[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[H.R. 7189 Reported in House (RH)]


                                                 Union Calendar No. 429
  2d Session
                                H. R. 7189

                          [Report No. 118-517]

   To amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize a national 
congenital heart disease research, surveillance, and awareness program, 
                        and for other purposes.



                            February 1, 2024

   Mr. Bilirakis (for himself, Mr. Soto, Mr. Carter of Georgia, Mr. 
 Schiff, Ms. Salazar, and Mr. Cardenas) introduced the following bill; 
       which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce

                              May 22, 2024

  Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole 
       House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed
 [Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed 
                               in italic]
    [For text of introduced bill, see copy of bill as introduced on 
                           February 1, 2024]


                                 A BILL

   To amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize a national 
congenital heart disease research, surveillance, and awareness program, 
                        and for other purposes.


    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the ``Congenital Heart Futures 
Reauthorization Act of 2024''.


     Section 399V-2 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 280g-
13) is amended--
            (1) by redesignating subsections (f) and (g) as subsections 
        (g) and (h), respectively;
            (2) by inserting after subsection (e) the following:
    ``(f) Report and Strategy.--
            ``(1) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date of 
        enactment of the Congenital Heart Futures Reauthorization Act 
        of 2024, the Secretary shall issue a report to the Committee on 
        Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the 
        Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the 
        Senate including the following:
                    ``(A) A description of past and present activities 
                of the Department of Health and Human Services to 
                increase awareness and knowledge of the public with 
                respect to congenital heart disease, including efforts 
                to address the lifelong needs of congenital heart 
                disease patients.
                    ``(B) An assessment of past and present activities 
                of the Department of Health and Human Services to 
                increase education and training of health care 
                providers with respect to congenital heart disease, 
                including efforts to address the lifelong needs of 
                congenital heart disease patients.
                    ``(C) A description of the current workforce 
                capacity in the United States of health care providers 
                who treat adult patients living with congenital heart 
            ``(2) Strategy.--
                    ``(A) Development; submission to congress.--Not 
                later than 1 year after submitting the report required 
                by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall develop and 
                submit to Congress a strategy for improving efforts to 
                increase awareness and knowledge of the public and 
                education and training of health care providers with 
                respect to congenital heart disease. Such strategy 
                shall include findings and recommendations to--
                            ``(i) address any public awareness and 
                        research gaps and opportunities related to the 
                        lifelong needs of congenital heart disease 
                        patients, including long-term health outcomes, 
                        quality of life, mental health, and health care 
                            ``(ii) address any shortages in the current 
                        workforce of health care providers who treat 
                        adult patients living with congenital heart 
                        disease, which may include strategies to 
                        enhance fellowship training programs or other 
                        continuing education programs; and
                            ``(iii) foster collaboration and 
                        dissemination of information across Federal 
                        agencies, health care providers, researchers, 
                        and patient organizations.
                    ``(B) Consultation.--In developing the strategy 
                under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall, as 
                appropriate, consult with qualified stakeholder groups, 
                including patient organizations, health care 
                professionals, research entities, health insurance 
                providers, accrediting organizations, and relevant 
                Federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease 
                Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of 
                Health, and the Health Resources and Services 
                Administration.''; and
            (3) in subsection (h), as so redesignated, by striking 
        ``2020 through 2024'' and inserting ``2025 through 2029''.
                                                 Union Calendar No. 429


  2d Session

                               H. R. 7189

                          [Report No. 118-517]


                                 A BILL

   To amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize a national 
congenital heart disease research, surveillance, and awareness program, 
                        and for other purposes.


                              May 22, 2024

  Reported with an amendment, committed to the Committee of the Whole 
       House on the State of the Union, and ordered to be printed