The bill proposes the establishment of a Scrap Tire Remediation Grant Program under the Health and Safety Code, specifically adding Section 361.0315. This program aims to provide grants to counties for the purpose of reducing the illegal disposal of scrap tires in public areas, including inland and coastal waters. The commission is authorized to award grants for activities such as identifying and prosecuting violators of illegal disposal laws, educating the public to discourage such practices, and removing improperly disposed scrap tires.
The bill also establishes a dedicated Scrap Tire Remediation Grant Account within the general revenue fund, which will be funded through legislative appropriations, donations, and interest earned on the account. The funds can only be used for awarding grants and administering the program. Additionally, if the commission decides to implement the program, it is required to adopt rules for its administration. The act is set to take effect on September 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: Introduced: ()