The bill amends Section 63.0101(a) of the Election Code to update the acceptable forms of photo identification required for voting in Texas. Notably, it specifies that a driver's license is acceptable only if it does not include an expiration date as provided by certain sections of the Transportation Code. Additionally, the bill introduces a personal identification card issued by the Department of Public Safety as an acceptable form of ID, provided it has not expired or expired no earlier than four years before the date of presentation.
The bill also maintains other forms of acceptable identification, including military IDs, citizenship certificates, passports, and handgun licenses, all of which must meet the same expiration criteria. The act is set to take effect immediately upon receiving a two-thirds vote from both houses of the legislature; otherwise, it will take effect on September 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Election Code 63.0101 (Election Code 63)