The resolution recognizes and honors Texans for Vaccine Choice, a statewide organization that has dedicated the past decade to advocating for informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice in Texas. The organization has worked to educate the public, empower individuals, and promote policies that uphold the right of Texans to make informed medical decisions without coercion or government mandates. Through grassroots activism and collaboration with medical professionals and lawmakers, Texans for Vaccine Choice has significantly influenced the legislative landscape, ensuring that personal autonomy in healthcare decisions is preserved for all Texans.

Additionally, the resolution congratulates Texans for Vaccine Choice on its 10th anniversary, commending its unwavering commitment to protecting individual rights and freedoms in healthcare. The Texas House of Representatives expresses its highest regard for the organization's contributions and directs that an official copy of the resolution be prepared for Texans for Vaccine Choice as a formal acknowledgment of their efforts.