The bill, S.B. No. 1495, proposes the establishment of the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Advisory Board under the Occupations Code. It amends the heading of Subchapter B to include "Commission and Department Powers and Duties" and introduces a new Subchapter B-1 specifically for the advisory board. The advisory board will consist of nine voting members appointed by the presiding officer of the commission, with representation from electric vehicle supply equipment companies, installation/service providers, the motor fuel retail industry, a public utility company, and the public. Additionally, two nonvoting ex officio members will represent the Texas Department of Transportation and the Texas Commission on Fire Protection.
The advisory board will serve a variety of functions, including advising on standards for the installation and maintenance of electric vehicle supply equipment and addressing issues related to electric vehicle charging stations. Members will serve six-year terms, and the board is set to be abolished on December 1, 2030. The presiding officer of the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation is required to appoint members to the board by December 1, 2025. The bill will take effect immediately if it receives a two-thirds vote from both houses; otherwise, it will take effect on September 1, 2025.