[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 1212 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
H. RES. 1212

                       Ending campus encampments.



                              May 8, 2024

Mr. Kiley submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the 
                Committee on Education and the Workforce



                       Ending campus encampments.

Whereas, in recent weeks, tent encampments have spread at universities across 
        the country;
Whereas these encampments are illegal, in violation of university policies, and 
        have become rife with antisemitic threats and acts of violence, 
        harassment, and other disruptive behavior;
Whereas some universities have responded by evenhandedly enforcing the law and 
        clearing the encampments, and have emphasized the right of students to 
        protest and express their opinions in innumerable ways, while making it 
        clear that acts in violation of the law or university rules will not be 
Whereas other universities have decided to ignore the law and ignore their own 
        policies, allowing encampments and other illegal activity associated 
        with them to grow unchecked for weeks;
Whereas individuals occupying encampments have made demands of universities such 
        as divesting from companies tied to Israel, cutting ties with Hillel 
        campus programs, and ending study abroad programs to Israel;
Whereas some universities have negotiated with those in the encampments and 
        agreed to their demands around changes in university policy, such as at 
        Northwestern University, Brown University, Rutgers University, Johns 
        Hopkins University, the University of Minnesota, and the University of 
        California, Riverside;
Whereas other universities have canceled classes, moved to online meetings, or 
        canceled graduation ceremonies, such as at Columbia University; the 
        University of California, Los Angeles; the University of California, San 
        Diego; and Emory University;
Whereas these encampments and the criminal behavior connected to them, such as 
        threats or acts of violence, blocking or occupying buildings, 
        harassment, or other disruptive behavior, are not protected by the First 
Whereas, to the contrary, they disrupt the operation of the university and the 
        academic freedom and speech rights of other students;
Whereas protecting free speech is foundational to the purpose of a university, 
        which means universities should encourage free and open expression in 
        speech, writing, listening, challenging, and learning, while not 
        shielding students from ideas the university disagrees with or limiting 
        expression on the basis of content; and
Whereas a commitment to free speech does not mean universities should tolerate 
        harassment, vandalism, the promotion of violence, the destruction of 
        property, the obstruction of freedom of movement, or other unlawful 
        acts: Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
            (1) finds canceling classes and commencements in response 
        to unlawful encampments is unacceptable and unfair to the 
        majority of students;
            (2) condemns any negotiation where a university changes its 
        policy in response to the demands of those occupying illegal 
        encampments, including demands to end study abroad programs to 
        Israel, cut ties with Hillel, and divest from companies 
        associated with Israel; and
            (3) calls on universities across the country to work with 
        local law enforcement to immediately clear tent encampments 
        from university property and restore safe learning environments 
        on their campuses, and further resolves that noncompliant 
        students, faculty, or staff be subject to appropriate 