The bill amends the Texas Election Code to establish a uniform election date, specifically designating that runoff elections shall be held on a Tuesday instead of the previously allowed Saturday. It also modifies the heading of Section 41.001 to reflect the singular "UNIFORM ELECTION DATE" and clarifies that all elections in Texas, with certain exceptions, must occur on a Tuesday. Additionally, the bill mandates that political subdivisions holding general elections on dates other than the November uniform election date must change to the November date by December 31, 2025.

Further amendments include the repeal of specific provisions related to election dates and the removal of the option for elections to be held on Saturdays. The bill also specifies that if a special election is required by law, it must be held on an authorized uniform election date within the designated period unless it is not feasible. The changes aim to streamline the election process and ensure consistency across the state. The act is set to take effect on September 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Election Code 2.025, Election Code 41.001, Election Code 41.004, Election Code 41.0052, Election Code 203.013 (Election Code 2, Election Code 203, Election Code 41)