[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. Res. 697 Agreed to Senate (ATS)]


  2d Session
S. RES. 697

  Designating the week of May 12 through May 18, 2024, as ``National 
                             Police Week''.



                              May 16, 2024

Mr. Graham (for himself, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Grassley, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. 
 Cornyn, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Lee, Mr. Coons, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Blumenthal, 
   Mr. Hawley, Ms. Hirono, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Padilla, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. 
     Ossoff, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Reed, Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. Carper, Mr. 
 McConnell, Mr. Brown, Ms. Collins, Mr. Casey, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Tester, 
 Ms. Murkowski, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. Thune, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. 
Manchin, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Schatz, Mr. Risch, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Moran, Mr. 
 King, Mr. Boozman, Mr. Kaine, Mr. Hoeven, Mr. Peters, Mr. Rubio, Ms. 
  Duckworth, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Hassan, Mr. Paul, Ms. Cortez Masto, Mr. 
  Scott of South Carolina, Ms. Sinema, Mrs. Fischer, Ms. Rosen, Mrs. 
   Capito, Mr. Fetterman, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Lankford, Mr. Daines, Mr. 
   Rounds, Ms. Ernst, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Young, Mrs. Hyde-Smith, Mr. 
 Cramer, Mr. Romney, Mr. Braun, Mr. Scott of Florida, Ms. Lummis, Mr. 
Marshall, Mr. Hagerty, Mr. Tuberville, Mr. Mullin, Mr. Budd, Mr. Vance, 
  Mr. Schmitt, Mrs. Britt, Mr. Ricketts, Mr. Cardin, and Mr. Warnock) 
 submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to



  Designating the week of May 12 through May 18, 2024, as ``National 
                             Police Week''.

Whereas Federal, State, local, and Tribal police officers, sheriffs, and other 
        law enforcement officers across the United States serve with valor, 
        dignity, and integrity;
Whereas each law enforcement officer is charged with--

    (1) pursuing justice for all individuals; and

    (2) performing the duties of a law enforcement officer with fidelity to 
the constitutional and civil rights of the public the officer serves;

Whereas law enforcement officers swear an oath to uphold the public trust even 
        though, through the performance of the duties of a law enforcement 
        officer, the officers may become targets for senseless acts of violence;
Whereas, in 1962, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy signed Public Law 87-726 (76 
        Stat. 676) (referred to in this preamble as the ``Joint Resolution''), 
        which authorizes the President to proclaim May 15 of every year as 
        ``Peace Officers Memorial Day'' in honor of the Federal, State, and 
        local officers who have been killed, disabled, or otherwise injured in 
        the line of duty;
Whereas the Joint Resolution also authorizes the President to designate the week 
        in which Peace Officers Memorial Day falls as ``National Police Week'';
Whereas the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, dedicated on October 15, 
        1991, is the national monument to honor those law enforcement officers 
        who have died in the line of duty;
Whereas Peace Officers Memorial Day 2024 honors the 227 law enforcement officers 
        killed in the line of duty during 2023, including--

    (1) Michael S. Abbate;

    (2) Trevor A. Abney;

    (3) William Anthony;

    (4) Anthony B. Ashe;

    (5) Kolby L. Baber;

    (6) James R. Bailey;

    (7) Gerald T. Barbato;

    (8) Joseph L. Barlow;

    (9) Chanda D. Barnes;

    (10) Michael E. Barnes;

    (11) Terrance N. Bateman;

    (12) Patrick C. Bauer;

    (13) Julian G. Becerra;

    (14) Tucker C. Blakely;

    (15) David W. Bosecker;

    (16) Frederick C. Bowens;

    (17) William P. Brautigam;

    (18) Emily A. Breidenbach;

    (19) Mark N. Bressack;

    (20) Lawrence J. Bromm;

    (21) Tyee M. Browne;

    (22) Shawn A. Burnell;

    (23) Robert M. Burney;

    (24) Lorenzo Bustos;

    (25) Darnell Calhoun;

    (26) Eric Calleja;

    (27) Pedro A. Candia;

    (28) Scotty W. Canezaro;

    (29) Joseph E. Carey;

    (30) Steven A. Carnes;

    (31) Gonzalo Carrasco Duenas;

    (32) Richard Carrero Mendez;

    (33) Robert C. Castioni;

    (34) William J. Cherry;

    (35) Robert D. Clark;

    (36) Ryan M. Clinkunbroomer;

    (37) Joshua L. Clouse;

    (38) Anthony E. Cloyd;

    (39) Thomas P. Compitello;

    (40) Caleb K. Conley;

    (41) David E. Cook;

    (42) Donald E. Cossean;

    (43) Timothy E. Coyne;

    (44) Kevin M. Cram;

    (45) Garrett C. Crumby;

    (46) Christopher B. Cummings;

    (47) Stephen A. Darby;

    (48) Jeris D. Davis;

    (49) William J. DeBlock;

    (50) Francisco DeCastro;

    (51) Rodrigo Delgado;

    (52) Michael A. DeVecchis;

    (53) Charles F. Dotson;

    (54) John A. Durm;

    (55) Jessica M. Ebbighausen;

    (56) Angel F. Esquerete;

    (57) Alberto E. Felix;

    (58) Anthony D. Ferguson;

    (59) Christopher D. Fitzgerald;

    (60) George Flores;

    (61) Clifford V. Fontaine;

    (62) Pedro A. Foruria;

    (63) Anthony J. Francone;

    (64) I.B. Fugate;

    (65) Christopher J. Garrow;

    (66) Robert C. Garten;

    (67) Anthony J. Garvey;

    (68) William J. Gawron;

    (69) Francis A. Gaynor;

    (70) Nicholas A. Georgeadis;

    (71) James A. Geraghty;

    (72) Stephen L. Gibson;

    (73) Barry P. Giglio;

    (74) Maureen Gill-Donohue;

    (75) Todd C. Gillerlain;

    (76) Steven P. Gitlin;

    (77) Heather J. Glenn;

    (78) Michael S. Godawa;

    (79) Ivan Gonzalez;

    (80) Thomas J. Graham;

    (81) Roland A. Gray;

    (82) Almondo Greer-Travis;

    (83) Mason E. Griffith;

    (84) Timothy J. Guyer;

    (85) Asson A. Hacker;

    (86) Joshua I. Hamilton;

    (87) Matthew L. Hare;

    (88) Emil Harnischfeger;

    (89) Brett M. Harris;

    (90) Mark U. Heinl;

    (91) Charles H. Herring;

    (92) John J. Hess;

    (93) Ronald E. Higgins;

    (94) Patrick J. Hogan;

    (95) Patrick J. Hogan;

    (96) Nicholas Holovinsky;

    (97) John G. Horan;

    (98) Victor A. Hunter;

    (99) Jeff D. Hust;

    (100) Billy J. Ihrig;

    (101) Jon A. Jenson;

    (102) Peter E.C. Jerving;

    (103) Joseph W. Johnson;

    (104) Jason S. Jones;

    (105) Russell Earl Lavarl Jones;

    (106) Daniel A. Kammerzell;

    (107) Michael J. Kearns;

    (108) William J. Keating;

    (109) Michael R. Keel;

    (110) Shawn K. Kelly;

    (111) William M. Kelly;

    (112) Edward T. Kiluk;

    (113) Carl D. Kimball;

    (114) Robert J. Kirwan;

    (115) Nevada Krinkee;

    (116) Michael P. Kunovich;

    (117) Lawrence W. Lakeman;

    (118) Shannon E. Lang;

    (119) Tuan Q. Le;

    (120) David J. Lee;

    (121) Kaitlin R. Leising;

    (122) James M. Lett;

    (123) Thomas M. Lilly;

    (124) Scott G. Lovendahl;

    (125) Gerald F. Lynch;

    (126) Christopher J. Marcello;

    (127) Paul S. Martin;

    (128) James A. Mastricovo;

    (129) Cory S. Maynard;

    (130) Marylin A. Mayo;

    (131) Scott C. McArdle;

    (132) John F. McArdle;

    (133) Jeremy D. McCain;

    (134) John J. McCauley;

    (135) James S. McCormick;

    (136) Justin C. McIntire;

    (137) Marc A. McIntyre;

    (138) Robert W. McKinney;

    (139) Darrin C. McMichael;

    (140) Kyle M. Melancon;

    (141) Jared J. Miller;

    (142) Matthew D. Mitchell;

    (143) Jacqueline M. Montanaro;

    (144) Gregorio Morales;

    (145) Michael A. Moran;

    (146) Steven C. Mosiello;

    (147) Jovian J. Motley;

    (148) Robert Mouradian;

    (149) James M. Muhlbauer;

    (150) Frank H. Murillo;

    (151) Donald M. Neiswinger;

    (152) Alberto Nieves;

    (153) Philip D. Nix;

    (154) Scott C. Norcutt;

    (155) Nicholas F. Ortiz;

    (156) Freddy Ortiz;

    (157) Jonah Oswald;

    (158) Joshua A. Owen;

    (159) Vincent A. Parks;

    (160) Anthony J. Pasquarello;

    (161) Jorge I. Pastore;

    (162) Troy D. Patterson;

    (163) Nicholas N. Pepper;

    (164) Santos Perez;

    (165) Aubrey H. Phillips;

    (166) Delberth I. Phipps;

    (167) Martin M. Podolski;

    (168) David J. Poirrier;

    (169) Lawrence C. Prather;

    (170) Areanah M. Preston;

    (171) Michael G. Prettitore;

    (172) Jason S. Pulliam;

    (173) Isam M. Qasem;

    (174) Andrew L. Quinlan;

    (175) Marcos Quinones;

    (176) Frank D. Randall;

    (177) John R. Randolph;

    (178) Geoffrey B. Redd;

    (179) Trinity L. Reinhart;

    (180) Milton G. Resendez;

    (181) Auston S. Reudelhuber;

    (182) Anthony W. Rickerson;

    (183) Scott D. Ritchey;

    (184) Kimberly D. Roberts Sickafoose;

    (185) Thomas F. Roche;

    (186) Christopher P. Rock;

    (187) Robert D. Rodgers;

    (188) Kelly B. Rolando;

    (189) Michael Romano;

    (190) Jacques F. Rougeau;

    (191) Brian G. Rousseau;

    (192) Richard L. Ruiz;

    (193) James M. Russ;

    (194) John C. Ryan;

    (195) Jacob E. Salrin;

    (196) Janelle Sanders;

    (197) Bill M. Sapolu;

    (198) Hunter T. Scheel;

    (199) Paul Schippereit;

    (200) Karl J. Sederholt;

    (201) Ralph E. Serrano;

    (202) Robert J. Shisler;

    (203) James M. Sides;

    (204) Jordan Silver;

    (205) Zachary Slavin;

    (206) Sean L. Sluganski;

    (207) Aaron N. Smith;

    (208) Jack S. Stewart;

    (209) Becky V. Strong;

    (210) Chad E. Swanson;

    (211) Carlos E.J. Taylor;

    (212) Richard E. Tesauro;

    (213) Paul J. Tracey;

    (214) Phoukham Tran;

    (215) Sammy J. Trujillo;

    (216) Horren R. Tyler;

    (217) Timothy J. Unwin;

    (218) Victor Vargas;

    (219) Andres M. Vasquez Lasso;

    (220) Mark C. Wagner;

    (221) John J. Walker;

    (222) Jake R. Wallin;

    (223) James L. Ward;

    (224) Richard Weber;

    (225) Clarence L. Williams;

    (226) Michael C. Wood, Jr.; and

    (227) Marcus L Zeigler; and

Whereas, according to the Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Program 
        of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (also known as the ``LEOKA 
        Program''), since the beginning of 2024, 45 law enforcement officers 
        were reported to have been killed in the line of duty: Now, therefore, 
        be it
    Resolved, That the Senate--
            (1) designates the week of May 12 through May 18, 2024, as 
        ``National Police Week'';
            (2) expresses unwavering support for law enforcement 
        officers across the United States in the pursuit of preserving 
        safe and secure communities;
            (3) recognizes the need to ensure that law enforcement 
        officers have the equipment, training, and resources that are 
        necessary in order to protect the health and safety of the 
        officers while the officers protect the public;
            (4) acknowledges that police officers and other law 
        enforcement personnel, especially those who have made the 
        ultimate sacrifice, should be remembered and honored;
            (5) expresses condolences and solemn appreciation to the 
        loved ones of each law enforcement officer who has made the 
        ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty; and
            (6) encourages the people of the United States to observe 
        National Police Week by honoring law enforcement personnel and 
        promoting awareness of the essential mission that law 
        enforcement personnel undertake in service to their communities 
        and the United States.