[Congressional Bills 118th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
[S. 3195 Engrossed in Senate (ES)]

  2d Session
                                S. 3195


                                 AN ACT

To designate the General George C. Marshall House, in the Commonwealth 
of Virginia, as an affiliated area of the National Park System, and for 
                            other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in Congress assembled,

              AFFILIATED AREA.

    (a) In General.--The General George C. Marshall House in the 
Commonwealth of Virginia is established as an affiliated area of the 
National Park System (referred to in this section as the ``affiliated 
area'') to promote public appreciation of the significant historic 
contributions made by United States military leader and statesman 
George Catlett Marshall, Jr.
    (b) Description of Affiliated Area.--The affiliated area shall 
consist of the area generally depicted as the ``General George C. 
Marshall House Property, Leesburg, Virginia'' on the map entitled 
``General George C. Marshall House, Proposed Affiliated Area'', 
numbered 999/189,974, and dated September 2023.
    (c) Administration.--The affiliated area shall be managed in a 
manner consistent with--
            (1) this section; and
            (2) any law generally applicable to units of the National 
        Park System.
    (d) Management Entity.--The George C. Marshall International Center 
shall be the management entity for the affiliated area.
    (e) Agreements.--The Secretary of the Interior (referred to in this 
section as the ``Secretary'')--
            (1) may provide technical assistance and enter into 
        cooperative agreements with the management entity designated by 
        subsection (d) for the purpose of providing financial 
        assistance for the marketing, marking, interpretation, and 
        preservation of the affiliated area; and
            (2) shall enter into an agreement with the management 
        entity designated by subsection (d) that describes the roles 
        and responsibilities for the management of the affiliated area 
        consistent with the policies and standards that apply to units 
        of the National Park System.
    (f) Limited Role of the Secretary.--Nothing in this section 
authorizes the Secretary--
            (1) to acquire property at the affiliated area; or
            (2) to assume overall financial responsibility for the 
        operation, maintenance, or management of the affiliated area.

            Passed the Senate December 20 (legislative day, December 
      16), 2024.



  2d Session

                                S. 3195


                                 AN ACT

To designate the General George C. Marshall House, in the Commonwealth 
of Virginia, as an affiliated area of the National Park System, and for 
                            other purposes.