The bill, S.B. No. 1402, mandates that group homes in Texas register with either the municipal police department or the county sheriff's department within 60 days of beginning operations. This registration must include contact information for the owner or operator, as well as emergency contact details for another representative if necessary. Failure to comply with this registration requirement will result in a civil penalty of $2,500 for the first violation, with additional penalties of $100 for each subsequent day the violation continues. Municipalities or counties can take legal action to recover these penalties, including court costs and attorney's fees if they prevail.
Additionally, the bill allows municipal police departments or sheriff's departments to conduct periodic welfare checks on residents of group homes that are required to register. Existing group homes that began operations before the bill's effective date must complete their registration by November 1, 2025. The bill is set to take effect on September 1, 2025.