The bill amends Section 2002.054 of the Occupations Code to allow certain nonprofit wildlife conservation associations to sell or offer raffle tickets through their Internet websites to previously identified supporters. Specifically, it introduces a new subsection (a-1) that permits these organizations, including local chapters and affiliates, to conduct such sales, while still prohibiting statewide promotion or advertising of the raffle through mass communication channels. The bill maintains restrictions on the use of the Internet for graphic or dynamic animations related to raffle entries or drawings.
Additionally, the bill clarifies that while these organizations can utilize their websites for ticket sales, they must adhere to the existing limitations on advertising and promotion. The act will take effect immediately if it receives a two-thirds vote from both houses of the legislature; otherwise, it will become effective on September 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Occupations Code 2002.054 (Occupations Code 2002)