[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 8329 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
                                H. R. 8329

      To reauthorize and modify the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004.



                              May 8, 2024

  Mr. Smith of New Jersey (for himself, Mr. Keating, Mr. Kean of New 
 Jersey, Ms. Kaptur, and Mr. Wilson of South Carolina) introduced the 
following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, 
   and in addition to the Committees on Financial Services, and the 
 Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, 
 in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the 
                jurisdiction of the committee concerned


                                 A BILL

      To reauthorize and modify the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and 
Sovereignty Act of 2024''.


    Section 2 of the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-347; 
22 U.S.C. 5811 note) is amended to read as follows:


    ``Congress finds the following:
            ``(1) The International Covenant on Civil and Political 
        Rights, done in New York December 19, 1966, was ratified by 
        Belarus in 1973, guaranteeing Belarusians the freedom of 
        expression and the freedom of association.
            ``(2) Alyaksandr Lukashenka has ruled Belarus as an 
        undemocratic dictatorship since the first presidential election 
        in Belarus in 1994, and subsequent presidential elections have 
        been neither free nor fair, failing to meet minimal 
        international electoral standards.
            ``(3) In response to the repression and violence during the 
        2006 presidential election, Congress passed the Belarus 
        Democracy Reauthorization Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-480).
            ``(4) In 2006, President George W. Bush issued Executive 
        Order 13405, titled `Blocking Property of Certain Persons 
        Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Belarus', 
        which authorized the imposition of sanctions against persons 
        responsible for--
                    ``(A) undermining democratic processes in Belarus; 
                    ``(B) participating in human rights abuses related 
                to political repression in Belarus.
            ``(5) In March 2011, the Senate unanimously passed Senate 
        Resolution 105, which--
                    ``(A) condemned the December 2010 election in 
                Belarus as `illegitimate, fraudulent, and not 
                representative of the will or the aspirations of the 
                voters in Belarus'; and
                    ``(B) called on the Lukashenka regime `to 
                immediately and unconditionally release all political 
                prisoners in Belarus who were arrested in association 
                with the December 19, 2010, election'.
            ``(6) The Government of Belarus continues to engage in a 
        pattern of clear and persistent gross violations of 
        internationally recognized human rights, and basic principles 
        of democratic governance.
            ``(7) The Government of Belarus continues to subject 
        thousands of pro-democracy political activists and peaceful 
        protesters to harassment, beatings, and imprisonment, 
        particularly as a result of their attempts to peacefully 
        exercise their right to freedom of assembly and association.
            ``(8) The Government of Belarus continues to suppress 
        independent media and journalists and to restrict access to the 
        internet, including social media and other digital 
        communication platforms, in violation of the right to freedom 
        of speech and expression of those dissenting from the 
        dictatorship of Alyaksandr Lukashenka.
            ``(9) The Government of Belarus continues a systematic 
        campaign of harassment, repression, and closure of 
        nongovernmental organizations, including independent trade 
        unions and entrepreneurs, creating a climate of fear that 
        inhibits the development of civil society and social 
            ``(10) The Government of Belarus has pursued a policy 
        undermining the country's sovereignty and independence by 
        making Belarus' political, economic, cultural, and societal 
        interests subservient to those of Russia.
            ``(11) The Government of Belarus continues to reduce the 
        independence of Belarus through integration into a so-called 
        `Union State' that is under the control of Russia.
            ``(12) In advance of the August 2020 presidential elections 
        in Belarus, authorities acting on behalf of President 
        Lukashenka arrested journalists, bloggers, political activists, 
        and the leading political opposition candidates, leading to 
        demonstrations in support of democracy.
            ``(13) On August 9, 2020, the Government of Belarus 
        conducted a presidential election that was held under 
        undemocratic conditions, did not meet international standards, 
        involved government malfeasance and serious irregularities with 
        ballot counting and the reporting of election results, and 
        included restrictive measures that impeded the work of local 
        independent observers and did not provide sufficient notice to 
        the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 
        to allow for the OSCE to monitor the elections, as is 
            ``(14) Illegitimate president Alyaksandr Lukashenka 
        declared a landslide victory in the election and claimed to 
        have received more than 80 percent of the votes cast in the 
            ``(15) The leading opposition candidate, Sviatlana 
        Tsikhanouskaya, formally disputed the reported results and was 
        detained by government authorities before being forced into 
        exile in Lithuania.
            ``(16) Later in August, 2020, the United States Deputy 
        Secretary of State, Stephen Biegun, and European Union High 
        Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, 
        issued statements declaring the Belarus elections to be 
        fraudulent and neither free nor fair.
            ``(17) Following the illegitimate election results, tens of 
        thousands of Belarusian protestors took to the streets, led 
        predominately by women, resulting in the largest protest 
        rallies in Belarus' modern history, with over 1,400 reported as 
        injured by Belarusian police in August and September 2020, over 
        37,000 detained by May 2021, and several killed for protesting 
        the fraudulent election.
            ``(18) The Government of Belarus has consistently 
        restricted the free flow of information to silence the 
        opposition and to conceal the regime's violent crackdown on 
        peaceful protestors, including through the suppression of 
        independent media and journalists, and disruption of free 
        internet access.
            ``(19) After the employees of state media outlets walked 
        off the job in protest rather than help report misleading 
        government propaganda, Lukashenka confirmed that he `asked the 
        Russians' to send teams of Russian journalists to replace local 
            ``(20) Following Alyaksandr Lukashenka's September 23, 
        2020, inauguration, the United States, the European Union, 
        numerous European states, the United Kingdom, and Canada 
        announced that they cannot consider Mr. Lukashenka as the 
        legitimately elected leader of Belarus.
            ``(21) As a result of the Lukashenka regime's violence 
        against the Belarusian people and deprivation of their 
        fundamental rights, the United States Congress passed and the 
        President signed into law the Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, 
        and Sovereignty Act of 2020 to demand the rights of the 
        Belarusian people be respected and to hold accountable those 
        who undermine them.
            ``(22) As a result of the Lukashenka regime's violence 
        against its own people, in December 2020, Members of Congress 
        and transatlantic parliamentarians wrote a letter to the 
        International Ice Hockey Federation President demanding the 
        Championship be relocated from Belarus.
            ``(23) In response to the Government of Belarus' repressive 
        actions following the 2020 election, the United States, along 
        with the European Union, imposed various sanctions packages on 
        individuals and entities involved with the suppression of 
        democracy in Belarus, including--
                    ``(A) the Central Election Commission of the 
                Republic of Belarus and officials determined to be 
                responsible for undermining democracy in Belarus;
                    ``(B) entities and persons determined to be 
                involved in the violent suppression of protestors, such 
                as the Minsk Special Purpose Police Unit, the Main 
                Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City 
                Executive Committee, and KGB Alpha; and
                    ``(C) state-owned enterprises that provide revenue 
                to support Lukashenka's authoritarian regime.
            ``(24) In April 2021, the House of Representatives passed 
        House Resolution 124 reaffirming that the August 2020 elections 
        were neither free nor fair and that the House of 
        Representatives does not recognize Alyaksandr Lukashenka as 
        Belarus' legitimate president.
            ``(25) On May 23, 2021, the Government of Belarus forced 
        Ryanair Flight 4978 to land in Belarus as it neared the border 
        of Lithuania after calling in a false bomb report and 
        subsequently arrested independent Belarusian opposition blogger 
        and political activist Raman Pratasevich and his girlfriend, 
        threatening the safety of every passenger aboard the civilian 
        flight, and ultimately detaining Pratasevich as a political 
            ``(26) In May 2021, the European Union pledged a 
        comprehensive plan of economic support worth up to 3 billion 
        euros to assist in the development of a future, democratic 
        Belarus following a democratic transition.
            ``(27) As of April 2024, the Government of Belarus, led 
        illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka, unlawfully holds nearly 
        1,400 people as political prisoners, including dozens of 
        journalists such as Ihar Losik and Andrey Kuznechyk from Radio 
        Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
            ``(28) The Government of Belarus, led illegally by 
        Alyaksandr Lukashenka, has consistently weaponized migrants and 
        asylum seekers by transporting them to Belarus' borders with 
        the NATO and European Union countries of Latvia, Lithuania, and 
        Poland in an attempt to destabilize each country by creating 
        diplomatic border crises, and in violation of the migrant and 
        asylum seekers' human rights.
            ``(29) The Government of Belarus has been complicit in 
        Russia's illegal and full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
            ``(30) In advance of Russia's unprovoked war of aggression 
        against Ukraine, Alyaksandr Lukashenka opened Belarus' borders 
        to the Russian military, serving as a staging area, providing 
        bases for training and for launching air strikes and invasion 
        forces, and providing logistical support to the Russian 
        invasion force which attacked Ukraine in February 2022.
            ``(31) In February 2022, just days after Russia's 
        unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, Alyaksandr Lukashenka held a 
        constitutional referendum described by the Department of State 
        as `not free or fair' which, among other provisions, would 
        endow Lukashenka with lifetime immunity from prosecution for 
        his crimes, allow Russian nuclear weapons to be stationed on 
        the territory of Belarus, and formally revoke Belarus' status 
        as a neutral nation.
            ``(32) Since the start of Russia's brutal and unprovoked 
        war of aggression in Ukraine, the Government of Belarus has 
        consistently worked to further the so-called `Union State' with 
        the Russian Federation and deepen joint military and economic 
        ties to support Russia's war effort.
            ``(33) Throughout Russia's brutal and unprovoked war of 
        aggression in Ukraine, the Government of Belarus has 
        participated in the abduction and illegal deportation of 
        Ukrainian civilians from territory occupied by the Russian 
        Federation, including thousands of children sent to facilities 
        in Belarus for `re-education' as detailed in a November 2023 
        report by the Yale University Humanitarian Research Lab's 
        Conflict Observatory.
            ``(34) The now-suspended Belarusian branch of the Red Cross 
        has publicly confirmed its involvement in transferring children 
        from Ukraine to the territory of Belarus, and the illegitimate 
        leader of the Government of Belarus, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, has 
        publicly confirmed that he permitted these transfers.
            ``(35) In Spring 2023, the Government of Belarus announced 
        plans for the deployment of nuclear weapons from the Russian 
        Federation to the territory of Belarus, which reportedly began 
        in the summer of this same year.
            ``(36) The Government of Belarus has harbored the Wagner 
        Group, a private military company the United States has 
        designated as a Transnational Criminal Organization, and 
        provided facilities, resources, and a staging ground for the 
        group's criminal operations.
            ``(37) The Government of Belarus has reportedly provided 
        the Government of the Russian Federation with tens of thousands 
        of tons of ammunition throughout Russia's unprovoked war of 
        aggression in Ukraine.
            ``(38) As a result of the Government of Belarus' support to 
        the Russian Federation during its unprovoked war of aggression 
        against Ukraine, the United States, the European Union, and the 
        United Kingdom have repeatedly issued further sanctions 
        packages against the Lukashenka regime to target Belarusian 
        military officers as well as individuals in the military 
        sector, restrictions on entities in Belarus' defense and 
        industrial sectors, and entities that provide support to 
        Belarus' military and industrial sectors.
            ``(39) The Government of Belarus is reportedly engaging in 
        the purchase of significant amount of military equipment from 
        the sanctioned Islamic Republic of Iran.
            ``(40) On August 6, 2023, the Belarusian democratic 
        opposition issued a declaration expressing their objective of 
        developing democracy in Belarus and pursuing membership in the 
        European Union and, by extension, joining the Trans-Atlantic 
            ``(41) The democratic opposition of Belarus have called on 
        the Government of Belarus, led illegally by Alyaksandr 
        Lukashenka, to end its complicity and involvement in the war in 
        Ukraine, and urged against the conscription of men into the 
        Belarusian military.
            ``(42) On February 28, 2022, the Department of State 
        ordered the departure of United States Government employees and 
        the suspension of operations of the United States Embassy in 
            ``(43) On August 21, 2023, the United States Government 
        directed all United States citizens to leave Belarus 
        immediately due to the illegitimate Belarusian authorities' 
        continued cooperation with the Russian military and 
        facilitation of Russia's unprovoked war of aggression against 
        Ukraine, and the risk of detention and arbitrary enforcement of 
        local laws against United States citizens.
            ``(44) In September 2023, the Government of Belarus 
        deprived Belarusians living abroad of their ability to renew 
        their passports through Belarusian embassies in an attempt to 
        make life difficult for and to force exiles, critics, and 
        expats to return to Belarus for document renewal and possibly 
        face persecution.
            ``(45) In December 2023, the United States Government held 
        a Strategic Dialogue with the Belarusian democratic opposition 
        and civil society and subsequently announced a continuation of 
        efforts to hold Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his regime 
        accountable for their crimes, a commitment to supporting 
        Belarusian culture, sovereignty, and national identity, as well 
        as the need for future working groups with the democratic 


    Section 3 of the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-347; 
22 U.S.C. 5811 note) is amended to read as follows:


    ``It is the policy of the United States--
            ``(1) to condemn--
                    ``(A) the conduct of the August 9, 2020, 
                presidential election in Belarus, which was neither 
                free nor fair;
                    ``(B) the Belarusian authorities' unrelenting 
                crackdown on, arbitrary arrests of, and violence 
                against opposition candidates, democratic opposition, 
                peaceful protestors, human rights activists, employees 
                from state-owned enterprises participating in strikes, 
                independent election observers, and independent 
                journalists and bloggers; and
                    ``(C) the unjustified detention and forced or 
                attempted deportation of members of the Coordination 
                Council and United Transitional Cabinet in Belarus;
            ``(2) to condemn the illegitimate Belarusian authorities' 
        allowance of Russian nuclear weapons to be deployed to 
        Belarusian territory, their continued political and material 
        support for Russia's unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine, 
        and their continued participation in abducting and deporting 
        Ukrainian children from territory occupied by the Russian 
        Federation to the territory of Belarus;
            ``(3) to condemn the presence of Russian forces on 
        Belarusian territory and demand the cessation of the use of 
        Belarusian territory by Russian forces as a staging ground for 
        Russia's illegal, full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine 
        or for the prevention of a peaceful democratic transition in 
            ``(4) to demand accountability for the illegal Lukashenka 
        regime's complicity in the c