H.B. No. 2485 proposes an amendment to the Education Code, specifically Section 22.003, to establish a new provision for personal leave related to wellness for school district employees. The bill introduces a new subsection (a-1), which entitles employees to a minimum of two days of compensated leave per year specifically for wellness purposes. Importantly, these wellness leave days cannot be accumulated or deducted from the employee's existing personal leave. Additionally, the bill mandates that school districts adopt policies governing the use of this leave, including the processing and documentation procedures, while also prohibiting the requirement of documentation from employees for taking these wellness days.
The provisions of this bill are set to take effect starting with the 2025-2026 school year. It will become effective immediately if it secures a two-thirds majority vote from all elected members in both houses; otherwise, it will take effect on September 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Education Code 22.003 (Education Code 22)