The bill, S.B. No. 690, aims to enhance the authority of sheriffs and constables in counties with populations of 1 million or more by allowing them to enter into contracts for law enforcement services with property owners' associations or landowners in subdivisions. Specifically, it introduces new sections to the Local Government Code, namely Sections 85.025 and 86.026, which grant sheriffs and constables the ability to provide law enforcement services in designated areas without restrictions from the commissioners court. The bill stipulates that the terms of these contracts can be determined by the sheriff or constable independently of the commissioners court's approval.

Additionally, the bill establishes financial protections for the offices of sheriffs and constables, ensuring that funds appropriated to them cannot be transferred to the county's general revenue fund or restricted in their use. Section 130.903 outlines that any money received from contracts under the new provisions must be credited directly to the respective office and cannot reduce their overall appropriations. This legislation is designed to empower local law enforcement agencies and ensure they have the necessary resources to operate effectively in larger counties. The bill is set to take effect immediately upon receiving a two-thirds vote from both houses or on September 1, 2025, if that threshold is not met.

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