The bill amends the Texas Utilities Code to clarify the definitions of "cable service" and "video service." Specifically, it states that "cable service" does not include video programming accessed via services that allow users to access content over the Internet, such as streaming content. Additionally, the definition of "video service" is expanded to explicitly exclude several categories: video services provided by commercial mobile service providers, direct-to-home satellite services that do not use the public right-of-way, and any video programming accessed through Internet services.

These changes aim to delineate the scope of cable and video services more clearly, ensuring that certain Internet-based services and satellite offerings are not classified under traditional cable or video service regulations. The bill is set to take effect immediately upon receiving a two-thirds vote from both houses of the legislature, or on September 1, 2025, if such a vote is not achieved.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: Utilities Code 66.002 (Utilities Code 66)