Innovative Mitigation Partnerships for Asphalt and Concrete Technologies Act or the IMPACT Act

This bill requires the Department of Energy (DOE) to establish a temporary program that supports advanced production of low-emissions cement, concrete, and asphalt.

Specifically, the program must support research, development, and commercial application of production processes for low-emissions cement, concrete, and asphalt that are more cost-effective, durable, or resource-efficient (i.e., advanced production). The program must particularly focus on carbon capture technologies, energy-efficient processes, research involving novel materials, and other specified technologies and innovative processes.

DOE must select entities to implement relevant demonstration projects; eligible entities include government, nonprofit, educational, and private sector entities. DOE may terminate these projects if it determines that sufficient amounts of low-emissions cement, concrete, and asphalt that are produced through advanced production are commercially available at reasonable prices.

The program terminates seven years after the bill is enacted.