[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4307 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  2d Session
                                S. 4307

 To amend the Clean Air Act, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 
   and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to modify requirements for 
        citizen suits under those Acts, and for other purposes.



                              May 9, 2024

 Mr. Rubio (for himself and Mr. Cramer) introduced the following bill; 
 which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and 
                              Public Works


                                 A BILL

 To amend the Clean Air Act, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 
   and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to modify requirements for 
        citizen suits under those Acts, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Fair and Timely Citizen Suits Act of 


    (a) Clean Air Act.--Section 304 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 
7604) is amended--
            (1) in subsection (b)--
                    (A) in paragraph (1)--
                            (i) in subparagraph (A), in the matter 
                        preceding clause (i), by striking ``60 days'' 
                        and inserting ``120 days''; and
                            (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking the 
                        period at the end and inserting a semicolon;
                    (B) in paragraph (2)--
                            (i) by striking ``60 days'' and inserting 
                        ``120 days''; and
                            (ii) by striking the comma at the end and 
                        inserting ``; and'';
                    (C) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following:
            ``(3) under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) after 
        the 120-day period beginning on the date on which the 120-day 
        period described in paragraph (1)(A) or (2), as applicable, 
        ends,''; and
                    (D) in the undesignated matter following paragraph 
                (3) (as added by subparagraph (C)), by adding at the 
                end the following: ``If the 120-day period under 
                paragraph (3) has elapsed with respect to a notice for 
                an action under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) 
                without commencing the action, the plaintiff may not 
                resubmit the notice required under this section or 
                commence the action.''; and
            (2) in subsection (c), by adding at the end the following:
            ``(4) District court judgment.--A district court of the 
        United States shall render a final judgment on an action under 
        this section as expeditiously as practicable.
            ``(5) Appellate review.--A court of appeals of the United 
        States shall render final judgment on an action under this 
        section subject to its original jurisdiction or an 
        interlocutory order or final judgment, decree, or order of a 
        district court of the United States in an action under this 
                    ``(A) as expeditiously as practicable; and
                    ``(B) not later than the date that is 1 year after 
                the date on which the applicable interlocutory order or 
                final judgment, decree, or order of the district court 
                was issued.''.
    (b) Federal Water Pollution Control Act.--Section 505 of the 
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1365) is amended--
            (1) in subsection (b)--
                    (A) in paragraph (1)--
                            (i) in subparagraph (A), in the matter 
                        preceding clause (i), by striking ``sixty 
                        days'' and inserting ``120 days''; and
                            (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking the 
                        period at the end and inserting a semicolon;
                    (B) in paragraph (2)--
                            (i) by striking ``sixty days'' and 
                        inserting ``120 days''; and
                            (ii) by striking the comma at the end and 
                        inserting ``; and'';
                    (C) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following:
            ``(3) under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) after 
        the 120-day period beginning on the date on which the 120-day 
        period described in paragraph (1)(A) or (2), as applicable, 
        ends,''; and
                    (D) in the undesignated matter following paragraph 
                (3) (as added by subparagraph (C)), by adding at the 
                end the following: ``If the 120-day period under 
                paragraph (3) has elapsed with respect to a notice for 
                an action under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) 
                without commencing the action, the plaintiff may not 
                resubmit the notice required under this section or 
                commence the action.''; and
            (2) in subsection (c), by adding at the end the following:
            ``(4) District court judgment.--A district court of the 
        United States shall render a final judgment on an action under 
        this section as expeditiously as practicable.
            ``(5) Appellate review.--A court of appeals of the United 
        States shall render final judgment on an action under this 
        section subject to its original jurisdiction or an 
        interlocutory order or final judgment, decree, or order of a 
        district court of the United States in an action under this 
                    ``(A) as expeditiously as practicable; and
                    ``(B) not later than the date that is 1 year after 
                the date on which the applicable interlocutory order or 
                final judgment, decree, or order of the district court 
                was issued.''.
    (c) Endangered Species Act of 1973.--Section 11(g) of the 
Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1540(g)) is amended--
            (1) in paragraph (2)--
                    (A) in subparagraph (A)--
                            (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by 
                        striking ``subparagraph (1)(A) of this 
                        section'' and inserting ``paragraph (1)(A)''; 
                            (ii) in clause (i), by striking ``sixty 
                        days'' and inserting ``120 days'';
                    (B) in subparagraph (B)--
                            (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by 
                        striking ``subparagraph (1)(B) of this 
                        section'' and inserting ``paragraph (1)(B)''; 
                            (ii) in clause (i), by striking ``sixty 
                        days'' and inserting ``120 days'';
                    (C) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``subparagraph 
                (1)(C) of this section prior to sixty days'' and 
                inserting ``paragraph (1)(C) prior to 120 days''; and
                    (D) by adding at the end the following:
            ``(D) No action may be commenced under subparagraph (A), 
        (B), or (C) of paragraph (1) after the 120-day period beginning 
        on the date on which the 120-day period described subparagraph 
        (A)(i), (B)(i), or (C), as applicable, ends.
            ``(E) If the 120-day period under subparagraph (D) has 
        elapsed with respect to a notice for an action under 
        subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (1) without 
        commencing the action, the plaintiff may not resubmit the 
        notice required under this subsection or commence the 
        action.''; and
            (2) by adding at the end the following:
    ``(6) District Court Judgment.--A district court of the United 
States shall render a final judgment on an action under this subsection 
as expeditiously as practicable.
    ``(7) Appellate Review.--A court of appeals of the United States 
shall render final judgment on an action under this subsection subject 
to its original jurisdiction or an interlocutory order or final 
judgment, decree, or order of a district court of the United States in 
an action under this subsection--
            ``(A) as expeditiously as practicable; and
            ``(B) not later than the date that is 1 year after the date 
        on which the applicable interlocutory order or final judgment, 
        decree, or order of the district court was issued.''.