[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 4286 Introduced in Senate (IS)]


  2d Session
                                S. 4286

To provide emergency assistance to States, territories, Tribal nations, 
 and local areas affected by substance use disorder, including the use 
 of opioids and stimulants, and to make financial assistance available 
to States, territories, Tribal nations, local areas, public or private 
 nonprofit entities, and certain health providers, to provide for the 
    development, organization, coordination, and operation of more 
  effective and cost efficient systems for the delivery of essential 
services to individuals with substance use disorder and their families.



                              May 8, 2024

 Ms. Warren (for herself, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Blumenthal, Mr. Booker, Mr. 
   Markey, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr. Casey, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Schatz, Mr. 
 Padilla, Ms. Smith, Mr. Merkley, Mr. Heinrich, Mr. Brown, Mr. Welch, 
Mr. Fetterman, and Ms. Butler) introduced the following bill; which was 
 read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, 
                              and Pensions


                                 A BILL

To provide emergency assistance to States, territories, Tribal nations, 
 and local areas affected by substance use disorder, including the use 
 of opioids and stimulants, and to make financial assistance available 
to States, territories, Tribal nations, local areas, public or private 
 nonprofit entities, and certain health providers, to provide for the 
    development, organization, coordination, and operation of more 
  effective and cost efficient systems for the delivery of essential 
services to individuals with substance use disorder and their families.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Comprehensive 
Addiction Resources Emergency Act of 2024''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents of this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Purpose.
Sec. 3. Amendment to the Public Health Service Act.

    ``Subtitle A--Local Substance Use Emergency Relief Grant Program

        ``Sec. 3401. Establishment of program of grants.
        ``Sec. 3402. Planning council.
        ``Sec. 3403. Amount of grant, use of amounts, and funding 
        ``Sec. 3404. Application.
        ``Sec. 3405. Technical assistance.
        ``Sec. 3406. Authorization of appropriations.
 ``Subtitle B--State and Tribal Substance Use Disorder Prevention and 
                       Intervention Grant Program

        ``Sec. 3411. Establishment of program of grants.
        ``Sec. 3412. Amount of grant, use of amounts, and funding 
        ``Sec. 3413. Application.
        ``Sec. 3414. Technical assistance.
        ``Sec. 3415. Authorization of appropriations.
                   ``Subtitle C--Other Grant Program

        ``Sec. 3421. Establishment of grant program.
        ``Sec. 3422. Use of amounts.
        ``Sec. 3423. Technical assistance.
        ``Sec. 3424. Planning and development grants.
        ``Sec. 3425. Authorization of appropriations.
  ``Subtitle D--Innovation, Training, and Health Systems Strengthening

        ``Sec. 3431. Special projects of national significance.
        ``Sec. 3432. Education and training centers.
        ``Sec. 3433. Substance use disorder treatment provider capacity 
                            under the Medicaid program.
        ``Sec. 3434. Programs to support employees.
        ``Sec. 3435. Improving and expanding care.
        ``Sec. 3436. Naloxone distribution program.
        ``Sec. 3437. Additional funding for the National Institutes of 
        ``Sec. 3438. Additional funding for the Centers for Disease 
                            Control and Prevention.
        ``Sec. 3439. Definitions.
Sec. 4. Amendments to the Controlled Substances Act.
Sec. 5. General limitation on use of funds.
Sec. 6. Federal drug demand reduction activities.


    It is the purpose of this Act to provide emergency assistance to 
States, territories, Tribal nations, and local areas that are 
disproportionately affected by substance use disorder, including the 
use of opioids and stimulants, and to make financial assistance 
available to States, territories, Tribal nations, local areas, public 
or private nonprofit entities, and certain health providers, to provide 
for the development, organization, coordination, and operation of more 
effective and cost efficient systems for the delivery of essential 
services to individuals with substance use disorder, including with co-
occurring mental health and substance use disorders, and their 


    The Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:


    ``Subtitle A--Local Substance Use Emergency Relief Grant Program


    ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall award grants to eligible 
localities for the purpose of addressing substance use within such 
    ``(b) Eligibility.--
            ``(1) In general.--To be eligible to receive a grant under 
        subsection (a) a locality shall--
                    ``(A) be--
                            ``(i) a county that can demonstrate that 
                        the rate of drug overdose deaths per 100,000 
                        population in the county during the most recent 
                        3-year period for which such data are available 
                        was not less than the rate of such deaths for 
                        the county that ranked at the 67th percentile 
                        of all counties, as determined by the 
                            ``(ii) a county that can demonstrate that 
                        the number of drug overdose deaths during the 
                        most recent 3-year period for which such data 
                        are available was not less than the number of 
                        such deaths for the county that ranked at the 
                        90th percentile of all counties, as determined 
                        by the Secretary;
                            ``(iii) a county that encompasses an 
                        undeserved area, defined as a health 
                        professional shortage area (as defined in 
                        section 332(a)(1)(A)) and a medically 
                        underserved area (according to a designation 
                        under section 330(b)(3)(A)), that can 
                        demonstrate a high burden of both fatal and 
                        non-fatal drug overdoses in a manner determined 
                        by the Secretary; or
                            ``(iv) a city that is located within a 
                        county described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) 
                        that meets the requirements of paragraph (3); 
                    ``(B) submit to the Secretary an application in 
                accordance with section 3404.
            ``(2) Multiple contiguous counties.--In the case of an 
        eligible county that is contiguous to one or more other 
        eligible counties within the same State, the group of counties 
                    ``(A) be considered as a single eligible county for 
                purposes of a grant under this section;
                    ``(B) submit a single application under section 
                    ``(C) form a joint planning council (for the 
                purposes of section 3402); and
                    ``(D) establish, through intergovernmental 
                agreements, an administrative mechanism to allocate 
                funds and substance use disorder treatment services 
                under the grant based on--
                            ``(i) the number and rate of drug overdose 
                        deaths and nonfatal drug overdoses in each of 
                        the counties that compose the eligible county;
                            ``(ii) the severity of need for services in 
                        each such county; and
                            ``(iii) the health and support personnel 
                        needs of each such county.
            ``(3) Cities and counties within multiple contiguous 
                    ``(A) In general.--A city that is within an 
                eligible county described in paragraph (1), or a county 
                or group of counties that is within a group of counties 
                determined to be an eligible county under paragraph 
                (2), shall be eligible to receive a grant under this 
                section if such city or county or group of counties 
                meets the requirements of subparagraph (B).
                    ``(B) Requirements.--A city or county meets the 
                requirements of this subparagraph if such city or 
                            ``(i) except as provided in subparagraph 
                        (C), has a population of not less than 50,000 
                            ``(ii) meets the requirements of paragraph 
                            ``(iii) submits an application under 
                        section 3404;
                            ``(iv) establishes a planning council (for 
                        purposes of section 3402); and
                            ``(v) establishes an administrative 
                        mechanism to allocate funds and services under 
                        the grant based on--
                                    ``(I) the number and rate of drug 
                                overdose deaths and nonfatal drug 
                                overdoses in the city or county;
                                    ``(II) the severity of need for 
                                substance use disorder treatment 
                                services in the city or county; and
                                    ``(III) the health and support 
                                personnel needs of the city or county.
                    ``(C) Population exception.--A city or county or 
                group of counties that does not meet the requirements 
                of subparagraph (B)(i) may apply to the Secretary for a 
                waiver of such requirement. Such application shall 
                            ``(i) that the needs of the population to 
                        be served are distinct or that addressing 
                        substance use in the service area would be best 
                        served by the formation of an independent 
                        council; and
                            ``(ii) that the city or county or group of 
                        counties has the capacity to administer the 
                        funding received under this subtitle.
                    ``(D) Minimum funding.--A city or county that meets 
                the requirement of this paragraph and receives a grant 
                under this section shall be entitled to an amount of 
                funding under the grant in an amount that is not less 
                than the amount determined under section 3403(a) with 
                respect to such city or county.
            ``(4) Independent city.--Independent cities that are not 
        located within the territory of a county shall be treated as 
        eligible counties for purposes of this subtitle.
            ``(5) Political subdivisions.--With respect to States that 
        do not have a local county system of governance, the Secretary 
        shall determine the local political subdivisions within such 
        States that are eligible to receive a grant under this section 
        and such subdivisions shall be treated as eligible counties for 
        purposes of this subtitle.
            ``(6) Determinations where there is a lack of data.--The 
        Secretary shall establish eligibility and allocation criteria 
        related to the prevalence of drug overdose deaths, the 
        mortality rate from drug overdoses, and that provides an 
        equivalent measure of need for funding for cities and counties 
        for which the data described in paragraph (1)(A) or (2)(D)(i) 
        is not available.
            ``(7) Data from tribal areas.--The Secretary, acting 
        through the Indian Health Service, shall consult with Indian 
        Tribes and confer with urban Indian organizations to establish 
        eligibility and allocation criteria that provide an equivalent 
        measure of need for Tribal and urban Indian areas for which the 
        data described in paragraph (1)(A) or (2)(D)(i) are not 
        available or do not apply.
            ``(8) Study.--Not later than 3 years after the date of 
        enactment of this title, the Comptroller General shall conduct 
        a study to determine whether the data utilized for purposes of 
        paragraph (1)(A) provide the most precise measure of local area 
        need related to substance use and addiction prevalence and 
        whether additional data would provide more precise measures of 
        substance use and addiction prevalence in local areas. Such 
        study shall identify barriers to collecting or analyzing such 
        data, and make recommendations for revising the indicators used 
        under such paragraph to determine eligibility in order to 
        direct funds to the local areas in most need of funding to 
        provide assistance related to substance use and addiction.
            ``(9) Reference.--For purposes of this subtitle, the term 
        `eligible local area' includes--
                    ``(A) a city or county described in paragraph (1);
                    ``(B) multiple contiguous counties described in 
                paragraph (2);
                    ``(C) cities or counties within multiple contiguous 
                counties described in paragraph (3);
                    ``(D) an independent city described in paragraph 
                (4); and
                    ``(E) a political subdivision described in 
                paragraph (5).
    ``(c) Administration.--
            ``(1) In general.--Assistance made available under a grant 
        awarded under this section shall be directed to the chief 
        elected official of the eligible local area who shall 
        administer the grant funds.
            ``(2) Multiple contiguous counties.--
                    ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in 
                subparagraph (B), in the case of an eligible county 
                described in subsection (b)(2), assistance made 
                available under a grant awarded under this section 
                shall be directed to the chief elected official of the 
                particular county designated in the application 
                submitted for the grant under section 3404. Such chief 
                elected official shall be the administrator of the 
                    ``(B) State administration.--Notwithstanding 
                subparagraph (A), the eligible county described in 
                subsection (b)(2) may elect to designate the chief 
                elected State official of the State in which the 
                eligible county is located as the administrator of the 
                grant funds.


    ``(a) Establishment.--To be eligible to receive a grant under 
section 3401, the chief elected official of the eligible local area 
shall establish or designate a substance use disorder treatment and 
services planning council that shall--
            ``(1) be representative of the demographics of the 
        population of individuals with substance use disorder in the 
            ``(2) include individuals with substance use disorder, 
        individuals who use drugs, and individuals in recovery from 
        substance use disorders; and
            ``(3) include, to the maximum extent practicable, 
        representatives of--
                    ``(A) health care providers, including Federally-
                qualified health centers, rural health clinics, Indian 
                health programs as defined in section 4 of the Indian 
                Health Care Improvement Act, urban Indian organizations 
                as defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care 
                Improvement Act, and facilities operated by the 
                Department of Veterans Affairs;
                    ``(B) Native Hawaiian organizations as defined in 
                section 11 of the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 
                    ``(C) community-based health, harm reduction, and 
                addiction service organizations, including, where 
                applicable, representatives of Drug Free Communities 
                Coalition grantees;
                    ``(D) social service providers, including providers 
                of housing and homelessness services and recovery 
                residence providers;
                    ``(E) mental health care providers;
                    ``(F) local public health agencies;
                    ``(G) State governments, including the State 
                Medicaid agency and the Single State Agency for 
                Substance Abuse Services;
                    ``(H) local governments;
                    ``(I) non-elected community leaders;
                    ``(J) substance use disorder treatment providers, 
                including physician addiction specialists;
                    ``(K) Indian tribes and tribal organizations as 
                defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination 
                and Education Assistance Act;
                    ``(L) Urban Indians as defined in section 4 of the 
                Indian Health Care Improvement Act;
                    ``(M) historically underserved groups and 
                    ``(N) individuals who were formerly incarcerated;
                    ``(O) organizations serving individuals who are 
                currently incarcerated or in pre-trial detention or 
                were formerly incarcerated;
                    ``(P) Federal agencies;
                    ``(Q) organizations that provide drug prevention 
                programs and services to youth at risk of substance 
                    ``(R) medical examiners or coroners;
                    ``(S) labor unions and the workplace community;
                    ``(T) local fire departments and emergency medical 
                    ``(U) the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, 
                queer (LGBTQ) community; and
                    ``(V) certified or accredi