The bill, S.B. No. 758, amends the definition of a "governmental body" under the public information law in Texas. It expands the definition to include a new category: a nonprofit state association or organization primarily composed of similarly situated political subdivisions. This addition is marked by the insertion of new legal language, specifically item (xvi) in Section 552.003(1)(A). The bill also removes the word "and" from the previous list of entities that qualify as governmental bodies, indicating a restructuring of the list for clarity.
The changes made by this bill will only apply to requests for public information received by a governmental body or an officer for public information on or after the effective date of September 1, 2025. This means that any requests made prior to this date will not be subject to the new definition. The bill aims to enhance transparency and accountability by broadening the scope of entities that fall under the public information law.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Government Code 552.003 (Government Code 552)