House Bill No. 3549 mandates that school districts and open-enrollment charter schools in Texas report specific data regarding disciplinary and law enforcement actions taken against students. The bill introduces a new section, Section 37.088, to the Education Code, which requires superintendents to electronically submit incident-based data to the relevant agency within 60 days after the school year ends. This data must include the total number of restraints administered, complaints filed against students, and incidents resulting from law enforcement intervention, such as citations and arrests. The report must also include demographic information about the students involved, ensuring that the data is disaggregated by various student groups.

Additionally, the bill amends Section 12.104(b) of the Education Code to include the requirement for open-enrollment charter schools to report information regarding disciplinary or law enforcement actions as specified in the new Section 37.088. The act is set to take effect in the 2025-2026 school year, with provisions for immediate effect if it receives a two-thirds vote from both houses of the legislature. The data collected will be made publicly available while maintaining the confidentiality of student information and the identities of peace officers involved in the incidents.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Education Code 12.104 (Education Code 12)