The bill amends various sections of the Special District Local Laws Code concerning the operations and administration of the Concho County Hospital District. Key changes include the process for candidates to file for director positions, which now requires an application to be submitted to the board secretary instead of a petition signed by registered taxpaying voters. Additionally, the qualifications for being elected or appointed as a director have been updated to specify that candidates must be district residents and qualified voters, while also prohibiting district employees from serving as directors.
Further amendments include the restructuring of the board's officer roles, now requiring the election of a president, vice president, and secretary. The bill also clarifies the authority of the board to enter into construction contracts and specifies that the district may not incur debt beyond its available revenue. Several provisions have been repealed, including those related to the assistant administrator and certain contract requirements. The changes will apply to elections and appointments occurring after the bill's effective date, with provisions ensuring that current directors can continue to serve their terms.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Special District Local Laws Code 1016.053, Special District Local Laws Code 144.005, Special District Local Laws Code 1016.057, Special District Local Laws Code 1016.060, Special District Local Laws Code 1016.110, Special District Local Laws Code 1016.160 (Special District Local Laws Code 144, Special District Local Laws Code 1016)