The bill, H.B. No. 1928, introduces provisions regarding the reimbursement of costs associated with the assignment of statutory probate court judges in Texas. It adds a new section, 352.054, to the Estates Code, which mandates that a judge assigned to hear a contested matter must order the estate to reimburse the county for any compensation and expenses incurred by the county in accordance with the newly added Section 25.0022(o-1) of the Government Code. This section specifies that if a party files a motion for the assignment of a judge, and the motion is granted, the judge is required to order reimbursement from the estate and the parties involved.
Additionally, the bill amends Section 25.0022 of the Government Code to include provisions for the equitable apportionment of costs among the estate and the parties involved in the proceeding. It also clarifies that the county where the judge served is responsible for paying additional compensation for judges assigned outside their county of residence, subject to the new reimbursement provisions. The bill will take effect on September 1, 2025, and applies only to motions filed after this date, ensuring that any motions filed prior will be governed by the existing law.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Government Code 25.0022 (Government Code 25)