The bill proposes a significant change to the governance of the Texas Water Development Board by requiring its members to be elected by qualified voters during general elections, rather than being appointed by the governor. The amendments to the Water Code include changes to Section 6.052, which now specifies that the board will consist of 16 members elected by voters in their respective regional water planning areas. Additionally, the bill outlines eligibility criteria for board members, emphasizing that they must have experience in engineering, public or private finance, or law or business. It also establishes that members will serve staggered six-year terms, with the first election scheduled for November 2026.

Furthermore, the bill includes provisions for the removal of board members who do not meet the qualifications or who are absent from meetings without approval. It repeals certain sections related to the previous appointment process and clarifies that the members will elect a chairman from among themselves. The bill is contingent upon the approval of a constitutional amendment proposed by the 89th Legislature, which must be approved by voters for the changes to take effect on September 1, 2025. If the amendment is not approved, the bill will have no effect.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Water Code 6.052, Water Code 6.053, Water Code 6.054, Water Code 6.056, Water Code 6.059, Water Code 6.062 (Water Code 6)