Working to Advance Tangible and Effective Reforms for California Act or the WATER for California Act

This bill addresses the operation of the Central Valley Project (CVP), a federal water project in California owned and operated by the Bureau of Reclamation, and the California State Water Project (SWP), which is operated jointly with the CVP.

Specifically, the bill requires that Reclamation operate the CVP and SWP pursuant to a specified alternative to a proposed action in a final environmental impact statement and 2019 agency published Biological Opinions (BiOps). The bill also requires Reclamation and the Department of Commerce to submit a justification to Congress that meets certain requirements prior to requesting or completing a reinitiation of consultation that will result in new BiOps.

This bill also requires Reclamation to allocate water to existing agricultural water service contractors within the CVP's Sacramento River Watershed based on the water year type (e.g., dry, wet). These allocations must not affect the United States' ability or obligations to deliver water under other designated contracts.

Further, the bill repeals certain eligibility requirements for water infrastructure construction funding under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to make the Shasta Dam and Reservoir Enlargement Project in California eligible for funding. The bill also requires that Reclamation funds made available but not used for this project in previous appropriations years be made available to the project.

Finally, the bill reauthorizes Reclamation's support for the construction or expansion of water storage projects.