Alaskan Energy Production and Fisheries Protection Act

This bill provides for oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). 

Specifically, the bill nullifies any order or action by the President or the Department of the Interior that places a moratorium on, suspends, or otherwise pauses leasing in ANWR's 1002 Area. It also ratifies and approves all authorizations and permits issued for the establishment and administration of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program. The Environmental Protection Agency and other applicable federal departments and agencies must process, reinstate, or continue to maintain such authorizations and permits. 

Within 30 days of the bill's enactment, Interior must accept bids for certain ANWR leases that were canceled and reissue the leases. The bill states that the reissued leases must be considered to meet the requirements of specified existing laws, such as the Endangered Species Act of 1973.

By December 22, 2024, Interior must also conduct a second lease sale. Further, the bill limits the authority of the President and Interior to cancel future leases issued under the program.

The bill also directs the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw its (1) Notice of Availability of the Draft Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, and (2) proposed rule titled Management and Protection of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. It also nullifies portions of Executive Order 13990 and Secretarial Order 3401.

Finally, the bill limits judicial review of approvals of leases under the program.