The bill amends the composition and terms of the Moore County Juvenile Board as outlined in the Human Resources Code. It specifies that the board will now consist of the county judge, the judge of the County Court at Law of Moore County, and between three to five additional members appointed by the Moore County Commissioners Court, replacing the previous requirement of six appointed members. The terms of the appointed members will no longer be staggered two-year terms; instead, they will expire on December 31 of each even-numbered year, with the possibility of the Commissioners Court extending a member's term for up to two additional years.

Additionally, the bill clarifies that certain sections of the Human Resources Code, specifically Sections 152.0002 through 152.0006, will not apply to the juvenile board of Moore County, while previously applicable sections 152.0007 and 152.0008 have been removed. This legislation is set to take effect on September 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Human Resources Code 152.1771 (Human Resources Code 152)