The bill, H.B. No. 2480, introduces Chapter 249 to the Local Government Code, which establishes regulations for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) by municipalities and counties in Texas. It defines an accessory dwelling unit as a complete and independent living facility located on a lot that is not zoned or is zoned for a single-family home or duplex. The governing bodies are authorized to create ordinances that allow for the construction of ADUs, including provisions for owner occupancy, parking, and the ability to sell or lease these units. Additionally, the bill permits municipalities and counties to charge fees related to the construction and regulation of ADUs, including impact fees for larger units and other specific fees.

The bill also outlines limitations on how municipalities and counties can regulate ADUs, ensuring that general zoning requirements apply while allowing for the publication of design standards and plans. It prohibits restrictions based on the age or employment relationship of the primary dwelling unit owner and clarifies that existing laws regarding historic preservation and homeowners associations remain unaffected. The act is set to take effect immediately upon receiving a two-thirds vote from both houses or on September 1, 2025, if that vote is not achieved.

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