The bill, H.B. No. 3516, amends Section 552.144 of the Government Code to expand the exceptions under the public information law regarding the working papers and electronic communications of administrative law judges. Specifically, it includes technical examiners at the State Office of Administrative Hearings and the Railroad Commission of Texas. The bill specifies that certain documents, such as notes, drafts of proposals for decisions, and orders related to contested case hearings and alternative dispute resolution procedures, are exempt from public disclosure requirements.

The changes made by this Act will only apply to requests for public information received on or after its effective date of September 1, 2025. This legislation aims to protect the confidentiality of the deliberative processes of administrative law judges and technical examiners, thereby ensuring that their observations and thoughts remain private during the decision-making process.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Government Code 552.144 (Government Code 552)