H.B. No. 2324 is a legislative bill aimed at establishing minimum staffing standards for assisted living facilities that care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders. The bill amends Section 247.029(b) of the Health and Safety Code, mandating that the executive commissioner adopt minimum standards that require these facilities to maintain an adequate ratio of direct care staff to residents. This ratio must be based on scientific evidence and take into account the increased need for supervision of residents with Alzheimer's and related disorders.

The bill emphasizes the importance of appropriate staffing levels to ensure the safety and well-being of residents with cognitive impairments. Following its passage, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission is tasked with adopting the necessary minimum standards to implement these changes as soon as practicable. The provisions of this act are set to take effect on September 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Health and Safety Code 247.029 (Health and Safety Code 247)