The bill, H.B. No. 3535, mandates the establishment of emergency operation standards for package wastewater treatment plants in Texas. It introduces a new section, 26.054, to the Water Code, which defines key terms such as "emergency operations," "extended power outage," and "package plant." The bill requires operators of these facilities to ensure emergency operations during extended power outages, adopt an emergency preparedness plan for approval by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and implement various strategies for maintaining operations during emergencies. These strategies may include maintaining auxiliary generators, sharing resources with other facilities, and utilizing portable generators.

Additionally, the bill outlines the responsibilities of the TCEQ in reviewing and approving emergency preparedness plans, inspecting compliance, and coordinating with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Operators must submit their plans by May 1, 2026, and implement them by September 1, 2026. The bill emphasizes the confidentiality of information provided by operators and allows them to limit wastewater treatment services during emergencies. The act is set to take effect on September 1, 2025.

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