[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H. Res. 1161 Introduced in House (IH)]


  2d Session
H. RES. 1161

    Commemorating innocent civilian lives lost in Gaza, especially 



                             April 19, 2024

   Mr. Green of Texas submitted the following resolution; which was 
              referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs



    Commemorating innocent civilian lives lost in Gaza, especially 

Whereas this resolution may be cited as the ``Original Resolution Commemorating 
        Innocent Civilian Lives Lost in Gaza, Especially Children'';
Whereas, on October 7, 2023, Hamas conducted a heinous attack on Israel, leading 
        to Israel declaring war on Hamas, not Palestine or Palestinians;
Whereas both Palestinians and Israelis are in mourning;
Whereas, in 2020, the population of Gaza was over 2,000,000, with approximately 
        half being children under the age of 18;
Whereas the pain, suffering, and deaths of innocent Palestinian men, women, and 
        especially children are too often reduced to statisticization;
Whereas people of good will must do more to humanize the pain and suffering of 
        Palestinians in Gaza with explanations of how they lost arms, legs, 
        eyes, hearing, and lives;
Whereas, because of the war, homes, schools, businesses, and hospitals within 
        Gaza have been decimated;
Whereas hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian men, women, and especially 
        children in Gaza have suffered through the loss of mothers, fathers, 
        brothers, and sisters while starving and suffering the mental anguish 
        associated with war;
Whereas civilians in Gaza live in constant fear of the sudden loss of arms, 
        legs, and life; and
Whereas tens of thousands of innocent civilians, including thousands of 
        children, have been brutally killed in a war beyond their control: Now, 
        therefore, be it
    Resolved, That--
            (1) the House of Representatives commemorates the tens of 
        thousands of innocent civilian lives lost in Gaza, especially 
        those of children;
            (2) the lives lost should be viewed as more than mere 
            (3) the humanity, pain, suffering and deaths of the tens of 
        thousands of men, woman, and especially children must be 
        commemorated and memorialized;
            (4) the killing of innocent men, women, and especially 
        children in Palestine must cease immediately;
            (5) all hostages must be returned immediately; and
            (6) because United States largesse has contributed to the 
        purchase of munitions used by the Netanyahu administration, the 
        United States must do everything it can to address the 
        humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, perpetrated by the 
        destruction of homes, infrastructure, schools, and hospitals.