<DELETED>Sec. 227. Study on land valuation procedures for the Tribal 
                            Partnership Program.
<DELETED>Sec. 228. Report to Congress on levee safety guidelines.
<DELETED>Sec. 229. Public-private partnership user's guide.
<DELETED>Sec. 230. Review of authorities and programs for alternative 
                            project delivery.
<DELETED>Sec. 231. Report to Congress on emergency response 
<DELETED>Sec. 232. Excess land report for certain projects in North 
<DELETED>Sec. 233. GAO studies.
<DELETED>Sec. 234. Prior reports.
<DELETED>Sec. 235. Briefing on status of Cape Cod Canal Bridges, 

<DELETED>Sec. 301. Deauthorizations.
<DELETED>Sec. 302. Environmental infrastructure.
<DELETED>Sec. 303. Pennsylvania environmental infrastructure.
<DELETED>Sec. 304. Acequias irrigation systems.
<DELETED>Sec. 305. Oregon environmental infrastructure.
<DELETED>Sec. 306. Kentucky and West Virginia environmental 
<DELETED>Sec. 307. Lake Champlain Watershed, Vermont and New York.
<DELETED>Sec. 308. Ohio and North Dakota.
<DELETED>Sec. 309. Southern West Virginia.
<DELETED>Sec. 310. Northern West Virginia.
<DELETED>Sec. 311. Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
<DELETED>Sec. 312. Western rural water.
<DELETED>Sec. 313. Continuing authorities programs.
<DELETED>Sec. 314. Small project assistance.
<DELETED>Sec. 315. Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin 
                            project, Brandon Road, Will County, 
<DELETED>Sec. 316. Mamaroneck-Sheldrake Rivers, New York.
<DELETED>Sec. 317. Lowell Creek Tunnel, Alaska.
<DELETED>Sec. 318. Selma flood risk management and bank stabilization.
<DELETED>Sec. 319. Illinois River basin restoration.
<DELETED>Sec. 320. Hawaii environmental restoration.
<DELETED>Sec. 321. Connecticut River Basin invasive species 
<DELETED>Sec. 322. Expenses for control of aquatic plant growths and 
                            invasive species.
<DELETED>Sec. 323. Corps of Engineers Asian carp prevention pilot 
<DELETED>Sec. 324. Extension for certain invasive species programs.
<DELETED>Sec. 325. Storm damage prevention and reduction, coastal 
                            erosion, riverine erosion, and ice and 
                            glacial damage, Alaska.
<DELETED>Sec. 326. Rehabilitation of Corps of Engineers constructed 
<DELETED>Sec. 327. Ediz Hook Beach Erosion Control Project, Port 
                            Angeles, Washington.
<DELETED>Sec. 328. Sense of Congress relating to certain Louisiana 
                            hurricane and coastal storm damage risk 
                            reduction projects.
<DELETED>Sec. 329. Chesapeake Bay Oyster Recovery Program.
<DELETED>Sec. 330. Bosque wildlife restoration project.
<DELETED>Sec. 331. Expansion of temporary relocation assistance pilot 
<DELETED>Sec. 332. Wilson Lock floating guide wall.
<DELETED>Sec. 333. Delaware Inland Bays and Delaware Bay Coast Coastal 
                            Storm Risk Management Study.
<DELETED>Sec. 334. Upper Mississippi River Plan.
<DELETED>Sec. 335. Rehabilitation of pump stations.
<DELETED>Sec. 336. Navigation along the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway.
<DELETED>Sec. 337. Garrison Dam, North Dakota.
<DELETED>Sec. 338. Sense of Congress relating to Missouri River 
<DELETED>Sec. 339. Soil moisture and snowpack monitoring.
<DELETED>Sec. 340. Contracts for water supply.
<DELETED>Sec. 341. Rend Lake, Carlyle Lake, and Lake Shelbyville, 
<DELETED>Sec. 342. Delaware Coastal System Program.
<DELETED>Sec. 343. Maintenance of pile dike system.
<DELETED>Sec. 344. Conveyances.
<DELETED>Sec. 345. Emergency drought operations pilot program.
<DELETED>Sec. 346. Rehabilitation of existing levees.
<DELETED>Sec. 347. Non-Federal implementation pilot program.
<DELETED>Sec. 348. Harmful algal bloom demonstration program.
<DELETED>Sec. 349. Sense of Congress relating to Mobile Harbor, 
<DELETED>Sec. 350. Sense of Congress relating to Port of Portland, 
<DELETED>Sec. 351. Chattahoochee River Program.
<DELETED>Sec. 352. Additional projects for underserved community 
<DELETED>Sec. 353. Winooski River tributary watershed.
<DELETED>Sec. 354. Waco Lake, Texas.
<DELETED>Sec. 355. Seminole Tribal claim extension.

<DELETED>Sec. 401. Project authorizations.


<DELETED>    In this Act, the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of 
the Army.</DELETED>


<DELETED>    This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall take 
effect on the day that is 1 day after the date of enactment of this 



<DELETED>    (a) Plan of Implementation.--</DELETED>
        <DELETED>    (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the 
        date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall develop a 
        plan for implementing this Act and the amendments made by this 
        <DELETED>    (2) Requirements.--In developing the plan under 
        paragraph (1), the Secretary shall--</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (A) identify each provision of this Act 
                (or an amendment made by this Act) that will require--
                        <DELETED>    (i) the development and issuance 
                        of guidance, including whether that guidance 
                        will be significant guidance;</DELETED>
                        <DELETED>    (ii) the development and issuance 
                        of a rule; or</DELETED>
                        <DELETED>    (iii) appropriations;</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (B) develop timelines for the issuance 
                        <DELETED>    (i) any guidance described in 
                        subparagraph (A)(i); and</DELETED>
                        <DELETED>    (ii) each rule described in 
                        subparagraph (A)(ii); and</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (C) establish a process to disseminate 
                information about this Act and the amendments made by 
                this Act to each District and Division Office of the 
                Corps of Engineers.</DELETED>
        <DELETED>    (3) Transmittal.--On completion of the plan under 
        paragraph (1), the Secretary shall transmit the plan to--
                <DELETED>    (A) the Committee on Environment and 
                Public Works of the Senate; and</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (B) the Committee on Transportation and 
                Infrastructure of the House of 
<DELETED>    (b) Implementation of Prior Water Resources Development 
        <DELETED>    (1) Definition of prior water resources 
        development law.--In this subsection, the term ``prior water 
        resources development law'' means each of the following 
        (including the amendments made by any of the 
                <DELETED>    (A) The Water Resources Development Act of 
                2000 (Public Law 106-541; 114 Stat. 2572).</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (B) The Water Resources Development Act of 
                2007 (Public Law 110-114; 121 Stat. 1041).</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (C) The Water Resources Reform and 
                Development Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-121; 128 Stat. 
                <DELETED>    (D) The Water Infrastructure Improvements 
                for the Nation Act (Public Law 114-322; 130 Stat. 
                <DELETED>    (E) The America's Water Infrastructure Act 
                of 2018 (Public Law 115-270; 132 Stat. 3765).</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (F) Division AA of the Consolidated 
                Appropriations Act, 2021 (Public Law 116-260; 134 Stat. 
                <DELETED>    (G) Title LXXXI of division H of the James 
                M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
                Year 2023 (Public Law 117-263; 136 Stat. 
        <DELETED>    (2) Notice.--</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (A) In general.--Not later than 60 days 
                after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
                shall submit to the Committee on Environment and Public 
                Works of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation 
                and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives a 
                written notice of the status of efforts by the 
                Secretary to implement the prior water resources 
                development laws.</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (B) Contents.--</DELETED>
                        <DELETED>    (i) In general.--As part of the 
                        notice under subparagraph (A), the Secretary 
                        shall include a list describing each provision 
                        of a prior water resources development law that 
                        has not been fully implemented as of the date 
                        of submission of the notice.</DELETED>
                        <DELETED>    (ii) Additional information.--For 
                        each provision included on the list under 
                        clause (i), the Secretary shall--</DELETED>
                                <DELETED>    (I) establish a timeline 
                                for implementing the 
                                <DELETED>    (II) provide a description 
                                of the status of the provision in the 
                                implementation process; and</DELETED>
                                <DELETED>    (III) provide an 
                                explanation for the delay in 
                                implementing the provision.</DELETED>
        <DELETED>    (3) Briefings.--</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (A) In general.--Not later than 180 days 
                after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 90 
                days thereafter until the Chairs of the Committee on 
                Environment and Public Works of the Senate and the 
                Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the 
                House of Representatives determine that this Act, the 
                amendments made by this Act, and prior water resources 
                development laws are fully implemented, the Secretary 
                shall provide to relevant congressional committees a 
                briefing on the implementation of this Act, the 
                amendments made by this Act, and prior water resources 
                development laws.</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (B) Inclusions.--A briefing under 
                subparagraph (A) shall include--</DELETED>
                        <DELETED>    (i) updates to the implementation 
                        plan under subsection (a); and</DELETED>
                        <DELETED>    (ii) updates to the written notice 
                        under paragraph (2).</DELETED>
<DELETED>    (c) Additional Notice Pending Issuance.--Not later than 30 
days before issuing any guidance, rule, notice in the Federal Register, 
or other documentation required to implement this Act, an amendment 
made by this Act, or a prior water resources development law (as 
defined in subsection (b)(1)), the Secretary shall submit to the 
Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate and the 
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of 
Representatives a written notice regarding the pending 
<DELETED>    (d) Wrda Implementation Team.--</DELETED>
        <DELETED>    (1) Definitions.--In this subsection:</DELETED>
                <DELETED>    (A) Prior water resources development 
                law.--The term ``prior water resources development 
                law'' has the meaning given the term in subsection 
                <DELETED>    (B) Team.--The term ``team'' means the 
                Water Resources Development Act implementation team 
                established under paragraph (2).</DELETED>
        <DELETED>    (2) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish 
        a Water Resources Development Act implementation team that 
        shall consist of current employees of the Federal Government, 