The bill, H.B. No. 2337, proposes to amend the Government Code by adding Section 2204.104, which establishes the authority of the Texas governor to accept concurrent jurisdiction over United States military installations within the state. This concurrent jurisdiction can be requested by an authorized representative of the United States and may cover both full and partial jurisdiction over land owned or acquired for military purposes. The bill outlines the requirements for such applications, including the need for a written application, identification of the subject matter, and proper documentation of land ownership. It also specifies that the governor's acceptance must be documented and filed with the Secretary of State.

Additionally, the bill amends the heading of Section 2204.103 to reflect the retention of authority to execute legal processes after ceding jurisdiction to the United States. It clarifies that the state will not be liable for acts or omissions occurring on land where concurrent jurisdiction is established. The bill is set to take effect immediately upon receiving a two-thirds vote from both houses of the legislature or on September 1, 2025, if such a vote is not achieved.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Government Code 2204.103 (Government Code 2204)